FAO: James Forrest


Well-known member

Re: Today's Blog Storm

First and foremost, like yourself, I don't like having opinions shoved down my throat. I'm not saying that you do. I don't have to read what you write, quite often on seeing the headline, I rarely do. Like yourself also, criticism is taken on board and we move on.

Most of us who follow certain bloggers get to learn what we're in for and accept that it's up us to take the risk of being pulled in by more clickbait garbage.

Today, I fell into the clickbait trap hook, line and sinker.

I was expecting to read revelations about the ongoing saga relating to the UEFA licence or other Res12 business. Well, I say expected! You have ignored request after request even to the point that you will not 'lower yourself' to inform us as to whether or not events are ongoing or ceased permanently.

What I read was a script best suited to Fantasy Island. It may happen, it may not. However, the fact that you expect us to 'take your word' for it smacks of a commentator who has his head up his own anus,

Two wins, against two teams who actually had a go at us, and we are now Barca in disguise!

What are you on?

Possibly, I could go on all night. Suffice to say, I've read some pish in my time but that rates alongside the Chris Jack school of journalism.

Let's know when you've an update worthy on note, without any shite!
I would suggest as with all blogs all maters are those of opinion. Indeed you are entitled to yours, as is JF.
I have myself disagreed with him but at least he has the wherewithal to generate discussion.
My only observation would be mutual respect would not go wrong!
I thought the article was a positive view looking at two recent good performances and assuming that we will continue in the same vein. There is nothing wrong with positivity and I too have the feeling that a change is afoot. The manipulation of the league cup semi's was disgusting and everything done to disadvantage Celtic. My feeling is that we will hammer Hearts and blow apart their plans.

However, there is the possibility that the difficult match in Germany could derail the good work and things may not work out as we hope. This is the balanced view and should not be forgotten

The next few games can leave a mark on the whole season and I for one cannot wait.
I would suggest as with all blogs all maters are those of opinion. Indeed you are entitled to yours, as is JF.
I have myself disagreed with him but at least he has the wherewithal to generate discussion.
My only observation would be mutual respect would not go wrong!

Whilst I agree with you on mutual respect, I suggest to you that it is one way traffic with James. It would be better if sensationalism was left out of 'blogs', however, at the same time, it has to be acknowledged that a certain degree of 'poetic licence' is acceptable.

The blog today suggested, to me which is why I feel a need to comment on it, that we were going to blow away our opposition. Foolishly, I openly admit, I imagined it was going to be about Celtic going it alone in the face of all others, who put cheating before integrity.

With this Celtic board, I realise that I should have known better but still get my hopes up.

His blog today was sensationalist crap which may happen or may not. Obviously, I'm hopeful he's right. However, too often we see these type of statements ending up as a complete embarrassment.

The hypocrisy of the blog is that he continuously slates Sevco for shooting their mouths off whilst praising us for doing our talking on the pitch.

It was a pathetic, puff piece intended for who? Us?

Maybe when James engages in debate instead of acting as an ITK Celt - again the hypocrisy oozes from him - then respect shall be reciprocated.

Personally, I don't believe James affords any respect to any of us - as long as he's getting hits and earning money we'll continue to get more of the same content as today.

If my views offend, I can only apologise.

As stated, I'm more than happy for James to criticise my views at any time.

I'm quite happy for anyone on the forum to criticise my views. If they go through the points I've raised, and rip them apart, with logic argument then I can ask for no more. I'd enjoy the debate!

This is a forum, it enables us to express personal views. I've been told before that I talk shite and, sometimes, people have backed that statement up and made me realise they were correct.

If you give an honest, strong opinion then you have to expect disagreement. I do, so should James!

Re: Today's Blog Storm

First and foremost, like yourself, I don't like having opinions shoved down my throat. I'm not saying that you do. I don't have to read what you write, quite often on seeing the headline, I rarely do. Like yourself also, criticism is taken on board and we move on.

Most of us who follow certain bloggers get to learn what we're in for and accept that it's up us to take the risk of being pulled in by more clickbait garbage.

Today, I fell into the clickbait trap hook, line and sinker.

I was expecting to read revelations about the ongoing saga relating to the UEFA licence or other Res12 business. Well, I say expected! You have ignored request after request even to the point that you will not 'lower yourself' to inform us as to whether or not events are ongoing or ceased permanently.

What I read was a script best suited to Fantasy Island. It may happen, it may not. However, the fact that you expect us to 'take your word' for it smacks of a commentator who has his head up his own anus,

Two wins, against two teams who actually had a go at us, and we are now Barca in disguise!

What are you on?

Possibly, I could go on all night. Suffice to say, I've read some pish in my time but that rates alongside the Chris Jack school of journalism.

Let's know when you've an update worthy on note, without any shite!

Re: Today's Blog Storm

First and foremost, like yourself, I don't like having opinions shoved down my throat. I'm not saying that you do. I don't have to read what you write, quite often on seeing the headline, I rarely do. Like yourself also, criticism is taken on board and we move on.

Most of us who follow certain bloggers get to learn what we're in for and accept that it's up us to take the risk of being pulled in by more clickbait garbage.

Today, I fell into the clickbait trap hook, line and sinker.

I was expecting to read revelations about the ongoing saga relating to the UEFA licence or other Res12 business. Well, I say expected! You have ignored request after request even to the point that you will not 'lower yourself' to inform us as to whether or not events are ongoing or ceased permanently.

What I read was a script best suited to Fantasy Island. It may happen, it may not. However, the fact that you expect us to 'take your word' for it smacks of a commentator who has his head up his own anus,

Two wins, against two teams who actually had a go at us, and we are now Barca in disguise!

What are you on?

Possibly, I could go on all night. Suffice to say, I've read some pish in my time but that rates alongside the Chris Jack school of journalism.

Let's know when you've an update worthy on note, without any shite!
With respect a totally over the top response
James’s analogy is actually very good . What is in question is whether he is right or not .
You have your opinion which you made ,albeit very briefly , and he has made his much more eloquently .....and we shall see whether he is right or not in due course but his view is in my opinion a reasonable one and worthy of debate based on the quality on display these last two games
FWIW i agree with him in that I think some team is going to walk into a storm and take a very very sore one against Celtic soon. I think we all know who we want it to be
I am sure you didn’t mean it that way but online Ad hominem attacks of this nature are demeaning , puerile and should be best left to the low life’s on the dark side
Ah sure he’s only showing a bit of passion in his writing and I for one agree that this looks to be the point in this season that takes Celtic on a run of excellent football and excellent results.
don't really care one way or the other about JF's opinions,sometimes good, sometimes not,like it says at the top of the page "opinions & rants",what it does do though, is provide celtic fans with a platform to voice our opinions and rants,until the huns infest it with their bile, delusions and p*sh
Nothing wrong with where you're coming from Anton.

I think it's fair to say that JF needs to continually churn out opinion pieces to generate an income.

JF imo has a real talent for the written word. With that talent comes a responsibility to the truth and not simply the truth according to JF. I hope he always remembers this.

What I believe he needs to keep in mind is if he writes sensationalist pieces with little substance then his popularity will wane and if that was to happen then so would his hits and once respect is lost it's extremely hard to rekindle it. The vast majority of the Celtic support imo are not thick and will see through claptrap wherever it occurs.

So keep voicing your opinion my friend in Celtic it keeps us all honest and if JF is of a mind to reply to you I would be happy to hear it.
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Thanks for opinions shared, especially those who back up their views with genuine observations. Never ceases to amaze me how diverse we are but I'm glad we can express varying opinions the way we do.

Obviously, I disagree with some.

In response to putting a point across eloquently, the biggest disappointment I have in life is that so many Celts - who speak so much sense - fear ridicule due to the fact they believe they cannot express themselves 'professionally'.

I could't care what way they say things, I just wish they would!

Some of the most clever people I know are also the most stupid who just so happen to believe their 'intelligence' should be thrust upon others.

I shall repeat the main claim I've made; this piece was sensationalist garbage, written in the sole purpose of getting hits. It was noteworthy for the fact that it wasn't worthy of wasting one's time reading.

I'm not too sure why some deem it to be hysterically OTT, however, some people will take any opportunity to have a dig at people they dislike, inserting petty and infantile insults with impunity. Such Hun-like behaviour should be left to the low lifes. Hypocrisy just oozes from certain people which is quite sad!

Not much more I can say but I can certainly take on board the points raised and I shall.
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Whilst I agree with you on mutual respect, I suggest to you that it is one way traffic with James. It would be better if sensationalism was left out of 'blogs', however, at the same time, it has to be acknowledged that a certain degree of 'poetic licence' is acceptable.

The blog today suggested, to me which is why I feel a need to comment on it, that we were going to blow away our opposition. Foolishly, I openly admit, I imagined it was going to be about Celtic going it alone in the face of all others, who put cheating before integrity.

With this Celtic board, I realise that I should have known better but still get my hopes up.

His blog today was sensationalist crap which may happen or may not. Obviously, I'm hopeful he's right. However, too often we see these type of statements ending up as a complete embarrassment.

The hypocrisy of the blog is that he continuously slates Sevco for shooting their mouths off whilst praising us for doing our talking on the pitch.

It was a pathetic, puff piece intended for who? Us?

Maybe when James engages in debate instead of acting as an ITK Celt - again the hypocrisy oozes from him - then respect shall be reciprocated.

Personally, I don't believe James affords any respect to any of us - as long as he's getting hits and earning money we'll continue to get more of the same content as today.

If my views offend, I can only apologise.

As stated, I'm more than happy for James to criticise my views at any time.

I'm quite happy for anyone on the forum to criticise my views. If they go through the points I've raised, and rip them apart, with logic argument then I can ask for no more. I'd enjoy the debate!

This is a forum, it enables us to express personal views. I've been told before that I talk shite and, sometimes, people have backed that statement up and made me realise they were correct.

If you give an honest, strong opinion then you have to expect disagreement. I do, so should James!
Interesting one although i mostly agree with the majority of what's on the blog,after all that's what led me to this site. one issue which i completely agree with yourself is respect.the notion that a blogger's opinion is somehow more worthwhile than the ordinary fan,there is no difference only that he has a platform that we usually dont. Also he once said he wouldn't debate with anyone on Twitter with less than 100 followers 1 follower or 10,000 followers it is still a celtic fan just like him
I do wonder if some posts might be better delivered as a private communication. I have no problem with opinions and I agree that people can sometimes act like pompous blowhards (I am no saint). However, a public slating is often not the best way to go. If any of us has an issue with a particular individual then may I suggest it is kept as a private matter between the individuals involved. I have witnessed too many online fora/forums lose active members when disputes are aired to a wider audience (again I am no saint). So far, Celtic Noise has been a place where discourse has been relatively civil. My intention is not to call anyone out on their online behaviour, simply to suggest that we do not escalate matters that ought to be handled privately. If someone is overly offensive then I would support calling that poster out, but we should reserve that option for more serious matters.
Seams a tadge haughty on James part that he will only engage in conversation on twitter if the other party has in excess of 100 followers, the number of followers is no litmus test as to the validity or verbose conversation that both parties could engage in, nor should it be used as a form of popularity , you can adopt at any one time a great number of twitter friends who in no way offer any sucker to most of the points you wish to follow, I do hope he has dropped that demand, you cant run a blog with that mindset
Seams a tadge haughty on James part that he will only engage in conversation on twitter if the other party has in excess of 100 followers, the number of followers is no litmus test as to the validity or verbose conversation that both parties could engage in, nor should it be used as a form of popularity , you can adopt at any one time a great number of twitter friends who in no way offer any sucker to most of the points you wish to follow, I do hope he has dropped that demand, you cant run a blog with that mindset
Smacks of elitism
Nothing wrong with where you're coming from Anton.

I think it's fair to say that JF needs to continually churn out opinion pieces to generate an income.

JF imo has a real talent for the written word. With that talent comes a responsibility to the truth and not simply the truth according to JF. I hope he always remembers this.

What I believe he needs to keep in mind is if he writes sensationalist pieces with little substance then his popularity will wane and if that was to happen then so would his hits and once respect is lost it's extremely hard to rekindle it. The vast majority of the Celtic support imo are not thick and will see through claptrap wherever it occurs.

So keep voicing your opinion my friend in Celtic it keeps us all honest and if JF is of a mind to reply to you I would be happy to hear it.

You've put it better than I could, mate ?
I do wonder if some posts might be better delivered as a private communication. I have no problem with opinions and I agree that people can sometimes act like pompous blowhards (I am no saint). However, a public slating is often not the best way to go. If any of us has an issue with a particular individual then may I suggest it is kept as a private matter between the individuals involved. I have witnessed too many online fora/forums lose active members when disputes are aired to a wider audience (again I am no saint). So far, Celtic Noise has been a place where discourse has been relatively civil. My intention is not to call anyone out on their online behaviour, simply to suggest that we do not escalate matters that ought to be handled privately. If someone is overly offensive then I would support calling that poster out, but we should reserve that option for more serious matters.

Had I believed, even for a second, that a private communication would have resulted in a response, I may well have tried.
You've put it better than I could, mate ?

Had I believed, even for a second, that a private communication would have resulted in a response, I may well have tried.
If I offended you in my response above ...Mea Culpa!
This forum has managed to remain ,in its short existence so far ,a civilised site and I just hope the Ad Hominem stuff is kept permanently out of bounds
We are all very passionate about CFC otherwise we would not be here so I for one am open to all opinions and communication styles
FWIW Whilst I enjoy a lot of his stuff I find JF at times very frustrating. In my opinion he spends too much time obsessing on matters Ibrox and not enough taking our own crew to task ...eg the transfer window debacle could well have been called out more robustly and sooner by him and other big Celtic bloggers
Re his probably not responding to you and others I too have felt like communicating with him at times . I just assume he believes he would drown in emails and doesn’t want to get drawn down by TRFC trolls into the sewer his blog forum has become
Pity !
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If I offended you in my response above ...Mea Culpa!
This forum has managed to remain ,in its short existence so far ,a civilised site and I just hope the Ad Hominem stuff is kept permanently out of bounds
We are all very passionate about CFC otherwise we would not be here so I for one am open to all opinions and communication styles
FWIW Whilst I enjoy a lot of his stuff I find JF at times very frustrating. In my opinion he spends too much time obsessing on matters Ibrox and not enough taking our own crew to task ...eg the transfer window debacle could well have been called out more robustly and sooner by him and other big Celtic bloggers
Re his probably not responding to you and others I too have felt like communicating with him at times . I just assume he believes he would drown in emails and doesn’t want to get drawn down by TRFC trolls into the sewer his blog forum has become
Pity !

Seriously, mate, I was pissed off as I was wondering WTF I'd actually done to annoy you.

I do it often - ask Maria ? - however, 99% of the time it is totally unintentional. Some people, like myself, with strong opinions just piss people off.

I'd much prefer they let me know when I do and, more importantly, why?

I learn every day on this site, as much about myself as everyone else.

Much appreciated ?

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