Boycott the hearts cup game

John Clark could show the Charlie Nicks, Kris Commons and Andy Walkers of this world how to behave as a real Celtic legend. At his age he is still on the books because he eats, sleeps and breathes Celtic. A great servant as well as a great player and advocate of the club.
those three phux aren't fit to lace john clark's boots three things these legends had in spades,humility their love of celtic and their sense of duty to the fans,three things those phux never had HH
those three phux aren't fit to lace john clark's boots three things these legends had in spades,humility their love of celtic and their sense of duty to the fans,three things those phux never had HH
He is a warm person to meet, very humble and respectful, there is just something about the real working class you cannot buy, maybe the word is appreciative. tweet tweet PF
It's one out, all out or no one out at all.

The unfortunate thing is that anything positive we do to tackle the SFA/SPFL will involve removing our support for the team.

How certain supporters fail to accept that fact is beyond me.

I'll keep praying for a Messiah to part the blue sea. I know it won't be me!
catch 22 anton boycott the game- detrimental to the team, don't boycott the game-endorsement of sfa/sfpl! HH
catch 22 anton boycott the game- detrimental to the team, don't boycott the game-endorsement of sfa/sfpl! HH


... and if we are going to the game, and if we are going to play by SPFL/SFA rules then we have to put up and shut up as all the blogs, all opinions and all decency has no right to moan!

We know how it has worked for years and not a single unified action by our support has occurred.

Keep the status quo, keep getting shafted, keep moaning ... and on and on and on ad nauseum!

There is not a single point worth raising, as stated, because we bend over and take an almighty shafting over and over again.

Now, once more, who are we to accuse Rangers (2012) supporters of being 'thick as shit'?
Again going to work so only chance to respond .
Thanks for the great points on both sides. I respect Celtic fans not wanting to hurt our club.
I understand the potential loss of the rebel treble treble, but we have been shown that the Strangers are going to get away with murder. That other teams are able to kick our team waist high ( the Aberdeen game ) , kick our players on the ground (the hearts game etc ) and more significantly the authorities are operating an anyone but Celtic attitude.
Unless we hit them where it hurts , their profits , this will continue and I agree wholeheartedly with anton etc that we then only have ourselves to blame if we accept.
This could be our sitting back at the back of the bus and just accepting it moment or not. Obviously not of the same degre by any manner, but Rosa Parks was similarly a financial boycott which punished both parties but showed the strength of the communities resolve and was ultimately successful.
Anyway to work.
Yours in Celtic hh.
All the cups are endorsed by betting companies and tv, thats two revenue streams that can be boycotted, if you have an online account for example, ladbrokes willie hill bet fred for your flutter cancel it and state why if asked on the cancellation, Paddy power will have you. Cancel your sky if they have the cup games, entrance fee is only a small part of staging major tournaments now, its the sponsorship money that keeps the game ticking over.
the great jc

I feel proud, magic clip Boab, thanx pal ☘️

... and if we are going to the game, and if we are going to play by SPFL/SFA rules then we have to put up and shut up as all the blogs, all opinions and all decency has no right to moan!

We know how it has worked for years and not a single unified action by our support has occurred.

Keep the status quo, keep getting shafted, keep moaning ... and on and on and on ad nauseum!

There is not a single point worth raising, as stated, because we bend over and take an almighty shafting over and over again.

Now, once more, who are we to accuse Rangers (2012) supporters of being 'thick as shit'?

Aye but they are ?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️?‍♂️ Afterall
Remember this when people say the SFA nad associations are not guilty as charged of the things we accuse them of, remind them of the EBTs and then the European Licence and the debt that had materialised and crystalised when Regan said they had no debt until res 12 set to him, he claimed it was not crystalised at the time, see below attachment.
HH we shall not be moved.View attachment 163
Great stuff Boab,
Post that letter to the hun loving stupids like bilco, Clark, Crichton and all the other duffers that troll our sites.
HH buddy.
I cannot post as much as I would like. I love being part of this club and this community.
I would urge fellow fans to boycott the game in Edinburgh as a protest in support of the team and against the spfl.
For too long this sort of contemptuos attitude to fair play and even handedness has blighted our game . There is not one Celtic fan who expects any kind of parity of treatment by this organisation. I suggest we therefore boycott this game and spend the money in the Celtic shop or on the Celtic charities.
They will have to answer when the stadium is 3/4 empty in Edinburgh , or not . At least they will not have our money in as well. Maybe hearts will take up the slack and fill murrayfield? Maybe not.
Yours in Celtic hh.
totally agree I would take it a step further and boycott all away grounds