Boycott the world cup

This is one of those situations that we find so very difficult to understand isn't it ? I mean, we ask ourselves how the hell can people be so backward ? Is it faith,? culture,? custom?. We just don't get it. Here's the really strange thing though, they would say exactly the same about us. Don't think we'll see their woman playing the beautiful game any time soon.
This is one of those situations that we find so very difficult to understand isn't it ? I mean, we ask ourselves how the hell can people be so backward ? Is it faith,? culture,? custom?. We just don't get it. Here's the really strange thing though, they would say exactly the same about us. Don't think we'll see their woman playing the beautiful game any time soon.
They are just arrogant tadgers, full stop. Roll on when the desert is not essential anymore for the carbon underneath it.
Can’t understand why can’t all the women go on strike, no harem playtime till they get equality, after a few weeks Abdul will agree to anything, or perhaps the camels will start looking attractive, one hump or two 🤣🤣

Have to disagree with you here (that’s if you’re being serious)

It’s discriminatory and it’s demeaning in my either believe in equality or you don’’s a basic human right, surely?
I Do
but my views won't change theirs ,,,,ever nor will fifa or anyone else, Fifa like every other company bowed and scraped to these fkrs for the money F1 was another example basic human rights , equality right out the window ,kinda desstroys there respect campaign

Do you see many womans rights groups or any human rights groups on the steps of Man City / PSG or even at FIFAs front doors ,,,,no me neither the world tends to look the other way when it comes Quatar/Saudi money and other arab countries

Me sittin logged into Celtic noise giving an opinion or boycotting a shitey world cup won't change the worlds view or give them a conscience

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