Sorry Bhoys and Ghirls ,been missing for a while ,our new granddaughter was born at the end of April and the wife and I went up north to meet and see her for the First time a week later ,whilst we were up she suddenly took ill and was rushed to hospital Liz and I have spent the last fortnight watching our other granddaughter (how much work is a 3 year old) and making sure everything was fine for our son and daughter-in-law who were running back and forward to the hospital .
Great news the wee one got the all clear yesterday and got home just in time to celebrate the winning of the league .
That’s great news It’s frightening when a child takes ill especially if they’re babies God bless 💚☘️💚
I don't know if it's maybe an age thing, but my celebrations after that sumptuous display against Killie were actually relatively muted. Don't get me wrong, I craved this title as much as.. no... probably more than, most of the 34 or so others I've been privileged to have experienced, lived through; felt part of. Perhaps it was the the gravity of this particular achievement that leaves me grappling with my emotions. Perhaps, along with the ecstasy, I would have to admit to also feeling a sense of relief.

The season as a whole has been the proverbial rollercoaster. There were those amongst us who were convinced that the super computer had a rather sevco favourable 'malfunction' given the difficulty of our first ten games. We negotiated them with relative ease; then things started to unravel. We all know the story; the injuries, poor signings etc, so there's no need for a rerun...or indeed, a repeat. There are 100 million+ reasons why this title win should be the springboard to another period of domestic superiority. It now remains to be seen if our Board are of a mind to take the next step.

As for our celebrations? Well, yesterday was Aphrodites' birthday, so, we decided to have a day exploring the nooks and crannies along the Ayrshire coast. It was actually pretty much a perfect day; she had a cocktail or three, while her chauffeur, ( me ) had the very great privilege of her company. All the while, of course, I was quietly appreciating my very good fortune to be able to say I'm a Celtic supporter. A club like no other ? its indeed.
'E's r good, 'E's r good, hes Ebeneezer Eezzer Goode.
No wonder yer luvved up all the time ya auld rascal.
Womens league split is much better and should be adopted - play everybody twice (home/away) then split into top and bottom 6 and play home/away.
Total games 32 but a much more level playing field. 🍀 🍀
Yip. I agree. Either a top league of 16 or 18 to reduce so many crammed in lower attendance midweek games and have less boring matches against the same opposition. Or a top league of 12 or 14, home & away, split and then home & away again. It is much fairer.