1493 Tickets V St Mirren

Longer term it downgrades the product when you see grounds that are 60% + empty. Hard to attract top sponsorship and new viewers with that negativity on show. Looks very bad, creating Mickey Mouse impression of the league. Affected fans should reach agreement, not to spend a penny inside the stadium or near its environment. I see they are looking for an extra £30 from their own supporters to compensate. It will be interesting to see how that goes. These clubs are the only business that I know, to have made a conscious decision, to turn away customers and profit. While at the same time moaning about their lack of income, and budget to compete with bigger clubs. Lunacy. And overseen by the incompetent idiots charged with overseeing, promoting and developing the game. Nice work SFA and SPFL.
Aye , bang on and suits sky as well by making out that our away games have empty seats. I wont be surprised if they follow Ross Countys example and change this ridiculous decision.
How many St Mirren fans will be prepared to pay the £30 donation for the lack of Celtic fans? Not many I'd guess, many will be outraged at being asked to cover it.
Fuck the Tims , get horsed anyway, and have even less revenue to prepare your shitty wee team to get less-pumped next time.

Bizniz geeenieusez, man.
Seriously. This has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard in quite some time. Head-shakingly stupid. Eye-rolling stupid. Face-slapping stupid.

Want to charge your own support extra to make up the difference? How do you think that's going to play?

Seriously. This has got to be the dumbest thing I've heard in quite some time. Head-shakingly stupid. Eye-rolling stupid. Face-slapping stupid.

Want to charge your own support extra to make up the difference? How do you think that's going to play?

I think the idea behind it is because they held a vote amongst their fans asking would they be prepared to pay extra if they reduced the capacity for Celtic & sevco visiting fans. The St Mirren fans voted in favour of this move. I think they pay extra and that pays for another fan who can't afford a ticket to get one for this game.

Personally I don't think too many will contribute extra money and they will revert back to grabbing as much money as possible from our fans within the next year or so.
I think the idea behind it is because they held a vote amongst their fans asking would they be prepared to pay extra if they reduced the capacity for Celtic & sevco visiting fans. The St Mirren fans voted in favour of this move. I think they pay extra and that pays for another fan who can't afford a ticket to get one for this game.

Personally I don't think too many will contribute extra money and they will revert back to grabbing as much money as possible from our fans within the next year or so.

I think you're right, Bridie Bhoy. As soon as they see their bottom line coming closer, they'll capitulate. You would think, though, that the wiser way would prevail, but . . .
I think you're right, Bridie Bhoy. As soon as they see their bottom line coming closer, they'll capitulate. You would think, though, that the wiser way would prevail, but . . .
You are right Larry. As a businessman I find it astonishing that a club would deliberately refuse to accept revenue which would form a significant % of their annual turnover.

This also makes a farce as to why we are continuing with this ludicrous 12 team top league with the unfair split. The idea was that these smaller clubs would be guaranteed 3 and maybe get a 4th home game against us and sevco. These games would boost their bank accounts but now they are turning their noses up at this easy income.

That being the case then let's reorganise the top league - 16 teams, home and away only. This reduces the amount of midweek games we all have to squeeze in (which are crap for fans and bring in much less from corporate). Also it won't be so boring for fans - and players - as the current setup where it is not unusual to play the same opponent 5 or 6 times per season! If Sky or whoever need extra "old firm" games then play a new year's day special cup alternating grounds each day. Through in series of derbies that week to guarantee an Edinburgh, Dundee, North East, Highlands, Ayrshire, etc, series of crowd pleasing televised matches during the holiday season.
Aye , bang on and suits sky as well by making out that our away games have empty seats. I wont be surprised if they follow Ross Countys example and change this ridiculous decision.
How many St Mirren fans will be prepared to pay the £30 donation for the lack of Celtic fans? Not many I'd guess, many will be outraged at being asked to cover it.
They voted for it ,,,,like turkeys voting for xmas
You are right Larry. As a businessman I find it astonishing that a club would deliberately refuse to accept revenue which would form a significant % of their annual turnover.

This also makes a farce as to why we are continuing with this ludicrous 12 team top league with the unfair split. The idea was that these smaller clubs would be guaranteed 3 and maybe get a 4th home game against us and sevco. These games would boost their bank accounts but now they are turning their noses up at this easy income.

That being the case then let's reorganise the top league - 16 teams, home and away only. This reduces the amount of midweek games we all have to squeeze in (which are crap for fans and bring in much less from corporate). Also it won't be so boring for fans - and players - as the current setup where it is not unusual to play the same opponent 5 or 6 times per season! If Sky or whoever need extra "old firm" games then play a new year's day special cup alternating grounds each day. Through in series of derbies that week to guarantee an Edinburgh, Dundee, North East, Highlands, Ayrshire, etc, series of crowd pleasing televised matches during the holiday season.
Sorry BB but I couldn't see how expanding the amount of teams within the league could work with reducing the amount of games played so even less revenue overall?
The whole issue I see here is the problem of Scottish football as a product overall imo.
Decisions like yesterday in regards of lumpofshit will destroy the product and keeping it as a kick fest for the remainder of the season.
So again how can you attract support to watch a product that leaves you totally frustrated by cheating mibs struggling to imply the rules of the game and the authorities within the game continuing to show and display their favoritism towards such a shower of scum still?
Even on Sunday at Dundee United we will see empty seats throughout the ground yet the same ground was packed out against AZ only a couple of weeks ago and AZ hardly bringing the same amount of support we would to the ground. Ourselves should be a far bigger attraction, better quality on show, bigger footballing names all round, yet within Dundee, AZ remains a bigger attraction??????
I actually got no problem with diddy team's hoping to grow there own fan base as such by trying to make a stand against Glasgow team's but stand very little, if any chance whatsoever all the while the overall product and the way its reported and promoted on currently is all so bias towards such a shower of scum still imo
Sorry BB but I couldn't see how expanding the amount of teams within the league could work with reducing the amount of games played so even less revenue overall?
The whole issue I see here is the problem of Scottish football as a product overall imo.
Decisions like yesterday in regards of lumpofshit will destroy the product and keeping it as a kick fest for the remainder of the season.
So again how can you attract support to watch a product that leaves you totally frustrated by cheating mibs struggling to imply the rules of the game and the authorities within the game continuing to show and display their favoritism towards such a shower of scum still?
Even on Sunday at Dundee United we will see empty seats throughout the ground yet the same ground was packed out against AZ only a couple of weeks ago and AZ hardly bringing the same amount of support we would to the ground. Ourselves should be a far bigger attraction, better quality on show, bigger footballing names all round, yet within Dundee, AZ remains a bigger attraction??????
I actually got no problem with diddy team's hoping to grow there own fan base as such by trying to make a stand against Glasgow team's but stand very little, if any chance whatsoever all the while the overall product and the way its reported and promoted on currently is all so bias towards such a shower of scum still imo
But I am not convinced that the overall revenue will drop that much (but there will be lower operating costs due to the slightly fewer games in total) due to the fewer games. I appreciate this seems contradictory, but in my opinion, average crowd sizes would increase.

The main reasons for this is that there would be a higher percentage of games played at the weekends where more casual fans are likely to attend. So clubs are not forking out the same amount to host a poorly attended midweek game as they do for weekend games.

Fans (and players as well no doubt) are completely fed-up of the boring 3 or 4 league matches against the same opponents every bloody season (plus cup games too). This would provide more variation for everyone which makes it more interesting.

It will not be cut-throat for teams wanting to avoid relegation so there will hopefully be less bus-parking and more of an attempt to go for a win which makes for better viewing (this is very subjective and may or may not be the case).

There may be flaws in my arguments, but I would also argue that there are even more flaws in the current business model that is being used in Scottish football. IMO it is failing most parties and is not fit for purpose.

One of the main problems here is that there is a total lack of belief in the product by the very people who should be promoting our national sport. And if they think it is crap then no wonder sponsors, tv broadcasters, etc, will short-change them in negotiations, or tell them to go away as they are not interested. It is a shambles and is being run like a village bowling club rather than our national sport.
But I am not convinced that the overall revenue will drop that much (but there will be lower operating costs due to the slightly fewer games in total) due to the fewer games. I appreciate this seems contradictory, but in my opinion, average crowd sizes would increase.

The main reasons for this is that there would be a higher percentage of games played at the weekends where more casual fans are likely to attend. So clubs are not forking out the same amount to host a poorly attended midweek game as they do for weekend games.

Fans (and players as well no doubt) are completely fed-up of the boring 3 or 4 league matches against the same opponents every bloody season (plus cup games too). This would provide more variation for everyone which makes it more interesting.

It will not be cut-throat for teams wanting to avoid relegation so there will hopefully be less bus-parking and more of an attempt to go for a win which makes for better viewing (this is very subjective and may or may not be the case).

There may be flaws in my arguments, but I would also argue that there are even more flaws in the current business model that is being used in Scottish football. IMO it is failing most parties and is not fit for purpose.

One of the main problems here is that there is a total lack of belief in the product by the very people who should be promoting our national sport. And if they think it is crap then no wonder sponsors, tv broadcasters, etc, will short-change them in negotiations, or tell them to go away as they are not interested. It is a shambles and is being run like a village bowling club rather than our national sport.
Very true BB but the standard needs to improve within the current set up before expanding upon the current set up imo.
Actually believe that most teams are trying to do that on what I've seen already and if the increased competition within the SPFL, that was produced last season with only really the diet huns having a nothing of a league season to participate in and 7 teams competing up to the split with realistic chances of gaining European football, yet nothing was done to promote that competition for such places as the only focus remained within Glasgow still.
Hopefully the same level of competition can still exist this season and even be improved upon which gives an all round better product.
So to improve the standard of football with better quality this has to also include the SPFL, Scottish FA and the cheating mibs also.
But still no movement upon that issue and everything points towards the overall product becoming worse when VAR is introduced for reasons I stated earlier.
All the while there is such a Hun influence within the overall Scottish game, I fail to see what chance the product of Scottish football can actually grow whatsoever and even moreso that no one is prepared to make a stand against such scum either imo BB, no matter what changes in the format of the structure of the SPFL were ever introduced imo.

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