Free Broomloan

I’d say they are far worse now than when you wrote that article James

The now appear to be without any virtue. The protestant work ethic has been replaced with financial skullduggery and the general moral decline of society has seen them drift into huns without any ethics whatsoever. Now i realise that they may well have appeared to be virtueless always. But they once could bedazzle people with their whataboutery as justification. But their whataboutery doesn't fit in with any kind of Justice system. And in fact they have convinced themselves they have been wronged. Fairness has always been biased in their favour. But now they need 100 percent bias to make up for the fact they have (in their minds) been wronged.

But I agree fully speyside lhad they are in my opinion much deeper on the sociopathic scale than ever before.

They have no concept of Justice, Prudence, Temperance or True fortitude.

They have, in my opinion, fallen completely off the human spectrum into the animal kingdom, sadly.
Regarding the Hun definition...there's a song called the Foggy Dew...Brittanias Huns with their long range guns!!... so there is reference right there.

Think that was modern adaptation of that song. But I love the new version.

Think the older version was Brittanias sons
The now appear to be without any virtue. The protestant work ethic has been replaced with financial skullduggery and the general moral decline of society has seen them drift into huns without any ethics whatsoever. Now i realise that they may well have appeared to be virtueless always. But they once could bedazzle people with their whataboutery as justification. But their whataboutery doesn't fit in with any kind of Justice system. And in fact they have convinced themselves they have been wronged. Fairness has always been biased in their favour. But now they need 100 percent bias to make up for the fact they have (in their minds) been wronged.

But I agree fully speyside lhad they are in my opinion much deeper on the sociopathic scale than ever before.

They have no concept of Justice, Prudence, Temperance or True fortitude.

They have, in my opinion, fallen completely off the human spectrum into the animal kingdom, sadly.

We were paranoid so they said, we just weren’t paranoid enough as we knew way back something didn’t add up... how the feck they think they are some sort of victims is truly astounding of forehead TET.

I’ve loved the Celtic as long as I remember (48 now) but if I ever found out we were a bunch of cheats I’d chuck it altogether, I’d be so so fecking heartbroken, but I’d be so disillusioned I’d have to chuck it.... these huns have actually used their cheating years as some sort of defense mechanism... they don’t care about ethics, morals or anything good in this world and that’s what makes them a bunch of dangerous Neanderthals

HUNS is such an accurate description of them
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