Kris Boyd and the Rat

After reading today's story about the Rat texting Kris Boyd after the Glasgow derby, I was wondering if all football managers have all the contact details of every sports pundit.

Whether they do or don't I was still wondering something. Given that the Rat text Boyd after the game - unhappy or not - tells me that a) he had his number b) they've possibly had contact before.

So could the Rat be Kris Boyd's mole?? Given what we now know about the Rat, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that he was feeding Boyd information to show a disgruntled squad and work his ticket away.

Maybe that's all nonsense from me but it was just a thought I had after reading that this morning.
After reading today's story about the Rat texting Kris Boyd after the Glasgow derby, I was wondering if all football managers have all the contact details of every sports pundit.

Whether they do or don't I was still wondering something. Given that the Rat text Boyd after the game - unhappy or not - tells me that a) he had his number b) they've possibly had contact before.

So could the Rat be Kris Boyd's mole?? Given what we now know about the Rat, it wouldn't surprise me to find out that he was feeding Boyd information to show a disgruntled squad and work his ticket away.

Maybe that's all nonsense from me but it was just a thought I had after reading that this morning.

I have seen this suggested somewhere else. Apparently BR was very very friendly with boyd...strange how Boyd's exclusives have dried up since Brendan left.
It was mentioned on one of the Celtic blogs not long after Brendan left. How him and boyd were very friendly with one another and how Brendan chucked mulumbu under the bus when the fans started guessing who the mole was.
Hmm that would add up regarding mulumbu. The only spanner in the works would be that the team sheets kept getting leaked after he left. But then maybe Boyd's mole and the leaker were just two completely separate entities
Hmm that would add up regarding mulumbu. The only spanner in the works would be that the team sheets kept getting leaked after he left. But then maybe Boyd's mole and the leaker were just two completely separate entities

Good point on the team sheet issue...maybe congerton was carrying on Brendan's work.
I think boyd got his "unhappy dressing room" and "ntcham wants away" stories from brendan.
Don't know where this story originated from but if it came from crayon eating Kris or the daily rags then I wouldn't believe a word of it just like I don't heed anything from shite sources.
I agree in principle. But the usual media lies tend to be to either big up the huns or put down Celtic. This does neither. It's a claim that an ex manager text to complain to a pundit that was praising the new Celtic one. It doesn't fit the usual media bill.