Auldheid Happy - Resolution 11 Gets The Go Ahead at The Celtic Trust

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Res12 is dead

Long live Res11.

During the CST productive meeting on Tuesday the above became clear.

The answer to anyone asking what is Res11 is:


At last AGM Celtic said Res 12 was unnecessary because Celtic would engage with relevant authorities on the issue of failing to apply their rules when the SFA abandoned their judicial investigation into 2011 non compliance with UEFA FFP by old Rangers.

The shareholders statement reported under Res11 basically said rules have to be followed or football is no longer a game.

A statement to that effect was reported on the AGM 2020 notice under Resolution 11, so whilst Resolution 12 adjourned at the 2013 AGM, which asked UEFA to investigate non compliance, was voted against by Celtic at 2020 AGM, the basis for doing that , i.e that Celtic would engage etc is reported under Resolution 11 in AGM papers.

Seeing the issue under the Res12 label has caused confusion and that is down to how Celtic technically removed Res12 2013 from future AGM agendas by promising to engage with relevant authorities (the SFA) on the non application of their rules.

Holding the SFA to their word by engaging with them is now the issue and having cleared the confusion, the CST appreciate the value in doing that, in effect holding Celtic to account to hold the SFA to account as stated under Res11 in AGM notice.

So Res12 is dead, long live Res11 to keep pressure on Celtic to pressure the SFA on a matter that becomes one of the most serious attention with every stamp, every penalty not given, every penalty give, every red card issued when a game is tight and that is applying the rules without fear or favour, not burying them from fear that favours will stop.

Res11 puts Celtic in a position of engaging relevant authorities. Shareholders via the CST whose numbers are increasing will be keeping Celtic to their word. If you want an end to the farce you pay good money to watch, join the CST to make your voice heard.