Morelos the animal caught on camera

Its not about giving a toss what they think. Its about feeding their pleasure. And boy are you feeding them. They will absolutely love you whinning about big bad Morelos kicking our poor wee defenceless players an those heartless referees not protecting our poor wee lambs, ffs, hmm

You're entitled to your view as others are entitled to theirs.

I just don't happen to share yours or care in the slightest that you think some rancid Huns are pleasuring themselves with what is being said.
Huns read these pages, they will be loving your anguish, it will make their fucking day hearing us bleat about their hero.
So what,if he is thier hero they must be desperate and my opinion is still the same he is a hacker of the the first degree and should get a long ban then he can sit in the stands with his worshippers
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It appears that the morons at Ibrox are now blameing the media for reporting the unprecedented attacks by Morelos as racist,the press is guilty of many things but they are not racist,I think that to use this as some sort of defence is despicable of this mans open assault on players it is the act of the lowest of the low and should be treated as such
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It appears that the morons at Ibrox are now blameing the media for reporting the unprecedented attacks by Morelos as racist,the press is guilty of many things but they are racist,I think that to use this as some sort of defence is despicable of this mans open assault on players it is the act of the lowest of the low and should be treated as such
Nothing lower than we would expect from the sevco scum. Any propaganda they can come up with to suit their agenda... I expect Jabba Goebbels thought this one up.
They will do anything to protect him and influence any retrospective action that could be taken. We all know he's a wee animal but he's protected by the institution of masons. He could easily be found guilty of at least 2 red card offences and at least a 4 game ban but don't hold your breath.
Surprised the police did not get involved as to me each attack was common assault which if they took part out side the stadium the individual would have been arrested??????? 4 game ban hope he gets more
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See where I'm coming from?
Of course. We will await tomorrow's news to see if the 'honest mistakes' (a euphemism for rabid cheating) are to be corrected. I'm not holding my breath!

MoreOrLess should be on about a six game ban by the time the trotting up is added to the red cards. I think I read or heard that he has already had a trotting up suspension.
How do you defend the indefensible,sorry to harp on but this man is dangerous,also the three refs are in the limelight with nowhere to hide
How do you defend the indefensible,sorry to harp on but this man is dangerous,also the three refs are in the limelight with nowhere to hide
You are looking at this from a reasonable, logical point of view. Maybe try banging your own head with a mallet and see if that knocks some sense out of you.
I'm still seething that our players let him maraud about all game getting away with it.

Can you imagine McNeill, Auld, Murdoch, Hughes, etc letting that wee wank scuttle around kicking and stamping? They'd have had his heid on a stick after ten minutes.
Let them bask in that 1 game out of 13 win .... Celtic surely can’t under perform like that again . Just wish they’d stop messing about like that at the back .... Gordon to Boyata the amount of time that gets wasted playing like that , fair enuff if they are confident in playing out from the back but they’re clearly Not .... as for Morelos ? absolute Buffoon big ego that’s awe he’s got
I'm still seething that our players let him maraud about all game getting away with it.

Can you imagine McNeill, Auld, Murdoch, Hughes, etc letting that wee wank scuttle around kicking and stamping? They'd have had his heid on a stick after ten minutes.
yes and in today's environment they would have got the red cards,Iwatched everyone of the afore mentioned players,you missed out big Tam Gemmel who if you kicked a Celtic player Tam would have been on you're case but as I said they would have got hammered on Saturday we could even not win a throw in

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