If you know the game, you can win.

Thai Tim

Well-known member
David Icke talks sense. 2 hour interview but the more people watch the better for all I think.

David Icke talks sense. 2 hour interview but the more people watch the better for all I think.

Give Icke his due, he is entertaining, but only in the same way that a dimwit repeatedly punching himself in the head is entertaining.

The fact that you interpret his fuckwittery as sense perhaps explains your completely irrational view of the world and it's dynamically suspended spherical presence in the Universe.

When even Terry Wogan has the presence of mind to mock you, then you absolutely know that you are the Olympic champion of batshit crazy-fu.
To be fair to the fella, Boab, he has mad lizzie the lizard lady and her inbred reptilian offspring bang to rights.

It's just the other 57-varieties of mentalness I have an issue with.

Lets be honest we do not need guys like Ike to tell us this clown below is not in charge of himself let alone a nuclear array of missiles

Trump's quote of the day: "People are dying who have never died before." - Donald J. Trump, March 18, 2020
David Icke talks sense. 2 hour interview but the more people watch the better for all I think.

If you believe in lizard people then yes totally talks a lot of sense. The isle of Arran is completely submerged under water now also, no wait a minute it's still there eeehhmm yeeeahhm. He was talking shi@ , or do you believe in lizard people and that hes only got the date wrong about Arran by a few hundred thousand years give or take a few thousand years.

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