Mr King gets his figures wrong - again !

Wee Fergus's Bunnet

Well-known member
Mr D. King ( aka GASL - copyright pending ) effectively banned the Celtic support from Castlegrayskull in order to allow more of his own brethren to occupy those seats and also no doubt presumed it would be a nice little earner for the Klub .

However , in its annual accounts which escaped from captivity recently , the monies raised by this little farrago were not as Mr King perhaps intended .

Season tickets sales have risen by 1405 over the previous year .
According to his own figures the average season ticket costs £328 ... thus earning the Klub an additional £460840 .

However , the 7000 Celtic supporters , paying £50 per ticket ( twice ) would have earned a whopping £700,000 .

Had Mr King been a businessman then he could have made a killing of £239160 - and from his greatest rivals , too !

An opportunity wasted then , Mr King . lol :cry:
Mr D. King ( aka GASL - copyright pending ) effectively banned the Celtic support from Castlegrayskull in order to allow more of his own brethren to occupy those seats and also no doubt presumed it would be a nice little earner for the Klub .

However , in its annual accounts which escaped from captivity recently , the monies raised by this little farrago were not as Mr King perhaps intended .

Season tickets sales have risen by 1405 over the previous year .
According to his own figures the average season ticket costs £328 ... thus earning the Klub an additional £460840 .

However , the 7000 Celtic supporters , paying £50 per ticket ( twice ) would have earned a whopping £700,000 .

Had Mr King been a businessman then he could have made a killing of £239160 - and from his greatest rivals , too !

An opportunity wasted then , Mr King . lol :cry:
Typical of the glib one! he can tell the people any old claptrap and they believe it ? they really are gullible brainless insanitary pests alongside a so called media that encourage all that is wrong over there and try to justify whatever pish comes out of that midden! hell scud it into them it's gonna come crashing down sooner than they think hail hail
Typical of the glib one! he can tell the people any old claptrap and they believe it ? they really are gullible brainless insanitary pests alongside a so called media that encourage all that is wrong over there and try to justify whatever pish comes out of that midden! hell scud it into them it's gonna come crashing down sooner than they think hail hail
Mr D. King ( aka GASL - copyright pending ) effectively banned the Celtic support from Castlegrayskull in order to allow more of his own brethren to occupy those seats and also no doubt presumed it would be a nice little earner for the Klub .

However , in its annual accounts which escaped from captivity recently , the monies raised by this little farrago were not as Mr King perhaps intended .

Season tickets sales have risen by 1405 over the previous year .
According to his own figures the average season ticket costs £328 ... thus earning the Klub an additional £460840 .

However , the 7000 Celtic supporters , paying £50 per ticket ( twice ) would have earned a whopping £700,000 .

Had Mr King been a businessman then he could have made a killing of £239160 - and from his greatest rivals , too !

An opportunity wasted then , Mr King . lol :cry:

Based on what we have seen since the GASL returned to 'save' Rangers , his business acumen is questionable to say the least .
His managerial appointments have been disastrous ( with huge pay-offs required ) ,
player signings have been disastrous ( with huge pay-offs required ) ,
his commercial activities have been disastrous ( with huge pay-offs to He Who Must Not be Named ) , his never-ending court cases have been disastrous ( with huge ... you get the drift , don't you ? )

This leads us to question how he made his money in SA - was it legitimate ?
I could never trust a man who couldn't look me in the eye !
Mr D. King ( aka GASL - copyright pending ) effectively banned the Celtic support from Castlegrayskull in order to allow more of his own brethren to occupy those seats and also no doubt presumed it would be a nice little earner for the Klub .

However , in its annual accounts which escaped from captivity recently , the monies raised by this little farrago were not as Mr King perhaps intended .

Season tickets sales have risen by 1405 over the previous year .
According to his own figures the average season ticket costs £328 ... thus earning the Klub an additional £460840 .

However , the 7000 Celtic supporters , paying £50 per ticket ( twice ) would have earned a whopping £700,000 .

Had Mr King been a businessman then he could have made a killing of £239160 - and from his greatest rivals , too !

An opportunity wasted then , Mr King . lol :cry:
that was quality am sittin here laffertying my arse off ! either at or its em pint cans o stella ! nae was rite eh 1st time quality
Typical of the glib one! he can tell the people any old claptrap and they believe it ? they really are gullible brainless insanitary pests alongside a so called media that encourage all that is wrong over there and try to justify whatever pish comes out of that midden! hell scud it into them it's gonna come crashing down sooner than they think hail hail
I do hope it is very soon... and that there is no Spawn of Sevco that emerges from the second Castle Greyskull liquidation.
You would think 'The Peepul' would learn from previous experience, but sadly not by the looks of it. The directors are bailing them out but there must be a time when they stop doing it. As for King he's still not dealt with the Takeover Panels rulings regarding an offer to shareholders, no new share issue soon. Add in Ashley, Hummel etc, Sevco administration coming 2019. Oh The Peepul will be happy, not ?????
You would think 'The Peepul' would learn from previous experience, but sadly not by the looks of it. The directors are bailing them out but there must be a time when they stop doing it. As for King he's still not dealt with the Takeover Panels rulings regarding an offer to shareholders, no new share issue soon. Add in Ashley, Hummel etc, Sevco administration coming 2019. Oh The Peepul will be happy, not ?????
Let us hope that there is world of hurt coming to those not-very-nice peepul,
the "big hoose" will come crashing down and we will dancing on their graves.
Let us hope that there is world of hurt coming to those not-very-nice peepul,
the "big hoose" will come crashing down and we will dancing on their graves.

Honesty and class

UEFA general secretary Infantino worked with Man City & PSG, provided them with confidential info & ensured they received mild FFP fine for massive economic violations. Ex-Celtic chairman Brian Quinn, head of the FFP investigations, resigned in protest.
It's probably no surprise to most that Infantino is under suspicion since the FIFA way seems to have a dubious moral compass as a pre-requisite. Since Blatter and Infantino come from villages a few miles apart, it must be wondered if they discussed such activities over a few servings of raclette to make sure they made the best of their opportunities. Obviously not only the SFA needs a good scrub down.
I do hope it is very soon... and that there is no Spawn of Sevco that emerges from the second Castle Greyskull liquidation.
I think an entity will always play there as the supporters are a gullible lot waiting to hand over their wages or more likely their DLA to anyone who cares to buy into their moronic ideology. Look how they paraded Sir Craigy up Edmiston Drive and welcomed Chuckles Green with outstretched arms. People recognise that they only have to say "we arra peepul" and the billy goats will support it. They don't seem to see that Glibby is building an unsustainable model and is in fact a shyster.
Who was it again that responded to the Resolution 12 enquiries at UEFA in to impropriety regarding financial fair play?

A Mr Infantino I do believe.

And if you scratch the surface I'm sure a few of the Hun persuasion will be revealed too. Stay tuned