Sorry Bhoys and Ghirls ,been missing for a while ,our new granddaughter was born at the end of April and the wife and I went up north to meet and see her for the First time a week later ,whilst we were up she suddenly took ill and was rushed to hospital Liz and I have spent the last fortnight watching our other granddaughter (how much work is a 3 year old) and making sure everything was fine for our son and daughter-in-law who were running back and forward to the hospital .
Great news the wee one got the all clear yesterday and got home just in time to celebrate the winning of the league .
Thank God all is well.
Sorry Bhoys and Ghirls ,been missing for a while ,our new granddaughter was born at the end of April and the wife and I went up north to meet and see her for the First time a week later ,whilst we were up she suddenly took ill and was rushed to hospital Liz and I have spent the last fortnight watching our other granddaughter (how much work is a 3 year old) and making sure everything was fine for our son and daughter-in-law who were running back and forward to the hospital .
Great news the wee one got the all clear yesterday and got home just in time to celebrate the winning of the league .
Worrying times Mark, but glad the wee yin is on the mend...

You'll be due a wee rest yirsel after looking after a 3yr old...

Sorry Bhoys and Ghirls ,been missing for a while ,our new granddaughter was born at the end of April and the wife and I went up north to meet and see her for the First time a week later ,whilst we were up she suddenly took ill and was rushed to hospital Liz and I have spent the last fortnight watching our other granddaughter (how much work is a 3 year old) and making sure everything was fine for our son and daughter-in-law who were running back and forward to the hospital .
Great news the wee one got the all clear yesterday and got home just in time to celebrate the winning of the league .
Always worrying when the wee Yin's, especially newborns are not well
Glad everything worked out Marky
Congratulations on your new addition to the family
The wee yin is having a sleepover tonight with us, she is lying watching funny animals on you tube and our Georgia is right by her side
Stay well my friend
Best to you and yours
What a day yesterday HH
I’m not sure if it’s me getting older or whatever but this is the mildest title celebration I’ve ever experienced. I made the weans watch the after party last night whether they wanted too or not. But this is the most satisfying in many moons. It was in doubt for a while despite how bad they are. Roles reversed it would have been a fucking sore one. But it aint.
My old man it’s seems to me over time has gotten more animated over Celtic to the point it makes or breaks his day. The guy that used to opine ‘you shouldn’t take joy in others misery’ was dancing round the living room stating ‘I can’t fucking wait to get to work tae run those cunts noses in it’.
He’s my dad and he’s happy so 👌
My mum, she laughs, ‘it’s the only time ive been grateful he disnae drink the cunt, imagine what he’d be like drunk’ 😂
Champions again .....I'll never tire of saying and or singing it.
Every title has been special to me as a Celtic supporter and I take none of them for granted.
The older I get the more i get up tight and my glass is half empty so when we do eventually win it the relief and sheer joy I feel is one of the celebrations of life.
The satisfaction of winning that league against all the odds from transfer windows, injury crisis , green brigade bans, VAR to Tavpens and the divide among the support on the return of Brendan Rodgers makes this title so sweet.
It is the hope that kills the hun and amongst my great joy is knowing the pain they will be feeling yet again as we bask in our glory and ultimately leave them in disarray and despair.

The images of the players celebrating in the dressing room and with the support back at Celtic Park are phenomenal and not something you will see just anywhere. We are unique and a very special club what a feeling it is to say ......Champions again HH !!
Champions again .....I'll never tire of saying and or singing it.
Every title has been special to me as a Celtic supporter and I take none of them for granted.
The older I get the more i get up tight and my glass is half empty so when we do eventually win it the relief and sheer joy I feel is one of the celebrations of life.
The satisfaction of winning that league against all the odds from transfer windows, injury crisis , green brigade bans, VAR to Tavpens and the divide among the support on the return of Brendan Rodgers makes this title so sweet.
It is the hope that kills the hun and amongst my great joy is knowing the pain they will be feeling yet again as we bask in our glory and ultimately leave them in disarray and despair.

The images of the players celebrating in the dressing room and with the support back at Celtic Park are phenomenal and not something you will see just anywhere. We are unique and a very special club what a feeling it is to say ......Champions again HH !!

I know exactly how you feel pal. This one is special…
Sorry Bhoys and Ghirls ,been missing for a while ,our new granddaughter was born at the end of April and the wife and I went up north to meet and see her for the First time a week later ,whilst we were up she suddenly took ill and was rushed to hospital Liz and I have spent the last fortnight watching our other granddaughter (how much work is a 3 year old) and making sure everything was fine for our son and daughter-in-law who were running back and forward to the hospital .
Great news the wee one got the all clear yesterday and got home just in time to celebrate the winning of the league .
That’s great news Marky the best news especially for the parents and the grandparents. 💚💚💚

HH 💚
I don't know if it's maybe an age thing, but my celebrations after that sumptuous display against Killie were actually relatively muted. Don't get me wrong, I craved this title as much as.. no... probably more than, most of the 34 or so others I've been privileged to have experienced, lived through; felt part of. Perhaps it was the the gravity of this particular achievement that leaves me grappling with my emotions. Perhaps, along with the ecstasy, I would have to admit to also feeling a sense of relief.

The season as a whole has been the proverbial rollercoaster. There were those amongst us who were convinced that the super computer had a rather sevco favourable 'malfunction' given the difficulty of our first ten games. We negotiated them with relative ease; then things started to unravel. We all know the story; the injuries, poor signings etc, so there's no need for a rerun...or indeed, a repeat. There are 100 million+ reasons why this title win should be the springboard to another period of domestic superiority. It now remains to be seen if our Board are of a mind to take the next step.

As for our celebrations? Well, yesterday was Aphrodites' birthday, so, we decided to have a day exploring the nooks and crannies along the Ayrshire coast. It was actually pretty much a perfect day; she had a cocktail or three, while her chauffeur, ( me ) had the very great privilege of her company. All the while, of course, I was quietly appreciating my very good fortune to be able to say I'm a Celtic supporter. A club like no other ? its indeed.
I don't know if it's maybe an age thing, but my celebrations after that sumptuous display against Killie were actually relatively muted. Don't get me wrong, I craved this title as much as.. no... probably more than, most of the 34 or so others I've been privileged to have experienced, lived through; felt part of. Perhaps it was the the gravity of this particular achievement that leaves me grappling with my emotions. Perhaps, along with the ecstasy, I would have to admit to also feeling a sense of relief.

The season as a whole has been the proverbial rollercoaster. There were those amongst us who were convinced that the super computer had a rather sevco favourable 'malfunction' given the difficulty of our first ten games. We negotiated them with relative ease; then things started to unravel. We all know the story; the injuries, poor signings etc, so there's no need for a rerun...or indeed, a repeat. There are 100 million+ reasons why this title win should be the springboard to another period of domestic superiority. It now remains to be seen if our Board are of a mind to take the next step.

As for our celebrations? Well, yesterday was Aphrodites' birthday, so, we decided to have a day exploring the nooks and crannies along the Ayrshire coast. It was actually pretty much a perfect day; she had a cocktail or three, while her chauffeur, ( me ) had the very great privilege of her company. All the while, of course, I was quietly appreciating my very good fortune to be able to say I'm a Celtic supporter. A club like no other ? its indeed.
Tell Aphrodite, happy birthday from all us bammies at the noise.
I don't know if it's maybe an age thing, but my celebrations after that sumptuous display against Killie were actually relatively muted. Don't get me wrong, I craved this title as much as.. no... probably more than, most of the 34 or so others I've been privileged to have experienced, lived through; felt part of. Perhaps it was the the gravity of this particular achievement that leaves me grappling with my emotions. Perhaps, along with the ecstasy, I would have to admit to also feeling a sense of relief.

The season as a whole has been the proverbial rollercoaster. There were those amongst us who were convinced that the super computer had a rather sevco favourable 'malfunction' given the difficulty of our first ten games. We negotiated them with relative ease; then things started to unravel. We all know the story; the injuries, poor signings etc, so there's no need for a rerun...or indeed, a repeat. There are 100 million+ reasons why this title win should be the springboard to another period of domestic superiority. It now remains to be seen if our Board are of a mind to take the next step.

As for our celebrations? Well, yesterday was Aphrodites' birthday, so, we decided to have a day exploring the nooks and crannies along the Ayrshire coast. It was actually pretty much a perfect day; she had a cocktail or three, while her chauffeur, ( me ) had the very great privilege of her company. All the while, of course, I was quietly appreciating my very good fortune to be able to say I'm a Celtic supporter. A club like no other ? its indeed.
A belated happy birthday to your lovely boss. I hope you wore a chauffeur's cap and suit and said "yes m'lady" when you were driving her around exotic Ayrshire?
I don't know if it's maybe an age thing, but my celebrations after that sumptuous display against Killie were actually relatively muted. Don't get me wrong, I craved this title as much as.. no... probably more than, most of the 34 or so others I've been privileged to have experienced, lived through; felt part of. Perhaps it was the the gravity of this particular achievement that leaves me grappling with my emotions. Perhaps, along with the ecstasy, I would have to admit to also feeling a sense of relief.

The season as a whole has been the proverbial rollercoaster. There were those amongst us who were convinced that the super computer had a rather sevco favourable 'malfunction' given the difficulty of our first ten games. We negotiated them with relative ease; then things started to unravel. We all know the story; the injuries, poor signings etc, so there's no need for a rerun...or indeed, a repeat. There are 100 million+ reasons why this title win should be the springboard to another period of domestic superiority. It now remains to be seen if our Board are of a mind to take the next step.

As for our celebrations? Well, yesterday was Aphrodites' birthday, so, we decided to have a day exploring the nooks and crannies along the Ayrshire coast. It was actually pretty much a perfect day; she had a cocktail or three, while her chauffeur, ( me ) had the very great privilege of her company. All the while, of course, I was quietly appreciating my very good fortune to be able to say I'm a Celtic supporter. A club like no other ? its indeed.
Hope Aphrodite had a great Birthday Frank as did her chauffeur 💚💚

HH 💚
Title 54, it's the 30th title I've seen us win since the 69/70 season. Every title is special for its own reasons, this one's that wee bit sweeter because the Ibrox mob thought they had it due to the issues we had over the season.

Injuries to key players, team not playing well, dropping silly points at home & away when the Baldy Belgian took over we we're 7pts a head, assuming we & them win on Sat will have won the lge by 6pts. But who really gives a fuck about them except to ridicule them.




Title 54, it's the 30th title I've seen us win since the 69/70 season.

A couple of wee interesting facts:

1. The youngest person to have seen both versions of rangers/sevco combined win more leagues than Celtic, would be 94 years old!

2. If you were 31 years old you wouldn't have been able to legally celebrate a rangers/sevco top tier league title win in a pub. Slainte 🥃
