No Michael O’Neill Hear.

Likely going to be Lenny anyway. Suits Lawell and the board as no compo will have to be paid to buy out any contract with him being a free agent, they know Lenny won't be knocking down their door for additional funds and know fine well it'll be an easy sell to the fans because even their harshest of critics will eventually get back in their box for Lenny's sake.
No could be wrong but no no no. We’d have to pay big compo for (compost). It’s either NFL or SC. Or somebody the Boards in touch with but is unavailable till the Season ends but not Him please.

HH ☘️?

I hope to God it's not him (O'Neil) either but if it isn't Lenny he's exactly the type Lawell and the board would target. A known name but not too big a name that he'll get to big for his boots and start making demands of them.

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