Call them out


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Compliance officer is an alleged Hun

Livvi criminal who passed a sniff test calls out Nicola Sturgeon, aye right you are just in the door, mind your fucking manners.

Mark Guidiot closet hun calls for points deduction then changes tune when huns break covid rules, 3 strikes for the huns BTW, Friendly v Dundee Utd and two parties
All anyone wants or can reasonably ask for in life is fairness..Can you imagine if it was 5 Celtic players that had broke Covid rules not long after 2 players from same club had done the same thing? ..Look how we were treated by the government and media after Dubai even though the government had gave us permission..Brill Boab in highlighting Guida , got him bang to rights..I wonder how he would try to worm his way out of that one?..So many Rangers cheerleaders writing in the media that are so biased its embarrassing ..What about "point deduction " Boyd ? Chunky Boyd is such a hypocrite its shameful with no mention anymore of points deduction because it involves team he supports..These people need to be called out for their biased views..We have noone in the media that is willing to challenge these biased individuals and their views
All anyone wants or can reasonably ask for in life is fairness..Can you imagine if it was 5 Celtic players that had broke Covid rules not long after 2 players from same club had done the same thing? ..Look how we were treated by the government and media after Dubai even though the government had gave us permission..Brill Boab in highlighting Guida , got him bang to rights..I wonder how he would try to worm his way out of that one?..So many Rangers cheerleaders writing in the media that are so biased its embarrassing ..What about "point deduction " Boyd ? Chunky Boyd is such a hypocrite its shameful with no mention anymore of points deduction because it involves team he supports..These people need to be called out for their biased views..We have noone in the media that is willing to challenge these biased individuals and their views
Guida was outed buy Lubo in a post , i only highlighted it to stop it been lost, nevertheless it has also been highlighted on so the more they are called out the better. Time to call them all out, BT last night was an out and out sash bash, Rae and Graigan trying to outdo themselves and fat sally and Hutton in the studio arse licking to slippy.
Time to cancel SKY and BT if they all want to go all in media wise and praise a tribute act then fuck them, cancel all payments hits them in the pocket.
Guida was outed buy Lubo in a post , i only highlighted it to stop it been lost, nevertheless it has also been highlighted on so the more they are called out the better. Time to call them all out, BT last night was an out and out sash bash, Rae and Graigan trying to outdo themselves and fat sally and Hutton in the studio arse licking to slippy.
Time to cancel SKY and BT if they all want to go all in media wise and praise a tribute act then fuck them, cancel all payments hits them in the pocket.
A friend of mine used to attend some of the press conferences with Guidi back in the day, my friend was an aberdeen fan and said Guidi was a tim. He wasn't complimentary about him though that's for sure. Probably best i don't go into all that!
Strange though considering I heard somewhere in last couple of days that his Mum is Jack McGinn;s sister and the McGinn lads his nephews.
A friend of mine used to attend some of the press conferences with Guidi back in the day, my friend was an aberdeen fan and said Guidi was a tim. He wasn't complimentary about him though that's for sure. Probably best i don't go into all that!
Strange though considering I heard somewhere in last couple of days that his Mum is Jack McGinn;s sister and the McGinn lads his nephews.
Was he not on Celtics books at one time
A friend of mine used to attend some of the press conferences with Guidi back in the day, my friend was an aberdeen fan and said Guidi was a tim. He wasn't complimentary about him though that's for sure. Probably best i don't go into all that!
Strange though considering I heard somewhere in last couple of days that his Mum is Jack McGinn;s sister and the McGinn lads his nephews.
it seems to me that if your in the media and a celtic fan, you go out of your way and sometimes too far to prove impartiality. Meanwhile those from the dark side go into full moon mode when they get handed a mic. Seems to me you can be an illiterate buffoon/rabbling fucking dunderheid (AR) but had an EBT you get a gig on every outlet that covers scottish football.
Although at least they have enough sense to keep his coupon aff the TV the ugly wee fucking orc.
It was a bukkake fest with Craigan last night for the limited time i saw it, i lasted a goal then turned it aff. Cannot deal with that mumbling fucking hybrid ned speak.

I started aff quite calm there ...............:rolleyes:
Didn't know that, had a wee look at Celtic Wiki though and you are spot on kelly.
Not that it matters as he nailed his colours along time ago am sure he was the journo on clyde the night smiths oldco side got humped think it was by kanus and nobody asked smith a question about the game Guid the next night who was supposed to be covering the game claimed he never saw it or the highlights as he was distracted ,,,,,for 90 mins
it seems to me that if your in the media and a celtic fan, you go out of your way and sometimes too far to prove impartiality. Meanwhile those from the dark side go into full moon mode when they get handed a mic. Seems to me you can be an illiterate buffoon/rabbling fucking dunderheid (AR) but had an EBT you get a gig on every outlet that covers scottish football.
Although at least they have enough sense to keep his coupon aff the TV the ugly wee fucking orc.
It was a bukkake fest with Craigan last night for the limited time i saw it, i lasted a goal then turned it aff. Cannot deal with that mumbling fucking hybrid ned speak.

I started aff quite calm there ...............:rolleyes:
I ended up watching that with sound down and headphones on listening to a podcast. Craigan drives me mad.
Not that it matters as he nailed his colours along time ago am sure he was the journo on clyde the night smiths oldco side got humped think it was by kanus and nobody asked smith a question about the game Guid the next night who was supposed to be covering the game claimed he never saw it or the highlights as he was distracted ,,,,,for 90 mins
Shat the bed basically then!
A friend of mine used to attend some of the press conferences with Guidi back in the day, my friend was an aberdeen fan and said Guidi was a tim. He wasn't complimentary about him though that's for sure. Probably best i don't go into all that!
Strange though considering I heard somewhere in last couple of days that his Mum is Jack McGinn;s sister and the McGinn lads his nephews.
The McGinn link is true. I think it seems also to be true to say a number Celtic leaning folk in the media seem bit shy when it comes to showing where their heart lies. All I want from any of them is truth; no more no less.
"it seems to me that if your in the media and a celtic fan, you go out of your way and sometimes too far to prove impartiality." That perfectly describes Commons,Walker,Nicholas,Petrov,Burley,Bonner etc ..Compare that shower with Rangers cheerleaders Boyd,Rae,McCoist,Hutton,Adam,McCann who never run down their team but run ours down plenty!!!..Lambert got it right in that respect..Seems to me that its only Sutton and sometimes Hartson that fights our corner in the media
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Couldnt listen to Clyde but see snippets of the fallout... Big Sutton looked like he was rubbing it in to them for a number of years calling out Boeotian Boyd, Jejune Johnstone and Schlub Sally to name but a few of the orcs but I think he is hurting a bit this year like the rest of us however even he still has a tendency to try and balance it out with some unfounded commentary that has you asking why he would say that about Celtic's true to say that none of that mob cross the line and are never pushed in that direction by the succulent lambs.
Do you ever wonder why we keep banging this particular drum guys ? .The demographic of our country 80%/20% ?? guarantees that impartiality is a myth. Do you want to sell 800,000 or 200,000 papers ? do you want 800,000 or 200,000 listeners ? do you want 800,000 or 200,000 viewers ?. Governing bodies ? SFA, Referees association Strathclyde police, Scottish government ? its become more evident than ever this season in my opinion ( See Covid responses ) that all of these are also influenced by the demographic. Do not wait for impartiality guys its a train that's never gonna arrive. As the mighty Stein says we have to become that good that it doesn't matter