Anton Ralston


Well-known member
We all know that celtic need a new right back and are in the marker for one.
Ralston has been taking a bit of a battering on here and elsewhere these last few weeks. I personally think it's been a bit overboard.
OK he didn't have the best game during the week. He was good against hearts and scored a lovely goal. He was also one of over best performer's away in Denmark. I think having Biton playing CB on his side is not doing him any favours.
I think it's about time the fans lay off him and start to give him a bit of backing.
We all know that celtic need a new right back and are in the marker for one.
Ralston has been taking a bit of a battering on here and elsewhere these last few weeks. I personally think it's been a bit overboard.
OK he didn't have the best game during the week. He was good against hearts and scored a lovely goal. He was also one of over best performer's away in Denmark. I think having Biton playing CB on his side is not doing him any favours.
I think it's about time the fans lay off him and start to give him a bit of backing.
The only people that should be getting stick are those with the talent but lack the effort.
Oh and sack the board
We all know that celtic need a new right back and are in the marker for one.
Ralston has been taking a bit of a battering on here and elsewhere these last few weeks. I personally think it's been a bit overboard.
OK he didn't have the best game during the week. He was good against hearts and scored a lovely goal. He was also one of over best performer's away in Denmark. I think having Biton playing CB on his side is not doing him any favours.
I think it's about time the fans lay off him and start to give him a bit of backing.

As someone who has bashed him I would agree 🤣....easy to criticise a player when you're sitting on your arse watching on telly. There is no doubting he gives 100%....and he would be a stand out at any other team in scotland. Just don't think he's celtic quality. We need a RB who's composed on the ball. He makes the wrong decision to many times and puts us under pressure far to often....again, no faulting his desire but not good enough for Celtic.....IMO
We all know that celtic need a new right back and are in the marker for one.
Ralston has been taking a bit of a battering on here and elsewhere these last few weeks. I personally think it's been a bit overboard.
OK he didn't have the best game during the week. He was good against hearts and scored a lovely goal. He was also one of over best performer's away in Denmark. I think having Biton playing CB on his side is not doing him any favours.
I think it's about time the fans lay off him and start to give him a bit of backing.
I don't think it personal towards the lad. I'm sure he's doin his best, but he's just not good enough. He probably knows that himself. We need better quality.
As someone who has bashed him I would agree 🤣....easy to criticise a player when you're sitting on your arse watching on telly. There is no doubting he gives 100%....and he would be a stand out at any other team in scotland. Just don't think he's celtic quality. We need a RB who's composed on the ball. He makes the wrong decision to many times and puts us under pressure far to often....again, no faulting his desire but not good enough for Celtic.....IMO
He still fairly young and learning the game, but you can see improvements.

Both our fullbacks are ....they are both decent players and try harder in games than most but unfairly treated because anyone who comes after Lustig and Tierney have big shoes to fill
Again, not doubting their commitment....but trying hard shouldn't merit being a 1st team celtic player....thats the definition of letting the shirt shrink to fit inferior players...fucks sake I'd give 100% in a hoops top, doesn't make me good enough. Ralston has been caught out on several occasions. Making wrong decisions, rash challenges and not enough pace to get back and defend. Also can't cross a ball....we need better in that position if we are serious about winning the league.
If the rest of our team should ralston commitment last season, we wouldn't be in this position. His passion has never been in doubt. But that's not enough unfortunately.
I think that’s the point. The number of players who wander about without commitment has been the problem
At the moment my concern is young Turnbull who seems to have lost his way somewhat. Edouard just wants away and Rogic is a lost soul.
Anyway we need two decent full backs and I don’t rule out Bolingoli and we are going to have to get a centre forward.
Repeating myself get Nisbet and Doig from Hibs and pap Griffiths off as part of the deal.
LB for Celtic has always been an issue......Big Tam wis the best, then along came KT.....every player in between .....some good....some not so good......Good LB's are hard to find.....Liverpool and Arsenal prob have the 2 best in Europe.....And both were on oor books .....Big position to fill at Celtic, because we play the way Jock Stein invented....
We all know that celtic need a new right back and are in the marker for one.
Ralston has been taking a bit of a battering on here and elsewhere these last few weeks. I personally think it's been a bit overboard.
OK he didn't have the best game during the week. He was good against hearts and scored a lovely goal. He was also one of over best performer's away in Denmark. I think having Biton playing CB on his side is not doing him any favours.
I think it's about time the fans lay off him and start to give him a bit of backing.
I agree with your sentiments regarding giving the boy a break. But it has absolutely nothing to do with Biton. I hope he stays at Paradise but only as back up.
I personally don't believe we give enough credit for the role the modern full back is expected to give nowadays.
No longer are they judged upon how hard they can kick a winger into the stands, they now have become huge players in how a team is set up and wants to actually play.
They possibly have to cover more ground than any other players and at great speed also. Nearly judged more so on there forward play nowadays than defensive play and yet we expect them to be masters at both like a KT.
Ralston for me, is possibly our best example of how poor our coaching has been of late and still say he deserved a chance more so than wasting time on JJK last season, and has already produced more than him in 4 games than he did in how many?
Taylor is no KT and will never be regards quality, but then how many LB will be?
Relys upon finding the space more so than being able to generate it with his own skills and yet the work he created for the 1st goal last night was brilliant yet went unnoticed.
A totally new system of play has been bought into the club especially for the FB to get use to, Taylor adapting better with more game time under his belt at present, yet both haven't let the team down in any way still, mistakes yes but who hasn't so far?
The full back role, is always made easier with your CH partnership on your decision making and when and how far forward you can play with comfort, we still have to sort that still, so decision making will be harder atm for them and the experience coming in should hopefully improve there all round play.
We could have played it safe by playing a flat back 4 with 4 or 5 in midfield and asked them both to stand there and play it safely, us supporters would have soon got pissed off with that approach to the game.
Yes I do believe we can get better quality in the role our full back's give and hope we do, but wouldn't totally write off Ralston or Taylor yet anyway imo.

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