Clyde 1 (again)


Well-known member
listening to clyde 1 tonight and a hun chap came on and said that bottles being thrown at players and players being attacked,would not happen at a european game and mister keevens said(not word for word) can you imagine a fan at man u v psg doing that at a uefa game,uefa would do something about it,a dont think so remember leigh grifiths in august 2017 being pelted with coins and he complained to the ref and was told to hurry up,more coins came and then a bukie bottle he handed it to the ref and got booked for time wasting.Look at link,any one on twitter can contact there show as i dont have it just to remind them of this.
listening to clyde 1 tonight and a hun chap came on and said that bottles being thrown at players and players being attacked,would not happen at a european game and mister keevens said(not word for word) can you imagine a fan at man u v psg doing that at a uefa game,uefa would do something about it,a dont think so remember leigh grifiths in august 2017 being pelted with coins and he complained to the ref and was told to hurry up,more coins came and then a bukie bottle he handed it to the ref and got booked for time wasting.Look at link,any one on twitter can contact there show as i dont have it just to remind them of this.
I heard that Keevins is a clown souptaker he is sitting with a pundit who would have lapped up that wee incident at a sash bash.
Yeah I remember my grandfather telling me that when Keevins started out he was warned(because of his Irish/Catholic background) that if he was even remotely pro-Celtic, he basically wouldn’t go very far in journalism.

It’s quite sad listening to him, he comes across as pathetic.

Gerry McNee was another one.
Keevins has lost the plot !
Last week he was claiming that our game was ''in chaos'' , tonight it is in a state of ''anarchy '' .
Some bampots have thrown coins and bottles and one eejit has confronted a Sevco player on the touchline - all deplorable acts , but his reaction is way beyond the rational and is highly hypocritical .

When objects were being thrown at Ibrokes towards Celtic players last season and previously , and when someone attempted to confront Scott Brown on the field you would be hard put to find a mention of it in the MSM , and Mr Keevins was not proclaiming the game was in ''chaos '' or ''anarchy'' .
In the decades when Rangers ( the deid one ! ) were institutionally sectarian and when sectarian bile from their' fans' polluted every game , I did not hear the lone voice of Keevins crying out in the wilderness that was/is the Scottish press that something has to be done .
Mr Keevins is a great one for righting the wrongs of our game - as long as we don't touch on the inherent corruption at the top , as long as we don't infer that Rangers are deid , as long as we don't mention EBTs , as long as we don't talk about tainted titles .
When you get right down to it , he would probably tell you that the root cause of all of our football problems is NEIL LENNON !
The man's pathetic !
Yeah I remember my grandfather telling me that when Keevins started out he was warned(because of his Irish/Catholic background) that if he was even remotely pro-Celtic, he basically wouldn’t go very far in journalism.

It’s quite sad listening to him, he comes across as pathetic.

Gerry McNee was another one.
If he went after the Rankers they way he did Celtic there wouldn’t hav been a newspaper radio show or tv channel that would touch him with a barge pole
Giving the hoops a kickin on a regular basis was a prerequisite of any job they could get shameless charlatans the lot of them.