Exactly what more could Celtic have done?


Well-known member
Playing the devils advocate.......what exactly could/should our custodians have done regarding the stitch up with the scheduling of the LC semi finals?

The club put forward a reasonable, transparent and fair proposal imo on how to resolve the matter. This proposal was simply dismissed by the SPFL Board. The club then made a public statement condemning the summary dismissal of their proposal.

As things stand what else can the Club do? What avenues are open to us as things presently stand? This matter obviously went to a vote and vested interest voted for what suited them and it wasn't for fair and transparent governance.

If someone has a sound and rational answer as to what we can do about this obvious miscarriage of justice and decency I want to hear it. If there's a way to ensure this type of thing never happens again I want to hear it.

It's not enough imo to say Fergus would have fixed it and please believe I am not sticking up for Peter Lawwell when I say this. I will judge PL at our AGM on what he does or doesn't do re Resolution 12.

Look! We know the score here. Paul Larkin said it best - "Anyone but Celtic"

So what can we or the Club do about this?
bottom line we should be at hampden as we are the holders, PL not allowed to sit in the vote, great shout for paul larkin and Fergus, maybe now the board will take our concerns seriously and confront the bodies who put obstacles in the way of our team, "operation stop 10 in a row! HH
bottom line we should be at hampden as we are the holders, PL not allowed to sit in the vote, great shout for paul larkin and Fergus, maybe now the board will take our concerns seriously and confront the bodies who put obstacles in the way of our team, "operation stop 10 in a row! HH

Yes. Operation stop the 10 in full flow.

I think we have to look at ways we can retaliate against those who do the wrong thing and try to undermine us.

Money is the key methinks.

The SPFL have sponsors as do the SFA. Subscribe to them no more and let them know why. A coordinated effort would see things change. That's for starters
imatim. due to cl qualification celtic have put more money into Scottish football than sponsors Ladbrokes,ffs like I said to to tgjc if we don't get hampden stuff yer cup! bring things to a head! double treble winners putting up with this shit, no phuqin way HH
I think if the club got together with representatives from supporters groups & possibly some individual’s who aren’t attached to any csc’s & put to them about the possibility of refusing tickets.I know the main downside is the club won’t have any supporters at the match but it’s making a statement that says we’re not taking this any longer.We’ve contributed more to Scottish football than any other team in probably the past ten years.We’ve earned clubs money through our partition in the champions league plus loaning out players to various Scottish clubs.It’s time we got a fair crack of the whip & I know it’s not the best option but maybe the only one we have.HH
I remember back in 1968 we refused to play ferencvaros of hungary due to their involvement in the ussr's invasion of czeckoslovakia,eufa backed us on that occasion, we should tell the sfa/spfl, if we don't get hampden then they can shove their competition, how dare they, we are the cup holders ffs! yet they blatantly bend over backwards to accommodate sevco!!! it's not on HH
Some good calls.

These cretins detest us. They hate our successes, they hate our culture, they hate our very existence and by their actions they are telling us to know our place and to get to the back of the bus.

We respectfully asked for a simple ballot to determine things in a fair, transparent and equitable way. We made no demands. We made no threats. We simply asked for fairness and decency to prevail. And what do they do?

Think about it for a minute.....what this decision actually means.

They are making it quite clear. There will be no fairness, no transparency, no decency, no equality when it comes to Celtic. They may well have added No Surrender!!!

They have thrown it in our face and are no doubt slapping each other on the back and laughing at how they have stuck it to Timmy once again.

Well screw them all. I've had enough. How about everyone else?
Peter should knock on Doncasters door...
"Right you prick...here is what's going to happen. We are the biggest club in this fucking country. Our worldwide appeal and our performances in Europe are the reason you have sponsers and a nice fucking office and nice car. We sit quietly and never rock the boat. We keep our mouth shut when your refs show obvious bias against us. We say nothing as other teams play dirty tricks to beat us....what other country allows a professional team grow their grass to long to play on?? It's embarrassing..We have kept quiet as you have created a monster over the river with your survival and victim lie.......but here is what's going to happen now..We aren't taking it anymore ya wee prick...We refuse to play in your tournaments...We will ask fans not to buy away tickets...We will publicly announce the old firm, like rangers are dead. We will tell the league sponsers we no longer want the Glasgow derby billed as "old firm" and will publicly distance ourselves from that term at every opportunity...so you and your wee pals in there can sit and have a giggle about fucking us over but believe me...we are going fuck you over twice as hard. Enjoy your office while you still have it ya gobshite. You'll be on the dole soon"
Let the SPFL board know that Celtic will not take part in any advertising/media events for the game, there will be no per match press conference by the manager or anyone from the club and there will be no pre/post match interviews given. In addition the Celtic board should not attend the game and the club should not handle any tickets.
It’s then up to supporters to decide whether or not they want to attend.
Piss off the main sponsors/media partners rather than call for supporters to boycott.
Peter should knock on Doncasters door...
"Right you prick...here is what's going to happen. We are the biggest club in this fucking country. Our worldwide appeal and our performances in Europe are the reason you have sponsers and a nice fucking office and nice car. We sit quietly and never rock the boat. We keep our mouth shut when your refs show obvious bias against us. We say nothing as other teams play dirty tricks to beat us....what other country allows a professional team grow their grass to long to play on?? It's embarrassing..We have kept quiet as you have created a monster over the river with your survival and victim lie.......but here is what's going to happen now..We aren't taking it anymore ya wee prick...We refuse to play in your tournaments...We will ask fans not to buy away tickets...We will publicly announce the old firm, like rangers are dead. We will tell the league sponsers we no longer want the Glasgow derby billed as "old firm" and will publicly distance ourselves from that term at every opportunity...so you and your wee pals in there can sit and have a giggle about fucking us over but believe me...we are going fuck you over twice as hard. Enjoy your office while you still have it ya gobshite. You'll be on the dole soon"
I don’t think PL should have been at the meeting..
None of the other 4 clubs were
There should have been simple transparent ballot as we requested
I agree with you something desperate needs to be done to draw a line in the sand with these b@st@rds otherwise the non stop bias will continue

The roots of this current debacle lie with the original decision to reconstruct Hampden and our Boards failures to support Res 12,sort out the SFASPL Hampden cesspit in 2012 , and then when the Supreme Court finally concluded full and comprehensive guilt on Rangers EBTs
I fear it is too late and we are and will be constantly pissing in the wind now
Flamethrowers are needed at Hampden to clean the entire place out
The media have in the past and will blame Regan and Doncaster. They aren’t the issue they were are puppets and they know it
The entire Masonic cohort below them at Hampden and the other club reprehensible representatives eg Petrie McCrae et al are the problem as they will do nothing against Rangers and do everything they can to help them despite their outrageous behaviour
Re your proposal ; they won’t listen to Lawell.. I sense we need an 800 pound gorilla
( wae a bunnet!)
After watching Doncaster and Regan pull every trick in the book since 2011 yesterday's decisions were just another step along that road. Celtic should have put their foot down much earlier.

We are a soft touch, angry fans on social media and a statement then time to move on for the good of Scottish football.

Celtic should withdraw from all promotional work relating to Betfred and see what punishment comes our way.

No one from Sevco said a word to Sky Sports or anyone else after the 5-0 game last season, they are contractually obliged to do so but as we know these obligations always have a walk-around option.

We need much more than a statement, our directors know the system and where every skeleton is hiding.
I don’t think PL should have been at the meeting..
None of the other 4 clubs were
There should have been simple transparent ballot as we requested
I agree with you something desperate needs to be done to draw a line in the sand with these b@st@rds otherwise the non stop bias will continue

The roots of this current debacle lie with the original decision to reconstruct Hampden and our Boards failures to support Res 12,sort out the SFASPL Hampden cesspit in 2012 , and then when the Supreme Court finally concluded full and comprehensive guilt on Rangers EBTs
I fear it is too late and we are and will be constantly pissing in the wind now
Flamethrowers are needed at Hampden to clean the entire place out
The media have in the past and will blame Regan and Doncaster. They aren’t the issue they were are puppets and they know it
The entire Masonic cohort below them at Hampden and the other club reprehensible representatives eg Petrie McCrae et al are the problem as they will do nothing against Rangers and do everything they can to help them despite their outrageous behaviour
Re your proposal ; they won’t listen to Lawell.. I sense we need an 800 pound gorilla
( wae a bunnet!)
If you read the official statement PL was not at the meeting. But those that were will have to face him at some point.
Sorry if I was inarticulate.
I knew he wasn’t at the meeting
A number of observers ,including JF I think , are making a big Deal out of the fact he wasn’t there
My point is he shouldn’t have been there anyway .. but they should have carried out a transparent ballot
Sorry if I was inarticulate.
I knew he wasn’t at the meeting
A number of observers ,including JF I think , are making a big Deal out of the fact he wasn’t there
My point is he shouldn’t have been there anyway .. but they should have carried out a transparent ballot
Yeah re-read your post and realised thats what you meant. My bad HH
I for one won't be going to Murrayfield we have got too stand together as a club and family refuse tickets and don't take part in anything about or after game of we make final support team take tickets but continue to not to take part in anything to do with finalHH
We must have the driest powder on the planet!!!! Time to use it.
I’m not sure that a boycott would work (remember them v. Dundee Utd.) although we would probably organise this better.
Refusing tickets would be a good start and I don’t believe this would be too detrimental to the team as Brendan will have them fired up with talk of the injustice. The MIBS will need to be very careful as the eyes of the world will be upon the game.
Another possibility would be a vote of no confidence in the SFA citing this, Res 12 and recent refereeing corruption. The Club need to be more vocal and start laying down markers for the future.
Playing the devils advocate.......what exactly could/should our custodians have done regarding the stitch up with the scheduling of the LC semi finals?

The club put forward a reasonable, transparent and fair proposal imo on how to resolve the matter. This proposal was simply dismissed by the SPFL Board. The club then made a public statement condemning the summary dismissal of their proposal.

As things stand what else can the Club do? What avenues are open to us as things presently stand? This matter obviously went to a vote and vested interest voted for what suited them and it wasn't for fair and transparent governance.

If someone has a sound and rational answer as to what we can do about this obvious miscarriage of justice and decency I want to hear it. If there's a way to ensure this type of thing never happens again I want to hear it.

It's not enough imo to say Fergus would have fixed it and please believe I am not sticking up for Peter Lawwell when I say this. I will judge PL at our AGM on what he does or doesn't do re Resolution 12.

Look! We know the score here. Paul Larkin said it best - "Anyone but Celtic"

So what can we or the Club do about this?

Well for a start we could refer the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport

It's obviously an unfair decision so let the Courts sort it out then the SPFL can go along with their decision

Well for a start we could refer the matter to the Court of Arbitration for Sport

It's obviously an unfair decision so let the Courts sort it out then the SPFL can go along with their decision


Interesting point Bill.

What's the process involved to make this happen?

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