Big Kris. How good is he?

Stupidly i didn’t know borstal was same thing as a YO, i just thought it was a place you went to if you were bad at school n the like back in the day ??
Noran side and polmont i think was the only two borstals and Bar-L had YOs, Borstal 2 year, YO 3 months onwards and detention 3 month short sharp shock equivalent of national conscription
Noran side and polmont i think was the only two borstals and Bar-L had YOs, Borstal 2 year, YO 3 months onwards and detention 3 month short sharp shock equivalent of national conscription

Think most of my uncles were present.

Its the same with bhoys in our family yet the ghirls all do really well.

I think the bhoys are always up to no good with a wee bit of ducking and diving.

No quick fixes. You have to earn your scratch legitimately imho.

But the bhoys, my cousins etc are all fuuny guys. I love them regardless.
Ajer will be like Vand dijk if not better if he continues to play like that.
Today he made the mistake by not passing the ball to Eduard and missed the chance to score for second time.Many players don't help Edouard and wasting classic chances and goals.
Now you will know what the voice in us and them was about

Well I mean, they're not gonna kill ya, so like, if you give 'em a quick sh...short, sharp shock, they don't do it again. Dig it? I mean he got off light, 'cause I coulda given 'im a thrashin' but I only hit him once. It's only the difference between right and wrong innit? I mean good manners don't cost nothing do they, eh?[6]
I remember 2 of my Uncles were great mates and watched them whilst they were merrily on their way to oblivion doing the Madness dance up the hill to my Grans house. They were fkn brilliant at it had the full street in stitches.
I am out of this site WC getting more like CQN with adverts. not for me. love you peeps, make up your mind re this site wonderful
people check the adverts. PL must be running this blog.. proproganda love you all wake up coffee etc.bye .
I am out of this site WC getting more like CQN with adverts. not for me. love you peeps, make up your mind re this site wonderful
people check the adverts. PL must be running this blog.. proproganda love you all wake up coffee etc.bye .

Get an ad blocker pal and stay. I like your quirky posts. ??
It's simple, the bhoy has a talent and a will to keep on improving, very rarely use the term but we have a world class player on our books, the vultures down south will be watching the lad and will come sooner rather than later, he will eventually smash the record for a transfer fee in Scotland, I would love the guy to stay for many years, 5 at least, but he is so good that might be difficult.