feeding the trolls

michael duffy

Well-known member
just back from celtic blog on celtic news now "why are people lying..." 49 posts 34 of them from huns most of them aimed at one of our ghirls and doing it by using her name (admirable restraint btw).feed them or ignore them... suggestions HH (47 out of 65)
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Not patronising honestly!
But you are right .
I gave up on that site’s comments section months ago!
Not sure why James allows that garbage to detract from his input which I enjoy
Btw I suspect there are quite a few good
‘ migrants’ from that site who have jumped on lifeboats and landed over here ??
If a site is for CFC fans that’s what it is and should never ever allow low life detritus with their poison to derail good fun and conversation on serious issues that have f@ck all to do with them
just back from celtic blog on celtic news now "why are people lying..." 49 posts 34 of them from huns most of them aimed at one of our ghirls and doing it by using her name (admirable restraint btw).feed them or ignore them... suggestions HH (47 out of 65)
Fucking swamp over there the pretence is very meticallous they are attempting to call out people playing the 1 in 3 routine. TGM is off on a rant usually know when he is involved or raging with someone his writing takes on a sinsiter side starts going into mad conspiracies, i think they know they are been blanked or been taking for tossers, one result and they step up again as the globe trotters.
Not patronising honestly!
But you are right .
I gave up on that site’s comments section months ago!
Not sure why James allows that garbage to detract from his input which I enjoy
Btw I suspect there are quite a few good
‘ migrants’ from that site who have jumped on lifeboats and landed over here ??
If a site is for CFC fans that’s what it is and should never ever allow low life detritus with their poison to derail good fun and conversation on serious issues that have f@ck all to do with them
Bang on they are insane to sit all year on Celtic Blogs as a hun is wierd, they must be told to do it.
Fucking swamp over there the pretence is very meticallous they are attempting to call out people playing the 1 in 3 routine. TGM is off on a rant usually know when he is involved or raging with someone his writing takes on a sinsiter side starts going into mad conspiracies, i think they know they are been blanked or been taking for tossers, one result and they step up again as the globe trotters.
aye and james threatened tae block me for pointing it out HH
aye and james threatened tae block me for pointing it out HH

I stopped going coz I was asked to stop interacting with them. Made sense. But I can't not interact with them so I just come here instead.

I suspect the are there under orders as well. Wouldn't be surprised if its part of the Jabba propaganda machine in some way.

Where there is strive and arguing the real stuff never gets a look in and its easier to play the tit for tat game.

Besides they aren't there looking for chat or even any valid points. Its all pure clown shoes and zombie eyeballs bile and puke they bring.

And the bit thats most worrying I think that mostly represent the moderates in the deludemol puff and pills.
I stopped going coz I was asked to stop interacting with them. Made sense. But I can't not interact with them so I just come here instead.

I suspect the are there under orders as well. Wouldn't be surprised if its part of the Jabba propaganda machine in some way.

Where there is strive and arguing the real stuff never gets a look in and its easier to play the tit for tat game.

Besides they aren't there looking for chat or even any valid points. Its all pure clown shoes and zombie eyeballs bile and puke they bring.

And the bit thats most worrying I think that mostly represent the moderates in the deludemol puff and pills.
Has to be TET no-one would choose that as an existence daily. Even as a noise up after a while you would be cute enough to know that nonsense will get to you. Sometimes its as if they are painted on the blogs, when you log on they are there. Hahaha deluded.
Fucking swamp over there the pretence is very meticallous they are attempting to call out people playing the 1 in 3 routine. TGM is off on a rant usually know when he is involved or raging with someone his writing takes on a sinsiter side starts going into mad conspiracies, i think they know they are been blanked or been taking for tossers, one result and they step up again as the globe
Agreed on the celtic blog huns dominate . Constant references to child abuse .taigs tarriers, and comments that if i heard face to face i would be unable to refrain fron reacting , difficult site to comment on as im mostly told i have been logged out before i can log in . Huns dont seem to have same prob . I for one do NOT want their the imbecile input not sure why this is allowed.i report each comment one accusing nimmy johnstone of wjfe beating , need to beef up our legal teams this isnt free speech couldn't give shit about their opinions.
Bang on they are insane to sit all year on Celtic Blogs as a hun is wierd, they must be told to do it.

The irony is Boab, they think its madness that a ghirl is on a football blog ?

I laugh n laugh n skelp them they are horrible odious little zombie creatures begging for some dominance from their superiors. Haha
They hijack my name all the time yet you can see their poison towards me all the time, they hate me ?

I must admit i find them with zero originality but then what could you expect from a zombie.

I really do love laughing at them, these peepul don’t participate to society at all.

TGM was a recent favourite him and his faux mock horror from that soap box of his. He got his mauling a couple of days ago.

Seeing the hatred this aul eejit spouts i find it incredible that he says he is a Celtic man. Not in my book.

They just need to all remember their fuqin place, in the dirt as per the 2012 purge. ?
Its good to be rid of that lot, they still spout the same old sh-te that they did 50 years ago. No Imagination. ( except that they imagine they are still relevant. )
Do you remeber the x files Scully and Mulder ( i think was the names) and they used to asy the truth is out there, if only the media had the balls to state the obvious, thats right they did, why the change?
Hi, Maria, it is, got sick of that other site, the old trolls like boy blunder and a few others were ok just a bit of a laugh, but I had a look yesterday and was disgusted. This lot of huns are sick. or is it just one with multiple names?
Would be interesting to know if most of the reporters who wrote the headings on the image are now working in supermarkets, the one that caught my eye was "farewell to a club steeped in bigotry" would that statement alone not inform there was some decent journalists who hated them and they understood what exactly liquidation meant, we will always rake over old coals as long as the spark is allowed to smoulder without been extinguished then we are in danger of a fully blown fire rising from the ashes and the phoneix club becomes complete with all deception tarted up. They died full stop never grow old or sick of reminding them for this is what gives you the front seat on the bus, they will have to drag us to the backseat for we know the truth and we will tell our grandchildren.
Hi, Maria, it is, got sick of that other site, the old trolls like boy blunder and a few others were ok just a bit of a laugh, but I had a look yesterday and was disgusted. This lot of huns are sick. or is it just one with multiple names?

Yes Ian. Its the same pollution mulitple names for he is is legion.

A complete disease. You should take a look at the Brendan plays it safe thread and see him get a taste of hilarity and proper skelping.

Its a shame coz JF’s blog is good but i genuinely think he doesn’t have the facilities to get rid.

I think other than him having the time to do his research and get his articles out i think most of his time has been invested in getting noise up and running along with other bloggers and football lovers, seeing it from this side now i can’t hold him responsible.

Anyway these wee eejits want to get a rise out of us and spoil our heads but they absolutely hate us laughing at them whilst ripping the sh*t. That is how we leave them with the nasty head present. Lol.

Ian, always like reading your thoughts so glad your here too.

I only signed up a day or so ago and whilst im still trying to get to grips with the site and alerts n stuff i am enjoying reading the thoughts of so many clever bhoys n ghirls who really know their stuff.

Its defo good to get the old band back together pal. Hope your health is great and going from strength to strength.

HH pal ☘️
They know the truth. But deludamol is the puff of dreams and in the ethereal league dreams are the reality.

The fact that it goes unchallenged in MSM lets MSM know they can write opinion pieces based on fantasy and it will be accepted as fact by people who aren't well.

Thats not a good place for a healthy society. The lack of truly objective reporting cannot ever be a good thing. Especially when the society is on a steep morale decline.

The minute actual factual truth can be twisted to suit a pre-determined agenda and go unchallenged through grief the psychopaths who hide in the shadows have license to run amok.

And thats exactly whats happened in last few years. Was always there but now they have the confidence to go full Manson family Cult and refer to them other people did it.

And if its makes more money to promote delusion then thats the way to go.

You cannot serve truth and Mammon

Mammon was the name given to worldly wealth based on subjective opinion, according to St Augustine.

You serve Mammon you sold your soul for a lie.

And Football isn't beautiful since it chose Mammon.

Society is now so immoral that twisted logic passes as fact.
And when that happens autocratic dictators always appear from the blue.

Rangers/ Sevco saga is just a symptom of a much wider system failure.

And to be honest I would be surprised if Trump soon declares himself the first emperor of Western World to take the fallen Republic to the next level. And i actually think the MAGA nut jobs will give him the powers.

I watched a crazy set of street interviews with American voters. They suggested certain historical quotations from past were made by Trump. The voters were asked do they agree with these statements. And 90 percent said if trump said it I wholeheartedly agree. Trump is great man. He will make America great again. So they repeated the quotation and said do you believe in this statement. And they said YES YES YES. then they told them every statement they said yes to was by Goebels and Hitler.

The response mostly was but they were evil men. If trump said it he would really mean it?????????
He wants to make America Great again.

And tbh I think the bluebells are blue head cases think just like the cannon fodder in USA. Jut tell them something that makes them think they are special and they will give you the power to do whatever you like.

Now I couldn't care less about Amercian politics generally. But that fact people are so easily swayed with the MSM one way or another is serious problem for the world when the MSM have special interests.

Oh and btw I hate Clintons worse than Trump

Its bit like a choice between Satan and the Devil and the Devil points out that the satan devotees love Satan. And the Satan devotees point out the Devil supporters love the Devil.

And the truth gets thrown in the bin for opinion pieces that suit either the Devil or Satan. And thats becomes the truth for every individual. Its my version of the truth and it suits my agenda therefore its true.

But the concept of truth becomes meaningless in a world like that, and in world with no truth, no crime is crime, freedom becomes license, and when anarchy breaks loose. Out steps the military dictator to make himself Emperor under his version of truth.

Mad world we live in hahahahahahah

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