Ange and Spurs

I think the look on PL's & DD's faces yesterday told the story.
They should have been ecstatic like the rest of us but they looked totally scunnered.

Have to say that I believed in Ange when he said we wouldn't believe how long he'd be here. I think I took that the wrong way!

However, no one is bigger than Celtic but if they bring in BR then I'm out.
The only folk loyal to this club are the fans
My point in my usual rambling post late last night
The fans are in it for the love of the club.
Players and managers ain't fans
They love the experience and they'll support Celtic for as long as they live but any EPL offer and they're on the first flight
Aye it hurts, but FFS we lost Henrik once and we're still here

Another interesting statement he made yesterday and he has hinted at several times over the last few weeks is the 'few players that might not be here next season'. I wonder if he's plantins seeds for leaving i.e. deals are already done and he's hinting this is all part of his thinking.
Who’s to say the drop in form for the last four games wasn’t down to players gettin the news about him legging it?to be honest a don’t think Kyogo,jota,Abada,,and hatate have the physical strength to do a campaign in the premiership!!can be quite tough doon there!!
Someone said earlier on this thread (sorry, I can't recall who it was - maybe several of you) that Ange is just not commenting because he is playing the SMSM. They are not the important ones in this - the fans are. Without the fans, Celtic wouldn't have the commercial might to pay his wages.

He should also have stated his intention before the season ticket renewal deadline on 31st May so that the season ticket holders knew what they were getting for their renewals. It's not right to have them renew and keeps the news until after they have done so.
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Wonder how he feels about this???
I get how this sort of quote may look in the days ahead, but we need to see this for what it is.
A guy with his background who has had to turn stones for decades to get where he is and we all know to a man that he is going to the very top. Unfortunately circimustances dictate that we can't provide the chance to reach that pinnacle, we are only ever going to be a stepping stone on the way.
Its not our fault and its not his. I don't like it but i get it and it'll happen for the forseeable future.

I remember as a kid in my first year going to games, i got pictures outside Paradise with my favourite players over the course of a few weeks.
McLeod, McInally, McClair and he i wont say his name.
They all left in one summer.
My uncle refused to take me round to the foyer at CP ever again, a fucking jinx he called me, even though i was only 5. I never got to go to away games or huns games, so i never saw us lose a game for about 2 years. Your our lucky charm, but you can also empty a dressing room.....
He did relent on getting a picture with the players. I remember during Lou Macari's days he offered to stand there all fucking night taking pictures'.

I also remember Wim and the 3 amigo's.......

fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me

My dads 68 and he's fucking gutted, my mum says he's hardly spoke all day, fuck he never even ate his Sunday dinner FFS. He's coped well with all life has thrown at him, but Ange leaving........ This is a guy who dragged me through life, like probably many Dads, it took all his powers over the years not to kick the fucking shit out of me daily. But whereas we didn't see eye to eye for a few decades, we are great pals now. I say pals, but thats a warm fuzzy description, we get on great, but he's the only guy that i can call Dad so he gets that respect he's earned. Where am i ..
oh aye, i called him tonight and gave him intae trouble, FFS Dad, get a grip, if the huns win a trophy then its ok to be gutted, but the worst aint happened yet.
My point, he's like many on here, like jilted lovers, end of the world, angry, etc....

But its role reversal, i'm the adult in the room and i refuse to let myself go there.
Being a tim means theres plenty highs and massive lows, the main thing is tomorrow were still treble winners and miles ahead of the huns. So for me, its thanks Ange, mind shut the door behind you on the way out. Its not as if we'll not get a manager and if we pick a good un, we'll fuck them into oblivion again.
Fuck me, i'm that positive i'm already looking forward to the excitement of the who....

I've also said it a few times on here over last few weeks, i've never really thought we've been that great to be honest of late, heading in the right direction aye, good players aye, but winning games through attitude over than style. Even with Ange, there was still a lot of work still to do
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Someone said earlier on this thread (sorry, I can't recall who it was - maybe several of you) that Ange is just not commenting because he is playing the SMSM. They are not the important ones in this - the fans are. Without the fans, Celtic wouldn't have the commercial might to pay his wages.

He should also have stated his intention before the season ticket renewal deadline on 31st May so that the season ticket holders knew what they were getting for their renewals. It's not right to have them renew and keeps the news until after they have done so.
A just decided the day before deadline day to renew after reading and listening to all the positive chatter..was feeling the pinch but went with my gut🤷‍♂️fuckin idiot..£729..missus knows hee haw😂😂