No sport.. so what you guys watching?

Jolly boy John pumpin yer granny's neighbour while standin on his heid with a purple plastic pigeon on his heid is fur real!!
Jolly bhoy John staunin in yer maws high heels way her bra oan saying yer dinners ready yer dinners ready way a wee chocolate banana is for REAL 🥳
Jolly bhoy John staunin in yer maws high heels way her bra oan saying yer dinners ready yer dinners ready way a wee chocolate banana is for REAL 🥳

Jolly boy John wi yer uncles purple y's on his heid WI his chocolate banana in a goldfish bowl and a parsnip up his arse singing waltzing Matilda in Chinese is for REAL
Jolly boy John wi yer uncles purple y's on his heid WI his chocolate banana in a goldfish bowl and a parsnip up his arse singing waltzing Matilda in Chinese is for REAL
Jolly boy John wie yer maws teeth in her tights swinging them between yer legs wie a wee chocolate banana shouting Who’s pants are these whose pants are these
Jolly boy John wie yer maws teeth in her tights swinging them between yer legs wie a wee chocolate banana shouting Who’s pants are these whose pants are these
So he's definitely not a hun then. Otherwise he's be shouting "who die I owe for these pants and me wi no arse in me trousers".

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