In Defence of Edouard

He's not been at his best in recent weeks so he needs to step it up a bit and prove that £9m price tag by putting the huns back in their box.
...he needs to step it up a bit and prove that £9m price tag by putting the huns back in their box.

I think we tend to look at this £9m price tag all wrong... this figure is nothing compared to all the money we wasted on strikers in the last decade. I wouldn't trade big Ed for Amido Balde, Pukki, Scepovic, Rasmussen, Fortune, Kamara, Lassad, Carlton Cole, Berget, Cifti et al (I've probably missed some duds from this list).

Just consider the tens and tens of millions we wasted on fees and wages for those mid-priced gambles who did the cube root of sod all in the Hoops.

He's better than that lot of them combined. Every transfer is a risk but I have more faith in the big man (he's only a year older than wee Mikey and two years younger than that big Colombian baby they have trying to hit barn doors in Govan) than in all those others combined.
the bhoy's been running on empty, brendan knows he'll be the business in a two up front, that was the plan at the start of the season, but phuqin thanks to cheapskate lawwell it got phuqed! eddy will be back now he's had a rest,whatch out spfl le hunskelper is back!!!!! HH
I think we tend to look at this £9m price tag all wrong... this figure is nothing compared to all the money we wasted on strikers in the last decade. I wouldn't trade big Ed for Amido Balde, Pukki, Scepovic, Rasmussen, Fortune, Kamara, Lassad, Carlton Cole, Berget, Cifti et al (I've probably missed some duds from this list).

Just consider the tens and tens of millions we wasted on fees and wages for those mid-priced gambles who did the cube root of sod all in the Hoops.

He's better than that lot of them combined. Every transfer is a risk but I have more faith in the big man (he's only a year older than wee Mikey and two years younger than that big Colombian baby they have trying to hit barn doors in Govan) than in all those others combined.
ibrox mate,shamrock will be on yer case if ye associate govan wi the manky mob!!!! candles and matches, jist sayin!!!! HH