
Richest country in the world, bail out the banks,but Medi care is socialist? Horrible cants yanks! That much wealth can't afford tests for citizens.. revolting!😡
Americans in general are good people
Apart from the banjo boys who support Trump and Pence, but the Govt always keeps their cronies well stocked with cash and business opportunities, in order to remain in office
Those guys are cunts
Americans in general are good people
Apart from the banjo boys who support Trump and Pence, but the Govt always keeps their cronies well stocked with cash and business opportunities, in order to remain in office
Those guys are cunts
No question about it DILL....pence? Oversaw the biggest Aids epidemic in Indiana if memory serves! 🤡 maximums as they say in chav Latin! 😡
No question about it DILL....pence? Oversaw the biggest Aids epidemic in Indiana if memory serves! 🤡 maximums as they say in chav Latin! 😡
100% Galway
The religious right is a law unto themselves
The reason, I have no time for any of it
My kids were brought up without religion and they all turned out to be loving, compassionate, open minded, adults
Stay safe & healthy mate
Wife is coming back from the States tonight and the news is full of doom & gloom, for arrivals from the US
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