Call it out


Well-known member
With the way Neil Lennon is being portrayed as the villain of the piece by those of a......shall we say "establishment, racist, populist, or sectarian persuasion" what's your take on the need or otherwise of this organisation?

SRTRC are still trying to decide which font to use on the statement criticising the racism shown towards dembele and Sinclair....then I'm sure lenny will have their full support ?
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With the way Neil Lennon is being portrayed as the villain of the piece by those of a......shall we say "establishment, racist, populist, or sectarian persuasion" what's your take on the need or otherwise of this organisation?

good on lennon for standing up an saying what he really feels ! tellin it like it really is the hatred towards him for years n years has bn outrageous !
As i posted on another thread the truth is Lenny antagonised them and should have learned from the past. Not condoning for a minute the asshole throwing a missile. He dramatised the event. You or i would have said " oh ya bastard " and thats it. Lenny did a delayed dive. I'm Celtic through and through and love Lenny but c'mon.
The hypocrisy was oozing out of the radio ( Clyde 1 ) as Keevins and BDJ did an Olga Korbut and did a reverse 180 somersault on Neil Lennon .

I have heard Keenins say that N L ''at times brings it upon himself ''- yet tonight he is the avenging angel slaying all those who dared to blame Lennon for the catalogue of attacks , slurs , abuse which he has received since the year 2000 . My flabber has never been so gasted !

As for the bampot's bampot -BDJ - he has suddenly found his voice in defending Neil Lennon after decades of snidely blaming him for being a) Catholic b) Irish c) Celtic-minded d) breathing .

Then a representative of the Klan tried to reassert the status quo by comparing the Dallas coin incident with the attacks on Neil Lennon . As if one incident equates to decades of abuse and death threats .
Just you wait , Show Racism the Red Card ( Scotland ) will step in in just a moment to throw their backing behind Neil Lennon ..... any moment now .... here it comes ... in just a minute ...any time now ....
Its on its way. Just after Anne Budge's statement condemning the Hearts fans.
As i posted on another thread the truth is Lenny antagonised them and should have learned from the past. Not condoning for a minute the asshole throwing a missile. He dramatised the event. You or i would have said " oh ya bastard " and thats it. Lenny did a delayed dive. I'm Celtic through and through and love Lenny but c'mon.
You're doing a good job of 'almost' saying he deserved it fella.
Just you wait , Show Racism the Red Card ( Scotland ) will step in in just a moment to throw their backing behind Neil Lennon ..... any moment now .... here it comes ... in just a minute ...any time now ....
The Rankers will be coming before that lot of chocolate fireguards ?
As i posted on another thread the truth is Lenny antagonised them and should have learned from the past. Not condoning for a minute the asshole throwing a missile. He dramatised the event. You or i would have said " oh ya bastard " and thats it. Lenny did a delayed dive. I'm Celtic through and through and love Lenny but c'mon.
learn what exactly, the abuse he receives is not football related its pure hatred , when he turned to the hearts fans it was purely football related mocking or otherwise does not deserve that abuse
As i posted on another thread the truth is Lenny antagonised them and should have learned from the past. Not condoning for a minute the asshole throwing a missile. He dramatised the event. You or i would have said " oh ya bastard " and thats it. Lenny did a delayed dive. I'm Celtic through and through and love Lenny but c'mon.

I really am finding it difficult coming to terms with what you have written here. I find it quite intriguing a Celtic man would think like this.

I can assure you I would not have said "oh ya bastard" and then withdrawn to the back of the bus and I am sure there are many more who feel the same. Hmmm

I really am finding it difficult coming to terms with what you have written here. I find it quite intriguing a Celtic man would think like this.

I can assure you I would not have said "oh ya bastard" and then withdrawn to the back of the bus and I am sure there are many more who feel the same. Hmmm
This site is all about opinions. We won't all think the same.
This site is all about opinions. We won't all think the same.
I respect that. And opinions sparks debate..I'm just interested to know where you draw the I said before, did moussa bring the monkey chants on himself?? What he did, celebrate in front of the scum fans, is no different to what lenny did. He made a gesture to the hearts fans. Why should Lenny know better?? Should he understand that he is hated because he is an Irish Catholic. Should he keep his mouth shut due to this fact. I would like to know why you believe lenny "should know better"....if you believe that then you must agree with the animals and the media that lenny should know his place and shut the fuck up.
Here is a screenshot that was sent to me a while back.

Keep in mind this guy is a moderator on a Sevco forum.

There is a kkkulture of bigots, racists and ethno-political supremacists in Scotland.

Call It Out is in my opinion absolutely essential in our modern society. Hopefully one day it isn't.

Screenshot (123).png
Here is a screenshot that was sent to me a while back.

Keep in mind this guy is a moderator on a Sevco forum.

There is a kkkulture of bigots, racists and ethno-political supremacists in Scotland.

Call It Out is in my opinion absolutely essential in our modern society. Hopefully one day it isn't.

View attachment 404
This is exactly the mentality of the peepul that we're up against, shocking but not surprising. :mad:
This site is all about opinions. We won't all think the same.
Agree about Lennys dive Stevie surprised he did that a would've had more respect for him if he done a Cantona into the crowd.You're entitled to your opinion doesny make you less of a Celtic man in my book.Lenny could behave better at times but then again i don't know what it's like to be abused every day of my life.
Here is a screenshot that was sent to me a while back.

Keep in mind this guy is a moderator on a Sevco forum.

There is a kkkulture of bigots, racists and ethno-political supremacists in Scotland.

Call It Out is in my opinion absolutely essential in our modern society. Hopefully one day it isn't.

View attachment 404

This is a sad indictment of a small , but vocal minority , who like the dinosaurs before them cannot accept that their time is over .
They , thankfully , do not represent the majority - and are probably seen by many Sevco supporters as an embarrassment - even to them !
These are the coin throwers , the shouters of abuse , the brainless who send bullets /bombs through the post .
Their primitive minds are aware that their 'culture' is dying out and their only response is to lash out.

If there was a museum for the living , breathing ancestors of the Neanderthals , they would be the prize exhibits .
We all should stop right now using the term sectarianism and don’t let anyone in the media ,governing authorities or government use it
It is as NFL points out absolutely naked Racism
The weekly bigot fests at Ibrox and their way grounds are none other than Racism rallies
Show Racism the red card should just go public and admit Rangers and the bulk of their fans are not controllable and appear to be subject only to a higher authority
That way we all know where we stand
AND can allow the rest of Scottish football to start demanding that place is closed to sport and / or they get points deducted until it is cleaned up
That is how important the so called semantics of the language are here!!

AND by the way if any daft wee bhoys in our support start the same crap we deserve to get it as well!