Neil Lennon

In fairness GS, he tried but the board soon shut him up, when he was entitled to at the time at the double standards that were being set within the SFA.
Trying to use that as an excuse for last season is pathetic as the title race was as good as gone at that stage
Did,nt see that John,but in all honesty mate I have said since his first game at Tynecastle he was nothing more than a whipping Bhoy for Lawwell.
I got the impression that he said to himself,how lucky am I getting a second chance to manage one of the greatest clubs in the world and if I do what Peter say,s I will be here for a very long time and yet IMO mate it was Lawwell who did the most damage to him.
I believe he still thinks Lawwell can help him..

Did,nt see that John,but in all honesty mate I have said since his first game at Tynecastle he was nothing more than a whipping Bhoy for Lawwell.
I got the impression that he said to himself,how lucky am I getting a second chance to manage one of the greatest clubs in the world and if I do what Peter say,s I will be here for a very long time and yet IMO mate it was Lawwell who did the most damage to him.
I believe he still thinks Lawwell can help him..

Totally agree GS,
PL traitor led him to the cliffs edge and now lenny still wanting to take the fall for him.
Lenny may have wanted to live in the fantasy land like most of us did with the 10, yet lenny couldn't let go when it all started to go wrong and PL traitor was only to happy to let him
If sitting in on morning talk shows with English and the SMSM taking part in meaningless quizzes and talking shite then the only way will be down and soon the soup taker tag will be applied. To sit with Huns who accused you of bringing on racism to yourself and brush it off for a few quid now then sorry Lenny but you can go take a fuck to yourself, we the Celtic fans have gave up on the media and the bullshit. maybe a wee look in the mirror.
Tried so hard to put up a defence for Lenny when he took the gig second-time round, Boab.

Didn't think it was the worst short-term solution and even felt he earned the right to get his crack at the job on a permanent basis.

It was pretty clear there were issues long before he took the walk, but he needs to show a bit of dignity and self-awareness. Unfortunately - he's kinda blown the dignity part and it seems as if his ego has overwritten his self-awareness too.

Fans have long, long, long memories and whatever he chooses do now will be the things we're likely to remember first in future.
Totally agree GS,
PL traitor led him to the cliffs edge and now lenny still wanting to take the fall for him.
Lenny may have wanted to live in the fantasy land like most of us did with the 10, yet lenny couldn't let go when it all started to go wrong and PL traitor was only to happy to let him
Think Lenny gave in to the old pint and packet of crisps will not harm the players and gave them too much free time during a pandemic when training and unity was crucial, the good players need coached constantly they want to learn and apply themselves when you allow a few to go off the rails and not take the right type of action this reflects on the whole team.
Lawwell did not pick the team that went out on the park and the teams picked had delivered constantly, so IMO Lenny was not the man to lead into the biggest season in our quest for 10iarow. He obviously believed in himself but i am afraid he was the only one, heads went down and performances were shite, its on his watch, speak out at the time or forever remain silent and accept defeat, Celtic is above this pish always has been, bigger than NL. DD and any other you care to mention, the brand is bigger than those who control it and the emotions of the fans will always dictate when its time for change.
IMO Lenny is now realising all the doors which matter are closed to him and this is why he is trying to stand up for himself,but verbal abuse between Himself,Griff and Maxwell will definitely not help his cause..
I believe the man he should be venting his anger at is Lawwell,this is the guy who has destroyed his career as to being a boss at a big club ever again.
In all the interviews and arguments I have seen involving Lenny he never once criticised Lawwell which makes me think he still believes Lawwell can help him get back into a managers seat..
Lawwells boy works at Man City,maybe when Pep leaves Lenny will get the nod..

Feel sorry for him as a human being and also for his family, but we all 'own' whatever we do, and there is no denying the fact, his ego and stubborn headedness, were factors in our capitulating last season and led to him being let go
Looking back now, he should never have been given, or taken the manager's job, as the bombs, bullets and death threats, took a toll on his emotional & psychological wellbeing
Glasgow's goldfish bowl eh ? I only hope the Aussie guy knows what he's in for, and is able to handle it, and turn our fortunes around
Drink seems to be fueling NL's downward spiral, if the MSM stories are anything to go by, and those of an anti Celtic persuasion, are lapping it right up
I wish Neil Lennon no malice, it's a game of football and there's more to life...
Hope he gets the help he needs and is able to turn his life around

Feel sorry for him as a human being and also for his family, but we all 'own' whatever we do, and there is denying the fact, his ego and stubborn headedness, were factors in our capitulating last season and led to him being let go
Looking back now, he should never have been given, or taken the manager's job, as the bombs, bullets and death threats, took a toll on his emotional & psychological wellbeing
Glasgow's goldfish bowl eh ? I only hope the Aussie guy knows what he's in for, and is able to handle it, and turn our fortunes around
Drink seems to be fueling NL's downward spiral, if the MSM stories are anything to go by, and those of an anti Celtic persuasion, are lapping it right up
I wish Neil Lennon no malice, it's a game of football and there's more to life...
Hope he gets the help he needs and is able to turn his life around

He has to go back to been a legend, a fan, good guy and let go of his failings, we loved him and at the same time loathed the football on display, that's it in a nutshell, happens to lots of top players when they become managers, he was a winner and we love him for it, he was also al loser and we wanted change and still loved him as one of our own, he should simply accept that, no-one is blaming him, we are just been fans with opinions paying to be entertained and what we saw was shite, we are entitled to voice our opinions if the product is crap and it was.
He has to go back to been a legend, a fan, good guy and let go of his failings, we loved him and at the same time loathed the football on display, that's it in a nutshell, happens to lots of top players when they become managers, he was a winner and we love him for it, he was also al loser and we wanted change and still loved him as one of our own, he should simply accept that, no-one is blaming him, we are just been fans with opinions paying to be entertained and what we saw was shite, we are entitled to voice our opinions if the product is crap and it was.
There's always redemption if you go about your business the right way, Boab.

Jeez, The Bunnet was nearly run oot the place back in the 90's, but now we're at the stage where we're talking about statues of the wee fella.

It would have taken a bit of time to recover from the enormity of the failure that was last season, but given time - Lenny would have likely been forgiven and fondly remembered.

That's looking a long-shot now........
Neil Lennon would be well advised to recognise, that running away from the truth, is the worst possible course of action.

It will always follow you.

If he is to salvage respect from the supporters, then he needs to stop the blame game deflection.

Accept categorically his role in the debacle.

As manager, Neil, you had your opportunity to speak out. You declined it.

Leave the talking to the new CEO and manager. They are now the future of the club. Our success depends on their decisions.

You are now yesterday's news, Neil. Accept it, and move on with your life, in a positive way.

Hand on heart.

I, for one, want to remember you as a Celtic great. But I am not prepared to do so, while you are behaving in a foolishly selfish, non accepting, denial driven manner.
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Neil Lennon would be well advised to recognise, that running away from the truth, is the worst possible course of action.

It will always follow you.

If he is to salvage respect from the supporters, then he needs to stop the blame game deflection.

Accept categorically his role in the debacle.

As manager you had your opportunity to speak out. You declined it.

Leave the talking to the new CEO
and manager. They are now the future of the club. Our success depends on their decisions.

You are now yesterday's news, Neil. Accept it, and move on with your life, in a positive way.

Hand on heart.

I, for one, want to remember you as a Celtic great. But I am not prepared to do so, while you are behaving in a foolishly selfish, non accepting, denial driven manner.
Much as I hate to admit it, POD, but I look back upon my life and realise quite how frequently and badly I fucked up.

At the time, I was more than happy to blame anyone and everyone else, but there comes a time when you can no longer hide from yourself and you have to address some harsh truths.

Lenny is no longer a young man. He should be well down the road to self-enlightenment by now, especially considering some of the absolute crackerjack nonsense he has had to endure over the years.

Much of Lenny's characteristics were necessary and probably by design to combat much of the bullshit, but this unwillingness to accept anything other than his own flawed self-analysis is going to cause him real issues going forward.

No one likes to be told when they've fucked up, but there wouldn't be so many folk telling him of his errors if he wasn't so ignorant/arrogant/oblivious to them in the first place.
Trying to 'kid on' to everyone that he was not part of the problem, but the one he's telling that fairytale to the most, is himself
Especially in today's modern era of football, people will avoid him like the plague in as far as jobs are concerned
Dependency issues are a big negative in life, and have ruined many an average person, never mind someone who has been given a major football club position, it's not the 70's when alcohol was the norm, rather than the exception
Best of luck to him in his struggle, but glad that's behind us, as far as Celtic football club are concerned

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