Fuck the huns

Probably wants Celtic to pay for it and then the huns don't pay their share... the M.O. for the Crumbledome teams.
They were aw chuffed when the brick façade at the piggery/ Victorian toilet got listed building status in the 70’s but in reality it’s a hindrance to doing any work at the stadium, they could NEVER knock it down and build a modern stadium.

There are moves afoot to get our brick façade that was only built in the 80’s listed status, which is something we should fight tooth and nail against, it will severely limit our upgrade on the main stand that is well overdue/life expired
Rangers get a penalty for a hand ball against Aberdeen the ref says play on the Rangers players protest much in the same way the celtic players did last week against hearts both of these incidents were stone wall penalties the only difference being the referee done the proper thing and check var and gave the correct decision for rangers this week. Now these are the same ref and var official as last week but with 2 different out comes .surely its time for some body at our club to explain why these 2 people will be allowed back to celtic pk or allowed to officate at any of our games.
Rangers get a penalty for a hand ball against Aberdeen the ref says play on the Rangers players protest much in the same way the celtic players did last week against hearts both of these incidents were stone wall penalties the only difference being the referee done the proper thing and check var and gave the correct decision for rangers this week. Now these are the same ref and var official as last week but with 2 different out comes .surely its time for some body at our club to explain why these 2 people will be allowed back to celtic pk or allowed to officate at any of our games.
We knew all along it wouldn't matter with var in as the establishment club will get the decisions, sick and tired of it all now Scottish Football dead to me.

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