Hearts: How long can they keep it up?

The Shamrock

Well-known member
It's been many a year (one for the stattos) since Hearts headed a league and I just wondered how long they can go without being tripped up. They were by far the better team against the Dons and although they will always lie down to sevco, they are hanging on to their position well. How long will it last?
End of Oct then November into Dec see's them with 7/8 difficult games on the trot. If they can get some results during those 2 months they might be 3rd, if they're lucky. They've been lucky with the ladders, theres a lot of snakes to negotiate from now on. Mid-table come xmas. HH
It's been many a year (one for the stattos) since Hearts headed a league and I just wondered how long they can go without being tripped up. They were by far the better team against the Dons and although they will always lie down to sevco, they are hanging on to their position well. How long will it last?

Hearts don't have the BOTTLE never have had it

If you are old enough cast your mind back to season 1985/1986 they had lead the league all season and lost 2-0 to Dundee with 10 minutes of the season remaining and WE won the title
The next week they lost the Scottish Cup Final 3-0 to Aberdeen

They've won a couple of cups since but in 33 years that's pure pish HH?
Hearts don't have the BOTTLE never have had it

If you are old enough cast your mind back to season 1985/1986 they had lead the league all season and lost 2-0 to Dundee with 10 minutes of the season remaining and WE won the title
The next week they lost the Scottish Cup Final 3-0 to Aberdeen

They've won a couple of cups since but in 33 years that's pure pish HH?
A great memory... the roar at Love Street when Albert Kidd scored was fantastic - both times.
I fully expect us to give them a right humping on the massive Murrayfield pitch, 3 days later they play Hibs then ourselves again....

It’s perfectly reasonable to see them get a max of one point (v Hibs) from a possible 6 while we get 6 from 6 (v them and Dundee) leaving us 1 point behind with a game in hand so it’s advantage wiped out in the next 2 league games. By the end of the year I fully expect us to go to ibrokes top of the league with a few points to spare and having hit top form.
Hearts are DOOOOMMMEEEDDD!!!! The reason is thus, Craig Levein! Been watching football for 4 decades and he stands alone by a great distance for being the most fantastically terrible manager I've ever clapped eyes on! Doesn't matter which poor club hires this catastrophe of a dunderheid, they're completely buggered dry! I could and have spent over an hour bringing up examples of complete non senseical decisions I've personally witnessed this dumb fuckwit do in games it's no wonder he had to back-door himself the job he currently enjoys! Even forgetting the Scotland shambles, taking a team to parkhead with 10 men behind the ball n going in 2-0 down at halftime, then coming out with 11 men staying 30yards from own goal for 2nd half just 1 example witnessed from this dozy misunderstanding of the game!
Really, no need to worry about Hearts, even the world of lodges can't save them from usual pishy stuff we've all seen come out the hamster cage that's tynecastle
There is a young lad called David Vaněček who will join Hearts in January and he has had games where he has torn teams apart. With good service he is deadly, so we should not underestimate the ability of Hearts to strengthen in the next window. This is a time for Celtic to keep our eye on the ball. We need improving which mean some new additions or replacements especially to the backline. At this time I am surprised anyone would consider Hearts to be lightweights. A few soft decisions from refs could see them challenge us as much as Hibs might.