A Big Birthday

When Danny decided to take up the management of Arbroath, the locals were in awe at having a world-class international being at the helm. He may have not been at Gayfield too long, but he certainly left a lasting impression. There are still three Lichties fans that go to the games with their Danny beards on and the fact that he was just a down-to-earth, humble man without an ego or a complex meant more to them than just winning football matches.

Happy Birthday Danny.........may your presence grace us for many more to come.
Happy Birthday Danny, as a Celtic & Scotland fan, you were a once in a generation player & in my eyes was one of the best full backs in the world,, Aye & he could ping a cross, unlike some of the present, fullbacks who are lucky if they could cross the fcvkin road, never mind the a Baw

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