Actions on the pitch


Well-known member
Just watching ITV news and a Police Federation Rep saying that on field actions caused fighting and stabbings in Glasgow city centre after yesterday"s Derby match
Just come out and say it Rangers players lost the plot and that's what caused the problem

It begs the question. ...... Why would Celtic fans riot fight or stab anyone because the won a game? It just doesn't"t make sense

Scottish Cup final 2016 Hibs beat the HUNS and Hibs fans invaded the pitch to celebrate It was wrong but why did the HUNS invade the pitch What did they have to celebrate?
We were told that it was to safe guard their players What a load of shite

Same thing after 1980 Scottish Cup Final
We won Some of our fans invaded the pitch in over exuberance but why did the HUN HOARDES invade the pitch if not to cause aggro?

Reports a HUN fan was arrested BEFORE yesterday"s match for shouting abuse at Celtic fans and BITING a Cop

Willie Waddell proudly announced to the world years ago that "Rangers fans would go home and give their wives a bashing about" if Rangers lose

NOTHING seems to have changed in that regard

This excuse for a Club are just as bad if not worse than their predecessors if not a whole lot worse At least the original mob won things albeit they were still an embarrassment to Scotland and Scottish football

HUNS And SEVCO have ALWAYS been fond of signing NEDS

EL HAJ DIOUF MORELOS HURLOCK GRAHAM ROBERTS WILLIE JOHNSTON to name but a few so going back 50 years right up to the present day nothing has changed

I agree that players must act responsibly on the pitch but Scott Brown being a scapegoat is such a crock of shit

Deflection from the fact that they are crap and a team of bad losers is the reason there is always trouble when they lose

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Demoted,Relegated that's the language they use to detach from reailty. Society has passed them by and there self Entitled importance.And that's what fucking kills them no cunt came to bail them out and that realization fucking destroyed them! So revert to type! Aye it's the SFA,Refs,SNP, all in a conspiracy against them fuckin mental! Never mind getting unliquidated Dave we trust! Aye nae bother Billy..???