huns new manager

He might be a decent manager. He does fulfill the most important criteria sevco was looking for - he was free. But if he insists on a 4 year contract with full payout if/when he is sacked, then the downward spiral continues.

He will have to be an excellent coach who can improve players as he will not get any real investment. I don't think their players are as shite as most of our fans say, but our squad is far more talented. I think Sima, Tavpen, Beaton, Raskin, Walsh, Collum, Dallas, Dickinson, etc, will all contribute significantly to sevco getting much-needed wins this season.

I think if this appointment works out for them then sevco have a really good chance of finishing second in the league this season.
Well well, that's a.surprise, personally I hoped they would go for Rae, Davis or Deek Mcinnes. Clement will have to be a miracle worker to get a tune out of that squad. He needs to get the League Cup to get the people on board, if he fails, the pressure will already be cranked up.
We will now get the old, wait till he gets his own players in he needs a couple of transfer windows 65 is just around the corner patter