Broken heart

Guys let me say that my being here on the Noise has always given me a great diversion from general day to day life. A finer bunch you'll never meet.
However today in the early hours my wife passed away after a long illness. My best ever friend. My everything. Still in shock but I thought I would share with the people who I've found great comfort to be a part of.
Remember to cherish every day of our lives.
We have no idea when the big man will call our number.
Steviebhoy67 I’ve no been on the noise for some time now but I had to come on to give you my condolences for your loss. as you say nobody knows when that time will come for us or those dearest to our hearts. In our remembrances of our close ones we keep their memory alive and so although they have left this physical world they are always by your side.
I will light a candle and say a prayer for you and your family. 💚
Guys let me say that my being here on the Noise has always given me a great diversion from general day to day life. A finer bunch you'll never meet.
However today in the early hours my wife passed away after a long illness. My best ever friend. My everything. Still in shock but I thought I would share with the people who I've found great comfort to be a part of.
Remember to cherish every day of our lives.
We have no idea when the big man will call our number.
My heart breaks for you Stevie, I can't imagine what you're going through, if I could share the burden of your loss I would. Catherine and I are here to support you in anyway we can.
Please light a candle for Hazel people. 💚
I think all of us have that 'sick, pit of the stomach' feeling, at hearing of Stevie's wife's passing
His world has been upended and we all feel for him and his family
I know it's thrown me off kilter all day and I've been 'wasted' and can't get anything to work right
He'll not be far from our thoughts throughout this weekend
A brilliant guy with a heart of gold and we'll all be saying a wee prayer for him and Hazel tonight
It's a measure of the guy that we all feel for him so deeply

God Bless you and Hazel, Stevie
We are here for you when you need us

Guys let me say that my being here on the Noise has always given me a great diversion from general day to day life. A finer bunch you'll never meet.
However today in the early hours my wife passed away after a long illness. My best ever friend. My everything. Still in shock but I thought I would share with the people who I've found great comfort to be a part of.
Remember to cherish every day of our lives.
We have no idea when the big man will call our number.
Steviebhoy I've only just now found out and there are no words I can offer , I wish there were , to help .
Like all of us on here i/we are devastated at your loss for you and yours .
I wish I could offer more stevie, my prayers are focused on you tonight my friend 🙏
So sorry for your loss Stevie.Stay strong brother.
When you and I read something like this Tony I honestly feel like we both deserve a slap for the stupidity and childish behaviour of our to and fro nonsense the other night.
We were arguing over utter nonsense as this was going on, makes me feel sick , embarrassed and ashamed of myself.
Football is a game fs and yes it brings joy to billions worldwide but at the end of the day regardless of the result life goes on.
A great man once said football isnt about life or death it's more than that.
Of course that comment was tongue in cheek and referring to the passion it brings from within us all.
We werent the only ones going at it that night but I hope that you like I and everyone else will take this on board ( really take it on board ) and try to remember ( I will I know that much) that I will be more careful of what I post in future , not because I dont believe in what I'm posting but because all of us here have a moral responsibility to respect and look out for one another.
So I hope that you will accept my apology and we can move onwards and upwards .
Like you I live and breathe Celtic but when world shattering news like stevies is revealed I for one feel small and petty.
Were all on the same team and what a team it is but it will always take a distant second to the things that really matter in life. Family, loved ones theres nothing above that.

Remember to cherish every day of our lives.
Steviebhoy that sentence will stay with me forever now , I may well have always known it to be so but never honestly lived like so .
God bless you mate and your family and the same goes for everyone else who is part of this special cyberspace YNWA 🍀🌷
Guys let me say that my being here on the Noise has always given me a great diversion from general day to day life. A finer bunch you'll never meet.
However today in the early hours my wife passed away after a long illness. My best ever friend. My everything. Still in shock but I thought I would share with the people who I've found great comfort to be a part of.
Remember to cherish every day of our lives.
We have no idea when the big man will call our number.
Thoughts& prayers brother,RIP
When you and I read something like this Tony I honestly feel like we both deserve a slap for the stupidity and childish behaviour of our to and fro nonsense the other night.
We were arguing over utter nonsense as this was going on, makes me feel sick , embarrassed and ashamed of myself.
Football is a game fs and yes it brings joy to billions worldwide but at the end of the day regardless of the result life goes on.
A great man once said football isnt about life or death it's more than that.
Of course that comment was tongue in cheek and referring to the passion it brings from within us all.
We werent the only ones going at it that night but I hope that you like I and everyone else will take this on board ( really take it on board ) and try to remember ( I will I know that much) that I will be more careful of what I post in future , not because I dont believe in what I'm posting but because all of us here have a moral responsibility to respect and look out for one another.
So I hope that you will accept my apology and we can move onwards and upwards .
Like you I live and breathe Celtic but when world shattering news like stevies is revealed I for one feel small and petty.
Were all on the same team and what a team it is but it will always take a distant second to the things that really matter in life. Family, loved ones theres nothing above that.

Steviebhoy that sentence will stay with me forever now , I may well have always known it to be so but never honestly lived like so .
God bless you mate and your family and the same goes for everyone else who is part of this special cyberspace YNWA 🍀🌷
I agree Winter. I made an absolute arse of myself and this news brings it sharply into focus.
I am so sad to hear of your news. I just heard about it.
I can't possibly know how you are feeling at the moment but my thoughts are with you and your family. You are a kind and decent man and I know you will find kindness and support .... at least here, should you need. You only have to ask or even hint. There is a bolthole here too... You know what I am saying.
I only joined the Noise in September, so Im still a new skin compared to most of you. But from day one I could feel the bond of friendship amongst the group and one person who always came across as a good guy was Stevie. To think how he managed to be so upbeat going through
what we know now his situation was is a further testimony to the man. i don’t know the history of the Noise but recently there has been some nastiness between posters that I hadn’t seen before. I hope reflecting on what sadness Stevie is going through at the moment may cause some people to realise how trivial these spats were in the big picture of life and use this as an opportunity to use this as a time of reconciliation and bring the Noise family back together again 🙏🙏
When you and I read something like this Tony I honestly feel like we both deserve a slap for the stupidity and childish behaviour of our to and fro nonsense the other night.
We were arguing over utter nonsense as this was going on, makes me feel sick , embarrassed and ashamed of myself.
Football is a game fs and yes it brings joy to billions worldwide but at the end of the day regardless of the result life goes on.
A great man once said football isnt about life or death it's more than that.
Of course that comment was tongue in cheek and referring to the passion it brings from within us all.
We werent the only ones going at it that night but I hope that you like I and everyone else will take this on board ( really take it on board ) and try to remember ( I will I know that much) that I will be more careful of what I post in future , not because I dont believe in what I'm posting but because all of us here have a moral responsibility to respect and look out for one another.
So I hope that you will accept my apology and we can move onwards and upwards .
Like you I live and breathe Celtic but when world shattering news like stevies is revealed I for one feel small and petty.
Were all on the same team and what a team it is but it will always take a distant second to the things that really matter in life. Family, loved ones theres nothing above that.

Steviebhoy that sentence will stay with me forever now , I may well have always known it to be so but never honestly lived like so .
God bless you mate and your family and the same goes for everyone else who is part of this special cyberspace YNWA 🍀🌷
No need for apologies Winter,i was out of order and should be the one apologising.As you say we're on the same team and you dont really know what people are going through in their real lifes.I'll think before i post in future.Take it easy mate 👍☘️
I went to bed last night and thought of you Stevie. I was sad for you and your family.....This place was just a forum for me...i was in the "Internet mates aren't real mates" camp. That was until I started to get to know you bunch of nutters!! And it was very much cemented when I felt the utter devastation of losing MD. The way Steviebhoy, and others, rallied this place and made something beautiful happen in remembering MD was nothing short of amazing. We all have daft argument on here...which families don't!! But we are there for each other when needed.
When I lost my nana, the messages on here lifted me up...I was in pain but they helped.
I really hope Stevie can take the tiniest bit of comfort from the posts on this thread. The way I did not so long ago. They won't come near to lifting the sadness he's feeling but I hope there is small relief that his sadness is truly shared amongst us all.
We are all here for you Stevie. Anything you need. 💚

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