A Statement of Intent


Well-known member
The buzz phrase of the weekend above. Applied to the slaughter of poor St Johnstone it's context is clear. Applied to the decision by Gerard's motley crew to play until the fat lady signs it's probably more hopeful and definitely ignores the preceding 90 minutes.

In the context of an away support, which shall go unnamed in the best traditions of the SMSM, smashing the accommodation provide for their own disabled supporters to pieces; it takes on darker context. If this is how the unnamed react when they are happy, imagine how they will react when it goes against them.

There should be no hiding behind jurisdictions here, SFA and / or SPFL need to nip this in the bud now* or it will be even worse than last year.

*warning: do not hold breath waiting on this.
Did they win their first major throphy in their seven years of existence?? No they managed to beat the mighty Kilmarnock away. These peepul are really a very dangerous Klan. This was how they behave after winning a game (luckily), I dread to think what their reaction will be when we hump them at their midden in September.
this behaviour by the huns is of course by no means a modern day problem older celtic fans like myself will remember the 1965 league cup final when after we beat them 2-1 they invaded the pitch in their thousands and tried to attack the celtic team on their lap of honour in fact the following day a photo appeared in the paper showing a hun thug swinging a bottle at the celtic players the following decade was marked by numerous field invasions by the hun hoardes every time celtic scored against them so the more things change the more they stay the same its in their d.n.a
this behaviour by the huns is of course by no means a modern day problem older celtic fans like myself will remember the 1965 league cup final when after we beat them 2-1 they invaded the pitch in their thousands and tried to attack the celtic team on their lap of honour in fact the following day a photo appeared in the paper showing a hun thug swinging a bottle at the celtic players the following decade was marked by numerous field invasions by the hun hoardes every time celtic scored against them so the more things change the more they stay the same its in their d.n.a


Did they win their first major throphy in their seven years of existence?? No they managed to beat the mighty Kilmarnock away. These peepul are really a very dangerous Klan. This was how they behave after winning a game (luckily), I dread to think what their reaction will be when we hump them at their midden in September.
Jim I hope to God that's not a premonition.
I fear the worst when the inevitable skelping happens,more so because I can see them dropping a few points in the next games.
Jim I hope to God that's not a premonition.
I fear the worst when the inevitable skelping happens,more so because I can see them dropping a few points in the next games.

Every guy who goes knows the score. 800 is quite a team. They stick together and they will be fine. I always think we should give these tickets to our tickets. Good guys who don’t mind a set too. :)
Did they win their first major throphy in their seven years of existence?? No they managed to beat the mighty Kilmarnock away. These peepul are really a very dangerous Klan. This was how they behave after winning a game (luckily), I dread to think what their reaction will be when we hump them at their midden in September.
Fair point. They have previous for invading their own pitch against us.
this behaviour by the huns is of course by no means a modern day problem older celtic fans like myself will remember the 1965 league cup final when after we beat them 2-1 they invaded the pitch in their thousands and tried to attack the celtic team on their lap of honour in fact the following day a photo appeared in the paper showing a hun thug swinging a bottle at the celtic players the following decade was marked by numerous field invasions by the hun hoardes every time celtic scored against them so the more things change the more they stay the same its in their d.n.a
Authorities have to take action this time, it was first game of the season, if they let it go I fear what may happen next.
The buzz phrase of the weekend above. Applied to the slaughter of poor St Johnstone it's context is clear. Applied to the decision by Gerard's motley crew to play until the fat lady signs it's probably more hopeful and definitely ignores the preceding 90 minutes.

In the context of an away support, which shall go unnamed in the best traditions of the SMSM, smashing the accommodation provide for their own disabled supporters to pieces; it takes on darker context. If this is how the unnamed react when they are happy, imagine how they will react when it goes against them.

There should be no hiding behind jurisdictions here, SFA and / or SPFL need to nip this in the bud now* or it will be even worse than last year.

*warning: do not hold breath waiting on this.

I don't think they were happy More relieved

What do they have to be happy about?

Dead Club
New Club skint
Playing crap
Going bust again
Gonnae get Humped on 1st September
Not going any further in Europa League
Mike Ashley gonnae take them to the cleaners

If you were in their position would you be happy?
