Do you think Neil Lennon was main to blame for losing to a newco

Who or what do you think was primarily to blame for losing to a newco

  • Neil Lennon

  • Peter Lawell & suits

  • Pandemic

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Everyone who made decisions within the club this season are nothing short of a disgrace to the club.
Letting laurel and Hardy loose on making some of the most ridiculous decisions I have ever seen still infuriates me no end.
The only one's to really stop the 10 was celtic themselves and by christ did we manage to do in spectacular fashion.
We all knew the stop the 10 at all costs would be put in force and government, Scottish fa, mib's all done there jobs admirably but still not as good as our decision makers did of making a total bollox of a season.

Letting Damien duff go still remains suspicious to me.

Letting Gordon, heyes and jozo go was totally morally wrong when they had contributed so much to our success. Claimed to be a cut costing, only to be replaced by much more expensive crap. Throw in all the loan signings as well, I now believe it was done to upset the changing room and got the desired effect.

The CL exit, playing no strickers in a straight knock out match, followed by calling out all the want aways, yet deciding to keep and play them when they had no intention of giving there all to the cause ahead.

1st Derby against the scum was the clearest indication of just how much the majority had downed tools by putting in the most pathetic preformance I have ever witnessed against the scum. We were made to believe that a yellow card had been issued (a straight red for me) yet lenny was allowed to go on and be in charge for another 5 red card performances along with a good few yellows as well. Start of the lies and bullshit this board have given us this season.

Dubai, the most stupid decision that was never going to end well, and we did pay a huge price for been so stupid.

The players chucked it in a long time ago, with so many falling ridiculously short of what they are capable of, and now for many are only playing for themselves, while others are licking there wounds, but at a guess I would say a very toxic changing room remains.

JK still remains, who thankfully we now know has fuck all to offer. Sunday and starting 7 we shouldn't have next season, which would be 8 if highly unlikely we can't get Ajer to stay.
JK needs to be kept well away from 1st team affairs and preferably away from the club altogether along with all the misfits of players who never had the desire to succeed whatsoever this season

I can only conclude that it was never in the agenda for the powers to be, to ever deliver the 10iar instead opted to hand the scum our title without even a fight.
I look upon this as treason among our support and has to be rectified ASAP.
We have developed a core of decision makers that have become rotten to the core and also need to be removed as quickly as possible.
We will return to our splendour hopefully without the bastards who have shat upon us all season.
I personally will never trust this board all the time the current members are on board especially the horrible tash DD for letting what has transpired this season as I look upon so many as traitors to the cause.
Just hoping now any future decisions are made with us supporters in mind and not the bollox we have been given all season
Not much you could add to that 👏👏👏👍
Straightforward for rne. Neil Lennon. Matches are won or lost on the pitch.
He picked the teams, he determined tactics, he decided on substitutes and their timing, or lack of. He stuck with underperforming players for too long. Sitting moodily in the dugout was not the best way to motivate players. The same errors being repeated in match after match, raises questions over training and preparation for matches. Refused to accept responsibility for his own role in the unfolding debacle. Blamed it on everybody and everything, but the worms in the pitch. Hung on, despite it being patently obvious, that doing so, would cost us the league. Eventually resigned when the damage done was irreparable.

Yes, there were other factors at play. The biggest being the cowardice of our Board. Their failure to remove Neil Lennon and give us some chance of turning things around, for me is unforgivable.
Straight forward for me yer spot on POD
This season has been a shit storm since day one and lots both within and without the club have to take responsibility. I do think though that it has been coming since before this season began. Our recruitment has been rubbish. We made cash from Frimpong who many thought not good enough for us anyway. Who else have we bought or brought through since the initial BR recruitment that have established themselves in the team and proved a success?
Another big worry for me is Calmac. I felt that in him and Tierney we had 2 potentially world class players on our books - brought through the ranks to boot - and I see one fulfilling that potential while we run the other into the ground and play him in various roles instead of building a team and decent support around him. 🤬
The bold Dave King has come oot, telling anyone that listens, that his prediction was correct....It was Celtics own fault.....They had the 10 won before a ball was kicked....crap signings etc etc....Also stating that Celtic wont have the same influence as they had before....because Lawell is stepping down........he's rubbing it in big style ............................We need to get this sorted, and sorted quick...before they get too far ahead....
The bold Dave King has come oot, telling anyone that listens, that his prediction was correct....It was Celtics own fault.....They had the 10 won before a ball was kicked....crap signings etc etc....Also stating that Celtic wont have the same influence as they had before....because Lawell is stepping down........he's rubbing it in big style ............................We need to get this sorted, and sorted quick...before they get too far ahead....
That silly cunt has just got a platform to sell his confetti to the zombie scum who we all know are as gullible as fuck, would say no one else would touch anything that crooked fuck has hence the zombies are his only option.
See where the mouthy Bastard is when we reclaim our titles and there only left with confetti yet again
I really can't answer this poll as, for me, it was a collective failure . If I was to give the biggest REASON for our failure though, it would be the millions wasted in the transfer market. Abysmal !
Yes it was for sure a collective.
But, some among the collective surely shoulder more of the shame blame, as some among them had the power to change things. Players don't sign or pick themselves for example.

Good point, Who was it that wasted the millions? not the players for sure!
Who signed Duffy & Ajeti & Barkas? at least one - Ajeti, was not Neil Lennon's first choice by several reports. If true who is picking or influencing the team?
Reports claim Neil was refused his own scouting team, he wanted former bhoy Tommy Johnson.
Today Owen Coyle claims he knows for a fact Neil Lennon was refused his own management assistants, this claim seems very credible to me.

These type of interference claims even if just partly true are extremely concerning, and questions should be asked, if not we encourage more. Would be great if we or someone could ask Neil Lennon these direct questions, so we can know who did what, but expect he had a confidentiality clause in his contract or pay off and wants another job.
Celtic Fans deserve better than this,
Yes it was for sure a collective.
But, some among the collective surely shoulder more of the shame blame, as some among them had the power to change things. Players don't sign or pick themselves for example.

Good point, Who was it that wasted the millions? not the players for sure!
Who signed Duffy & Ajeti & Barkas? at least one - Ajeti, was not Neil Lennon's first choice by several reports. If true who is picking or influencing the team?
Reports claim Neil was refused his own scouting team, he wanted former bhoy Tommy Johnson.
Today Owen Coyle claims he knows for a fact Neil Lennon was refused his own management assistants, this claim seems very credible to me.

These type of interference claims even if just partly true are extremely concerning, and questions should be asked, if not we encourage more. Would be great if we or someone could ask Neil Lennon these direct questions, so we can know who did what, but expect he had a confidentiality clause in his contract or pay off and wants another job.
Celtic Fans deserve better than this,
I would not listen to Owen Coyle or what he thinks just saying from a Gallowgate lad. Celtic's problem was not players, it was players not been coached on how to capatilise on mistakes or how to defend set plays. look at Scottish football in general to see this standard across the board. Rodgers was a good coach and man management coach. We need another like him to bring out the best in the real talent at the club.
People think Duffy wasa dud, far from it he is an international cap with different attributes we never recognised, you need to have an eye for different positions and strengths and weaknesses.
Yes it was for sure a collective.
But, some among the collective surely shoulder more of the shame blame, as some among them had the power to change things. Players don't sign or pick themselves for example.

Good point, Who was it that wasted the millions? not the players for sure!
Who signed Duffy & Ajeti & Barkas? at least one - Ajeti, was not Neil Lennon's first choice by several reports. If true who is picking or influencing the team?
Reports claim Neil was refused his own scouting team, he wanted former bhoy Tommy Johnson.
Today Owen Coyle claims he knows for a fact Neil Lennon was refused his own management assistants, this claim seems very credible to me.

These type of interference claims even if just partly true are extremely concerning, and questions should be asked, if not we encourage more. Would be great if we or someone could ask Neil Lennon these direct questions, so we can know who did what, but expect he had a confidentiality clause in his contract or pay off and wants another job.
Celtic Fans deserve better than this,
I completely agree. Those who have the most power obviously are the ones who make the important decisions. I'm reluctant to give an opinion from what I either read on line or hear second hand from someone who knows someone etc. What I don't understand is why any manager takes any job after being told his hands are tied. But it true ? Speaking only for myself, I've switched off from the speculation and hearsay. You are 100% correct. The supporters deserve better than we are getting.
I would not listen to Owen Coyle or what he thinks just saying from a Gallowgate lad. Celtic's problem was not players, it was players not been coached on how to capatilise on mistakes or how to defend set plays. look at Scottish football in general to see this standard across the board. Rodgers was a good coach and man management coach. We need another like him to bring out the best in the real talent at the club.
People think Duffy wasa dud, far from it he is an international cap with different attributes we never recognised, you need to have an eye for different positions and strengths and weaknesses.
Have to agree boab, as for the past few years we have broken tradition with been able to get young talent and develop them into quality players.
This only points to a very lazy attitude in making and getting the best out of players.
So many of our potential talent have gone so far backwards in their development that it stands to cost us millions in lost revenue.
This has been such a lazy attitude by getting in so called ready made players and thinking of throwing them all into the pot and keep guessing at trying to find a formula that actually works, but all that has been served up was pure shite.
Need to get back to tradition and get a proper management team with his own coaching team and keep the tradition of developing stars for the future, instead of journeymen looking to promote themselves without much care about the good of the club
Have to agree boab, as for the past few years we have broken tradition with been able to get young talent and develop them into quality players.
This only points to a very lazy attitude in making and getting the best out of players.
So many of our potential talent have gone so far backwards in their development that it stands to cost us millions in lost revenue.
This has been such a lazy attitude by getting in so called ready made players and thinking of throwing them all into the pot and keep guessing at trying to find a formula that actually works, but all that has been served up was pure shite.
Need to get back to tradition and get a proper management team with his own coaching team and keep the tradition of developing stars for the future, instead of journeymen looking to promote themselves without much care about the good of the club
Look at how Ryan Christie has went backwards after shining when he came back to us from his loan spells, McGregor toiling, Broonie was toiling yet fit as, Griffiths giving too many chances, Rodgers handed him his arse v partick Thisle, Bain was never out of Rodgers team due to his ability to see the pass from feet, nothing wrong with Gordon just Rodgers identified the new way from the box, the keeper has to be a player also, Rogic was winning titles with his skills in scoring late goals bursting onto the defenders and turning them inside out these are just some of the things we could see, if a pro does not then he is of no use to Celtic.
True boab, under BR we had a team that could play for 90 minutes as they were fit enough to do so, also had much better options going forward and kept the ball constantly as the opposition never could get a hold of it as we had them chasing shadows most of the time.
Now we were still found wanting within Europe as without the ball we were still way to slow to cover danger and to slow at moving the ball quickly enough to cause real problems.
We have gone so backwards now, that we can't get 60 minutes out of a team, total lack of ideas as we will move the ball at a snails pace most of the time, give up cheap possession with our positional and workrate without the ball even more appalling than ever before.
This tells us a lot of how useless JK is as a so called coach that he can't identify basic errors that have been allowed to manifest within our play. It is also no great surprise along with a tactical dope like lenny we are where we are now.
Still believe that we can rectify the glaring problems that we have turned a blind eye to for years by getting in a proper coaching team along with a manager who knows how he wants to set the team up.
Not much you could add to that 👏👏👏👍
True boab, under BR we had a team that could play for 90 minutes as they were fit enough to do so, also had much better options going forward and kept the ball constantly as the opposition never could get a hold of it as we had them chasing shadows most of the time.
Now we were still found wanting within Europe as without the ball we were still way to slow to cover danger and to slow at moving the ball quickly enough to cause real problems.
We have gone so backwards now, that we can't get 60 minutes out of a team, total lack of ideas as we will move the ball at a snails pace most of the time, give up cheap possession with our positional and workrate without the ball even more appalling than ever before.
This tells us a lot of how useless JK is as a so called coach that he can't identify basic errors that have been allowed to manifest within our play. It is also no great surprise along with a tactical dope like lenny we are where we are now.
Still believe that we can rectify the glaring problems that we have turned a blind eye to for years by getting in a proper coaching team along with a manager who knows how he wants to set the team up.PO
100% John, JK cannot be given the job and as you say it can all be turned around with the right people in place and for me I cannot see past Enzo Maresca,I realise he has not had the experience we would like him to have but everything I have read about him and seen on Youtube says he will be a fantastic coach,he has just won the league with Man City youth team just like Rodgers and Clark did at Chelsea.
We are looking for someone who can lead us through the minefield of European football,this guy was brought up in it..
We are looking to strike back immediately and bring that league winners trophy back to where we know it belongs,this could be the man to do that for us..

100% John, JK cannot be given the job and as you say it can all be turned around with the right people in place and for me I cannot see past Enzo Maresca,I realise he has not had the experience we would like him to have but everything I have read about him and seen on Youtube says he will be a fantastic coach,he has just won the league with Man City youth team just like Rodgers and Clark did at Chelsea.
We are looking for someone who can lead us through the minefield of European football,this guy was brought up in it..
We are looking to strike back immediately and bring that league winners trophy back to where we know it belongs,this could be the man to do that for us..

May well be a great shout and certainly has the pedigree for development of players which should be a must in the current climate World football finds itself
Lennon should never of been in the job. Peter Lawwell should of been sacked after stating he didn't consider anyone else for the job.
The biggest reason is Lennon though. Do you think Rodgers would of lost the league with the squad Lennon had?
IMO Glasbhoy Lenny had lost the dressing room after a few games and I believe the biggest culprits were Eddy, NtCham,Christies father who we know spoke to Christies agent about moving his Bhoy out and Ajer,I dont believe Lenny had a say in who was coming in,I believe Hammond and Lawwell done the recruiting on their own,,I heard a wee whisper Lenny did not want Duffy he was told he was coming in and had no say in the matter.
Tommy Johnson told us Lenny tried to get him in on the recruiting side but Lawwell knocked him back and brought in Hammond..
I never at anytime laid the blame solely at Lenny,s door we all know Lawwell pulled the strings but having said that I never at anytime thought Lenny was good enough to be the new Celtic manager,he accepted the job knowing he would be Lawwells whipping Bhoy and yes man,he might not have liked it but he accepted it,we all knew we needed to get a defence coach in to sort out the set pieces against and for us,JK was not doing the job but before Lenny would offend his pal by telling him he needs to bring in another defence coach he persevered with JK and we all know the outcome,it was all there again on Sunday for us to see,,so Bhoys and Ghirls I would not lose too much sleep over JK getting the job..

IMO Glasbhoy Lenny had lost the dressing room after a few games and I believe the biggest culprits were Eddy, NtCham,Christies father who we know spoke to Christies agent about moving his Bhoy out and Ajer,I dont believe Lenny had a say in who was coming in,I believe Hammond and Lawwell done the recruiting on their own,,I heard a wee whisper Lenny did not want Duffy he was told he was coming in and had no say in the matter.
Tommy Johnson told us Lenny tried to get him in on the recruiting side but Lawwell knocked him back and brought in Hammond..
I never at anytime laid the blame solely at Lenny,s door we all know Lawwell pulled the strings but having said that I never at anytime thought Lenny was good enough to be the new Celtic manager,he accepted the job knowing he would be Lawwells whipping Bhoy and yes man,he might not have liked it but he accepted it,we all knew we needed to get a defence coach in to sort out the set pieces against and for us,JK was not doing the job but before Lenny would offend his pal by telling him he needs to bring in another defence coach he persevered with JK and we all know the outcome,it was all there again on Sunday for us to see,,so Bhoys and Ghirls I would not lose too much sleep over JK getting the job..

If any of that should be the case gs it still leaves the question as to why he stayed in the position so long when it was obviously failing so badly and still would not explain the amount of idiotic team selections and worse still the substitutions he was guilty of
There was an email going about that Livingston FC were not compliant with tests, also Martindale praised the huns after playing them and waxing lyrical about 55 titles, this guiy the one who did 6 years for drug dealing. Hun

TheTributeAct Retweeted



Feb 16

Replying to

and 2 others
I worked on covid 19 testing earlier in the year. We got all the clubs samples except Rangers and Livingstone. Always wondered who was doing Rangers.
There was an email going about that Livingston FC were not compliant with tests, also Martindale praised the huns after playing them and waxing lyrical about 55 titles, this guiy the one who did 6 years for drug dealing. Hun

TheTributeAct Retweeted

Feb 16

Replying to

and 2 others
I worked on covid 19 testing earlier in the year. We got all the clubs samples except Rangers and Livingstone. Always wondered who was doing Rangers.
They have cheated at everything they have ever done new and old.
So are we really meant to believe that they would carry out covid testing properly? We've all seen at the weekend just what these horrible scum bastards think about covid, it don't apply to zombies
Thank you Neil Lennon
You've bucked the trend on The Noise, ( although in fairness I have to say some of us thought the treatment of Lenny was OTT ), Vigobhoy. You've given a deserved thanks to a club legend. Well done to you for that. Lenny is and always will be a legend in my eyes: his journey simply just reached the terminus. Just as we should move on as a club, Lenny should be allowed to move on with his life. I wish him nothing but good. Again, well done to you.
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