Does Brendan really have a Plan B


Well-known member
I know it’s raw & that was dire .. and I also acknowledge BR has been roundly praised and rightly so for his ‘in game ‘ moves eg in the 3-2 game ... but something fairly significant has to change in the style of play
Is there another way of playing eg just off the cuff and up and at them
CFC players are streets ahead of anyone else in the league but our tactics and playing modus operandum is defensive negative and desperate at times.
17 more away games like that and there will be no 8 never mind 10
I read somewhere in the last year or two that Real Madrid players were given no tactics ... just go out and play you are miles better than the rest just do your own thing !
The only good news tonite is that it is just September !
It was poor last night. The players were not working hard enough and the build up was too slow.

Brendan said during the pre-season he stated that the players had mastered 5 different systems. Last season we often practised 10 v 11 in training and were supposed to have mastered it.

We were worse in this game than versus Sevco. So the players need to work harder. They looked like they were expecting someone else to do something great to win the game.

Brendan needs to get it right
Performance last night looked like so many games from last season.
Trundling out from the back - into midfield and back again as the opposition don't commit and open up gaps for us to play in.
Don't have an answer as the team don't have the physical presence or quality of delivery to make us effective by just putting the ball into the box.
I would agree that working harder would be a start - we won't be exploiting our monopoly of possession and running the legs out of teams if they are just shuffling from side to side rather than sprinting to match our runs.
Really underwhelmed last night. No spark and no plan B. With the squad losing Dembele, Armstrong and Roberts it looks like some players have lost their edge because they know they're unlikely to be dropped. Also feel Ref couldn't wait to send off Oli (the apple don't fall far from the tree) but Oli gave him the option by being stupid.
Talking of parking the bus.

Did last night's game remind anyone of the way we set up against Barcelona at Celtic Park the night we won 2-1 under Neil Lennon.

We played deep and narrow and hit them on the break and took our chances that night.

I think it shows if a team is fit, well organised and disciplined it is hard to break them down.

I think Brendan believes if we keep the ball.....keep moving teams around and make them work hard they will eventually tire and their concentration will lapse and then we will pick them off. With 10 men it makes this more difficult though.

I'm not making excuses for the performance.......but I think this could possibly be behind the way we go about things.

But I do agree we need a plan b and a plan c as well
In all honesty l thought we were awful last night. Absolutely no killer pass, and if Brendan goes with this formation in Europe God help us! HH
Agree that the players definitely were not up for it. So does that mean Brendan is to blame? Something or someone’s got to change
Agree that the players definitely were not up for it. So does that mean Brendan is to blame? Something or someone’s got to change
No manager is beyond blame. He picks the team, formation.what happens after that is the players. Has always been that way with any team you care to mention.
I've already had my say on last night's game, but it certainly seems to me that with today's results, the League is not going to some to us easily. But neither is there any need for depression or anxiety. A long way to go, but some players have shaded a bit, I feel. Callum McGregor, for example, had always been a great favourite of mine - but last night's miss was a bad one. The build up and positioning was not unlike last year's Scottish Cup final against Motherwell. In both cases he broke through, but in the Cup Final, his shot was a cracker. Last night, it was weak and lacked conviction. But he is a good enough player to come through this temporary loss of form. Tom Rogic similarly. But they must be supported by everyone. We are all in this together.