Do you think Neil Lennon was main to blame for losing to a newco

Who or what do you think was primarily to blame for losing to a newco

  • Neil Lennon

  • Peter Lawell & suits

  • Pandemic

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Winter this as you know is where the whole recruitment process has been a bollox for years now.
Ok for us to get players and develop to make a profit, not a problem with that because we can't nowhere near match the money on offer elsewhere.
But also for many players, playing for celtic and what is on offer is going to be the furtherest they will go in there careers.
So shows just how wrong the balance has been in our recruitment. We also need a number for long stay not just looking at a constant profit on every player, as this policy can hardly bring much continuity to a changing room.
Also players leaving us for so called bigger things, has not really materialise for to many, bigger wages OK but is dembele really enjoying his football as much today as he did with us?
Aye I agree with what you're saying johnno, but id hazard a guess the board wont, especially the part where some players when playing for Celtic it will be the peak of their careers, because for the board member who is responsible for signing off on the cheques for new players , any player that costs the cross border development fee or more, that doesnt return a profit will be seen in house as a failure, in todays dismal money orientated football business model we have at present. Getting x- numbers of players to commit to Celtic long term is one thing and easily do-able but if they perform consistently to a high standard in the big games and in Europe then inevitably they will catch the eye of another clubs scouting network and then comes the bid, say for example £7 million is bid for a player that cost us £1 million, then the club will never turn that down, even if the players signed a 6 year contract, being a plc, trading on the stock market they are duty bound to make the club profitable I'd imagine. We have seen this board stumble from one disaster to the next , losing boyata for zilch and not cashing in on ntcham when his stock had peaked at Celtic, those 2 bad decisions alone cost the club around the £20 million mark if the numbers banded around were accurate. Then the 10 season , we held onto eddy when his stock was higher and possibly again lost out on £10-20 million for him alone. TET would say it's a good example of a CEO overstaying his best years, hed be right. The only way around it possibly is to show real ambition and to have a real go at it whilst staying within our means. Like you alluded to, speculate to accumulate but not just the plc side , the football side as well, and if after say 3 -4 seasons it hasnt worked then perhaps we cut the cloth for the next 3-4 years then go again? 🤷🏻‍♂️ In that way perhaps we could get the dressing room continuity you mentioned but we also as you mentioned must have the right people in place. Over at cesspit central you have players half as talented as ours but they will run through brick walls for Gerrard like ours did for Rodgers. The players leaving us for bigger things I would say mostly has materialised for them. Armstrong may be with Southampton and mid table but he gets to play against some of the best club sides in the world and is paid a fortune for it so yes hes not winning trophies but is playing a higher standard of football, his value has been increased at least three fold. Dembele is now with Atletico Madrid one of the biggest clubs in the world. Is he happier than he was when he played for Celtic? Idk but I'd guess that was what he was targeting when he signed for us, playing at European top table club. Doesnt mean hes happier though because he hasnt the same adulation he had at Celtic, scoring in big games, hunskelkping sunday, CP European nights etc so in that instance I'd doubt it but it's also a job/profession where hes not the only one who is relying on his financial success, his family etc and it's not the same as when Larsson stayed on at CP, that Celtic were real contenders against anyone but he knew eventually that he had to get back to the big time the landscape was changing fast. When alls said and done I spouted out a novel in response to your couple of paragraphs 🤣 so thanks buddy some of the other threads are super depressing today and ye canny beat a good rabble oan the noise HH 😎
I also know that people from Monaco are called Monegasque and they fekn hate it if they are called French with a passion, something to do with snobbery and filthy richery I think, more than to do with partisan nationalism because people who are born in another country but are residents in Monaco are called Monacoian. Think they all wipe their arses with hunner quid notes though 🤣
You cant keep a good man down,and it does not end here,there,s more..

Fs I wonder how long til the blades are out doon there this time ( I mean the knives) the blades are already fukd so they canny get much worse , or can they ?🤔😂
Aye I agree with what you're saying johnno, but id hazard a guess the board wont, especially the part where some players when playing for Celtic it will be the peak of their careers, because for the board member who is responsible for signing off on the cheques for new players , any player that costs the cross border development fee or more, that doesnt return a profit will be seen in house as a failure, in todays dismal money orientated football business model we have at present. Getting x- numbers of players to commit to Celtic long term is one thing and easily do-able but if they perform consistently to a high standard in the big games and in Europe then inevitably they will catch the eye of another clubs scouting network and then comes the bid, say for example £7 million is bid for a player that cost us £1 million, then the club will never turn that down, even if the players signed a 6 year contract, being a plc, trading on the stock market they are duty bound to make the club profitable I'd imagine. We have seen this board stumble from one disaster to the next , losing boyata for zilch and not cashing in on ntcham when his stock had peaked at Celtic, those 2 bad decisions alone cost the club around the £20 million mark if the numbers banded around were accurate. Then the 10 season , we held onto eddy when his stock was higher and possibly again lost out on £10-20 million for him alone. TET would say it's a good example of a CEO overstaying his best years, hed be right. The only way around it possibly is to show real ambition and to have a real go at it whilst staying within our means. Like you alluded to, speculate to accumulate but not just the plc side , the football side as well, and if after say 3 -4 seasons it hasnt worked then perhaps we cut the cloth for the next 3-4 years then go again? 🤷🏻‍♂️ In that way perhaps we could get the dressing room continuity you mentioned but we also as you mentioned must have the right people in place. Over at cesspit central you have players half as talented as ours but they will run through brick walls for Gerrard like ours did for Rodgers. The players leaving us for bigger things I would say mostly has materialised for them. Armstrong may be with Southampton and mid table but he gets to play against some of the best club sides in the world and is paid a fortune for it so yes hes not winning trophies but is playing a higher standard of football, his value has been increased at least three fold. Dembele is now with Atletico Madrid one of the biggest clubs in the world. Is he happier than he was when he played for Celtic? Idk but I'd guess that was what he was targeting when he signed for us, playing at European top table club. Doesnt mean hes happier though because he hasnt the same adulation he had at Celtic, scoring in big games, hunskelkping sunday, CP European nights etc so in that instance I'd doubt it but it's also a job/profession where hes not the only one who is relying on his financial success, his family etc and it's not the same as when Larsson stayed on at CP, that Celtic were real contenders against anyone but he knew eventually that he had to get back to the big time the landscape was changing fast. When alls said and done I spouted out a novel in response to your couple of paragraphs 🤣 so thanks buddy some of the other threads are super depressing today and ye canny beat a good rabble oan the noise HH 😎
Thank you winter.
As bad as the season has been I would still like to think that we have learnt a very important lesson this season.
That is if a players attitude is not right then they are of no use to us as a club.
Ajer deserves great credit for still showing a brilliant attitude this season and hope by some miracle we could keep hold of him as they are the type of players our support thrive on.
Sorry to say we can't make the same claim regarding eddy, ntcham and Christie who have only got off lightly more so on past glories, but there attitude stunk for most of the season. Throw in the waste of loan signings that I hope we never see again.
We are looking for change now, so hopefully our recruitment is going to improve and we have seen a 4 year contract is our favourite to put on offer.
This is grand as long as we are getting players of a standard that allows them to be of 1st team squad standard and not this bollox of waiting to see if they can make that step up.
After 2 years of a 4 year contract we should have a good idea of what any players intentions are, if they are a hit then extend a contract, if not look to move them on at the highest price we can get.
Leaving ourselves open to going to the end of a 3rd year has shown us not to be really in our best interests.
Of course behind the scenes our coaching needs to be of a far higher standard than it currently is as to have potentially ready made players who can make that step up in the merry go round of football.
You do well nowadays to keep a good team together for more than 2 years nowadays 3 at a push.
It would be madness to keep thinking every transfer window we can keep operating in a merry go round system and keep getting lucky in order to maintain the success our supporters expect.
I will accuse us as a club of being very lazy in this area and believe it is where we need to improve no end to keep the stability of the club in check.
It's why I see a DoF as a must to cover an area we have been found out to been very slake on in recent seasons
This seasons circumstances were so mad and no one person or circumstance can be held entirely to blame.
Some of the bad circumstances we made ourselves, no one forced us to go to Dubai, no one forced us to spend £5 Million on Ajeti, a player that David Moyes had apparently forgotten was at westham.

The players failed us, but they never signed or chose themselves.
The manager failed us, but he never hired himself.
So now Neil Lennon has gone, do you think he was the main reason for Celtic losing out on 10 to a newco.
or do you think it was the suits or a one off because of the pandemic.
There’s another name that should be on the list Nick Hammond this is the man who sought out Barkas .Ajeti and Klimala and Duffy this guy was hired by Lawell to do a job and has been a disaster and we should check out his last job.He was at West Brom for 2 seasons they went from mid table to stone last and relegation his star buy was Oliver Burke £15 million 3 seasons 0 goals and only 20 games.He bought a lot of other crap as well this guy should never have been near the head of recruitment job but Lawell still hired him and the worst thing is he’s still there

Somebody please tell me this is a hun wind-up because I was never good at laughing at their sense o
LOST 22 from 28 then got sacked. Bet the Sheffield supporters would love to have Lenny. No chance this clown Wilder is coming to Celtic
Lots of reasons, most of them covered by previous posts. For me the biggest single issue that effected the team was the goalkeeping / defence situation. It just never got settled and got progressively worse and given we like to play from the back it had a significant impact on our game.
Lots of reasons, most of them covered by previous posts. For me the biggest single issue that effected the team was the goalkeeping / defence situation. It just never got settled and got progressively worse and given we like to play from the back it had a significant impact on our game.
Agree with that, we also missed julien big time and Duffy for what ever reason has been a disaster since he signed for the club he supports, cant be a bad player to be the Eire Captain and an EPL player but hes been awful after a good start. The defensive issues may have been one of the reasons why Lennon decided to go with the 1 striker even against lowly opposition. HH
John Hughes thinks refs have it in for them or at least go against them. He picks Beatons performance as not adequate cleverly wording it.
And he wanted us to give that mob a guard of honour, try been Celtic and the decisions you see going against you continously when there is a lot at stake.
So go dry your eyes Yogi and welcome to the real world, although first I have heard of refs going against Ross County, must be you he hates Yogi been an ex Celt.

John Hughes thinks refs have it in for them or at least go against them. He picks Beatons performance as not adequate cleverly wording it.
And he wanted us to give that mob a guard of honour, try been Celtic and the decisions you see going against you continously when there is a lot at stake.
So go dry your eyes Yogi and welcome to the real world, although first I have heard of refs going against Ross County, must be you he hates Yogi been an ex Celt.

He might be able to motivate players but I've always gotten the impression that yogi #2 has never been the sharpest tool in the box. Humble pie for his dinner.
He might be able to motivate players but I've always gotten the impression that yogi #2 has never been the sharpest tool in the box. Humble pie for his dinner.
Not the brightest and would not cut it with seasoned pros playing in a higher position than Ross C, players who earn decent money play for the love of the game and of course a living, but the shouting stuff is kept for training ground to enforce the seriousness of what will keep you in the team, once a good team walks onto a pitch they should not need to be growled at or shouted at, the discipline and instructions and adaptation plans should be built in. Thats why we need a coach who gets set plays drilled in.
We had it with Rodgers, stick to the plans and instructions given and if does not work the manager takes the hit for the defeat or draw. If a better team wins so be it, the whole squad accept the better team and plans won. This season we had no plan b when the chips were down and teams knew how toplay our plan a, this needs to change.
the shouting stuff is kept for training ground to enforce the seriousness of what will keep you in the team,
Aye and this part Boab had me thinking about Tuchel at Chelsea, idk if you've seen any of his antics on the sidelines slapping his knees and other bizarre instances. I understand that he wants to make the players understand that he is the man and whether you cost 10 mill or 100 mill or a youth product it means nothing unless you produce the goods and I agree 100 % with that , I dont agree with his sideline antics though slapping his knees , his chair , bringing on Hudson Odoi at ht when losing 1-0 to fulham or leeds. Hudson Odoi came on and created the move that led to the penalty for the equaliser yet he took him off 30 minutes after bringing him on. His reason was he didnt like his body language off the ball. That's ridiculous and nothing more than showmanship to the cameras as is his little mini meltdowns if a pass goes astray. His record isnt bad but could be better but this toys oot the pram childish behaviour should as you say imo be kept for the dressing room and not a show for the telly viewers .