motor mouth cowan

I see the gourmet and raconteur tam Cowan had SFA to say about his alleged team lack of sportsmanship strange that has he seems to have a opinion everything else or then again maybe it's not as he's so far up his own arse he didn't see it
Another Soup taker, thinks he’s funny, always moaning about food. A Critic methinks.
If he had a go at everyone and not only Celtic, might listen but. His pal Jobbi Di Shit, and the Medja have an agenda aimed one way.
And he Follows the party line.
Don’t like the Papers point of view so don’t read them. Get my info from the noise, Celtic blogs.

HH ☘️?
Cowan is a disgusting individual as far as I am concerned ,and he is no friend of ours...I don't buy papers anymore either and I don't listen to him on the radio.If he comes on ..he would be switched off pronto..I already complained about him to the BBC.Got a wishy washy don't bother us reply...the best thing to do is boycott him ...just don't listen to him.