Nasty Nicola doing her best

Ask yersels one question WHO'S KEEPING THIS STORY GOING? Imo, it's the hun loving jurno's in SMSM they're angry that The Rangers(2012 Edition) didn't get tae go for their training camp abroad, apparently Rangers asked at the beginning of December & were told No, due tae them wanting tae go tae training base being in Spain. SMSM are angry at SFA,SPFL & Scot Gov that Celtic got going to Dubai.

Now a lot of people giving the FM abuse for what she's said in past Q&A session's with the media, The Celtic.trip was authorised by the health minister, who also has Professional Sport as part of her brief.

Also take what you READ in.SMSM with CAUTION, they don't always print was is ACTUALLY said, they MANIPULATE the ANSWER tae suit their AGENDAS
I’ve called that Bastard worse Hoopy but I’m a disgruntled ex Miner and danced a jig o joy the day she died.
but that’s just me

HH 😂
The beauty of freedom of expression my friend, the right to judge, like, dislike, criticise whoever we choose, including elected leaders.

Wouldn't get away with that in China, North Korea, Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia or emmm Scotland. 🙀
The beauty of freedom of expression my friend, the right to judge, like, dislike, criticise whoever we choose, including elected leaders.

Wouldn't get away with that in China, North Korea, Nicaragua, Saudi Arabia or emmm Scotland. 🙀
Hoots Mon whit yi Like. Ich Bein ine Edinburgher.
ffs does anyone know where deep throat is
Or the Number ti the Washington posts Widbine and Burnstein

HH 😂
Hoots Mon whit yi Like. Ich Bein ine Edinburgher.
ffs does anyone know where deep throat is
Or the Number ti the Washington posts Widbine and Burnstein

HH 😂
Just been out for fags and its minus fucking 6!

When I said fags I didn't mean gay people, even though I didn't mean gay people I'd like to issue an apology to all gay people incase my insensitive language offended you.

Fuck this im going to shoot myself it'll be easier!

Rangers legned McCoist (80,000 pw gardener) slams Celtic’s Dubai trip and says he can’t see his 94-year-old mum ( should have went to specsavers)​

Fuckin orange bastard Teflon billy why don’t you tell us about the company you paid thousands a pounds tae, to trawl the internet and remove any unflattering images like the one with you and that wee scroat watching Celtic lift Yet another trophy what wiz that “look at they fenian bastards “ any journalists worth his salt could nail you tae the fuckin wall in ten minutes and you fuckin know it titchmarsh yer just a sly wee bigoted cunt FACT .... ahhh better 😂😂😂
Salmond accuses Sturgeon of misleading parliament. Clearly one of them is lying but which one? 🤔
If we get tore into both of them then we'd be guaranteed to nail the liar, agreed? 🤔

Is it too much to think both are telling the Truth in a lying cnut sort of way.
canny say for sure as Eck and Nicky huv ma hauns tied behind ma back
Ouch that’s sair git yir mask oan Nicoalex
Ya pair o sadistic Truthers

HH help me

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