Bain or Gordon


Well-known member
I think Gordon is a great shot stopper however i don't think he commands his box enough and doesn't take many crosses. As for Bain i think he also is a great shot stopper but commands his box better. More comfortable to come for crosses. Better distribution from the back. I'd like to see him play more.
I think Gordon is a great shot stopper however i don't think he commands his box enough and doesn't take many crosses. As for Bain i think he also is a great shot stopper but commands his box better. More comfortable to come for crosses. Better distribution from the back. I'd like to see him play more.
I think Gordon is a great shot stopper however i don't think he commands his box enough and doesn't take many crosses. As for Bain i think he also is a great shot stopper but commands his box better. More comfortable to come for crosses. Better distribution from the back. I'd like to see him play more.
No much between them Stevie CG always plays a blinder against the dead peepul
I think Gordon is a great shot stopper however i don't think he commands his box enough and doesn't take many crosses. As for Bain i think he also is a great shot stopper but commands his box better. More comfortable to come for crosses. Better distribution from the back. I'd like to see him play more.
I played nets and while that doesn't qualify an opinion, I have to say that I agree with you on all counts.

Playing out is an important part of the goalie's game nowadays, but some analysts tend to forget that their main job is always to keep the ball oot the pokey!

There aren't many keepers that are born to the position, we usually end up there by default because we were feckin hopeless in open play.

Most keepers fancy themselves as a midfield maestro or a deadly finisher......that's why you see them charging up like the cavalry in injury time for a corner or free-kick.

I've got a great deal of admiration for CG and the way he came back from what was a career-threatening injury. His reflexes are top drawer and some of his shot-stopping is outstanding.......cross balls have always been his achilles heel and you're right about commanding his box and his defence. Some of Joso and Boyata's wayward moments were due to not receiving clear instruction from the back and they were not always alert to the danger!

Bain is also a really good shot stopper, better round the box, and commits to the cross (doesn't always get there, but causes enough disruption to stop a free header). He's not quite so great positionally (that comes with experience) and gets done at the near post too often. He deserves more games though and that would also add an extra year to CG's career.

I think we're in decent hands with these two......There's not a great deal of stand-out keepers throughout the world at the moment (forget about the price-tags) and there aren't any in Scotland I would take before these two.

Would loved to have seen Shay play for The Hoops, of all Macari's dubious decisions, letting Shay go has to be the biggest bungle.

Then again, there was Wayne Biggins......