our board

should we organise a petition demanding that our board stand up and start defending our club

  • yes

    Votes: 44 97.8%
  • no

    Votes: 1 2.2%

  • Total voters
I find your post astonishing you appear to criticise our board vociferously and yet Sevco are cheating, lying and have no transparency where their money is coming from and their Mr King is never out of our courts about to be charged with contempt of court. I think we should be looking at the corrupt and not our own Club for the answers to what is going on here.

I get where your coming from GG i really do but who at our club is it thats role is to address the convening bodies of the corrupt sfa? Who watches the watchers?

Who at our club didn’t think they could add weight to res 12. Why not?

I don’t have any of the answers and there is so much seemingly not being addressed or backheeled to narnia that no-one knows and therein lyeth the problem.

I know the club play their cards close to their chest but surely someone should be accountable to at least discuss the concerns of the support.

It should never become a witch hunt though.

Anger and passion can be heady and toxic.

It needs to be balanced.

I dont know. I really dont but i am perplexed too as we will find it hard playing by the rulebook when its open season on us and its getting more toxic by the day.

Would be nice to know the board are at least addressing it with a view to maintaining player safety (otherwise we won’t have a team)

My question is how do we make the sfa comply with the rules of fairness and transparency.

Because without getting that enforced i don’t know how we move forward.

HH pal
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I get where your coming from GG i really do but who at our club is it thats role is to address the convening bodies of the corrupt sfa? Who watches the watchers?

Who at our club didn’t think they could add weight to res 12. Why not?

I don’t have any of the answers and there is so much seemingly not being addressed or backheeled to narnia that no-one knows and therein lyeth the problem.

I know the club play their cards close to their chest but surely someone should be accountable to at least discuss the concerns of the support.

It should never become a witch hunt though.

Anger and passion can be heady and toxic.

It needs to be balanced.

I dont know. I really dont but i am perplexed too as we will find it hard playing by the rulebook when its open season on us and its getting more toxic by the day.

Would be nice to know the board are at least addressing it with a view to maintaing player safety (otherwise we won’t have a team)

My wuestion is how do we make the sfa comply with the rules of fairness and transparency.

Because without getting that enforced i don’t know how we move forward.

HH pal

All good points, birthday ghirl. (y)
Have to agree K, whatever wages he's on it won't be cheap, 18 month down the line no return on your money, we waste enough as it is, we need permanent signings, with some first team ready.
you only have to cover 6 months wages thats the gamble ,he will never see 18 months at sevco
a wee bit like a directors loan note you only need it to cover for a short time till the cash comes in
I get where your coming from GG i really do but who at our club is it thats role is to address the convening bodies of the corrupt sfa? Who watches the watchers?

Who at our club didn’t think they could add weight to res 12. Why not?

I don’t have any of the answers and there is so much seemingly not being addressed or backheeled to narnia that no-one knows and therein lyeth the problem.

I know the club play their cards close to their chest but surely someone should be accountable to at least discuss the concerns of the support.

It should never become a witch hunt though.

Anger and passion can be heady and toxic.

It needs to be balanced.

I dont know. I really dont but i am perplexed too as we will find it hard playing by the rulebook when its open season on us and its getting more toxic by the day.

Would be nice to know the board are at least addressing it with a view to maintaing player safety (otherwise we won’t have a team)

My wuestion is how do we make the sfa comply with the rules of fairness and transparency.

Because without getting that enforced i don’t know how we move forward.

HH pal
Thank you for your very clear reply to my somewhat emotional statement. I was just comparing the backlash to PL not saying he doesn’t deserve some of it or all of it but on the other hand I was wishing we could get away from this what seemed to me like a witchunt instead of looking at the real criminals who are getting away with cheating.
Yes I do understand a little better now that we have to do something on official terms to state that this cheating is unacceptable. And I understand by what has happened with Resolution 12 how it needs to come fro the club and it’s more difficult for fans to do anything and therefore we are looking towards the Celtic Board to run with this.
Just me and my (E - emotions) over the (I - Intellect) when it comes to my beloved Celtic I just find it awfully hard when they’re getting slagged at any level ?HH Maria
Thank you for your very clear reply to my somewhat emotional statement. I was just comparing the backlash to PL not saying he doesn’t deserve some of it or all of it but on the other hand I was wishing we could get away from this what seemed to me like a witchunt instead of looking at the real criminals who are getting away with cheating.
Yes I do understand a little better now that we have to do something on official terms to state that this cheating is unacceptable. And I understand by what has happened with Resolution 12 how it needs to come fro the club and it’s more difficult for fans to do anything and therefore we are looking towards the Celtic Board to run with this.
Just me and my (E - emotions) over the (I - Intellect) when it comes to my beloved Celtic I just find it awfully hard when they’re getting slagged at any level ?HH Maria

Good point about us being quick to blame our own when we should be highlighting the corruption and cheating that's going on by the SFA, SPFL, MIB, GASL. I don't think we know how to take that lot to task and it's the way things have always been. :sick:
Thank you for your very clear reply to my somewhat emotional statement. I was just comparing the backlash to PL not saying he doesn’t deserve some of it or all of it but on the other hand I was wishing we could get away from this what seemed to me like a witchunt instead of looking at the real criminals who are getting away with cheating.
Yes I do understand a little better now that we have to do something on official terms to state that this cheating is unacceptable. And I understand by what has happened with Resolution 12 how it needs to come fro the club and it’s more difficult for fans to do anything and therefore we are looking towards the Celtic Board to run with this.
Just me and my (E - emotions) over the (I - Intellect) when it comes to my beloved Celtic I just find it awfully hard when they’re getting slagged at any level ?HH Maria

It was put to the board and they have squirmed ever since ,no other club in the land would have sat on their hands like our club has
The sevco fans will love it if they are on here seeing us slagging our own club. I just hate the thought that they are rubbing their hands in glee if we appear divided and looking inward and not knowing how to tackle their United cheating tactics.HH
Has anyone ever tried foreign media to expose the many things rotten within Scottish football. They may not be interested but I remember Der Spiegel has exposed some dodgy dealings in football before now and probably non-SMSM still know how to do investigative journalism, never mind do it properly.
I find Lawwell, and especially Ian Bankier extremely patronising, and I’m being kind, with this sort of thing.

I don’t know how many times I’ve heard, - stuff along the lines of, we should be above that sort of thing, we shouldn’t be complaining, because we’re better than that.

Well there’s a fine line between being above it, and being treated like f.ucking idiots.

I simply don’t trust any of them, nothing they do could surprise me.

The next soap opera will be this transfer window.

Lawwell has done a lot of good things, but he’s the common denominator when it comes to all the fannying about we continually see.

It’s almost as if he thinks he’s doing the fans a favour/giving us a treat when he makes a singing.
The sevco fans will love it if they are on here seeing us slagging our own club. I just hate the thought that they are rubbing their hands in glee if we appear divided and looking inward and not knowing how to tackle their United cheating tactics.HH

You can’t keep quiet about your own club because some will like it. Have you ever been on FF? They can’t talk.

We can’t just sit and see mistake after mistake and say, well, we should keep it to ourselves incase they enjoy it.

Maybe the board look in and seeing we are totally pissed off might get them to stand up and come out fighting.

If they can’t take criticism then they are bigger shitebags than I already thought.

If they stood up for the club, then maybe they would get a better write up.

Have they even made a statement about Morelos? Have they signed anyone who would give us a bit of joy? All we have so far is another project and a derisory bid that has been knocked back.

Hardly the stuff of Heroes is it. Unless hero has been devalued as a term of resoect.

They run the club, get paid plenty, but when our club gets shat on they stand by and wring their hands. They deserve fuck all but contempt and shouldn’t be there.

Now if they actually threw a punch, bought the quality we needed. Didn’t scupper our CL place and waved goodbye to £60m, maybe the text of each post wouldn’t be so damning.

They created our situation. The least they can do is take both barrels like men when we say, must do a lot better.
I expect he is thinking that there is an expensive CEO and an expensive manager in place and that he should not have to hold their hands every time a problem arises.
The expensive ceo and
I find your post astonishing you appear to criticise our board vociferously and yet Sevco are cheating, lying and have no transparency where their money is coming from and their Mr King is never out of our courts about to be charged with contempt of court. I think we should be looking at the corrupt and not our own Club for the answers to what is going on here.
look gg 67,what is happening at sevco is out with our control, no matter what we do or say,we cannot change it, the backing they have from the football authorities in this country and from the judiciary is beyond comprehension as far as we are concerned,they should not even have a licence to compete in Europe, The blame for our position is entirely in in our own hands, the shambles of the summer signing fiasco is down to us !!!!!!!!and some of the results,particularly our away record,it is unbelievable,make of that what you will, fact, even if you take into account the Motherwell/ Hibs results 5 points dropped,our latest cock ups,we would have been 8 in front with a game in hand, ok,we lost but should have been 5 plus a game in hand,so we screwed it up big style, that is down to the board ,no other reason,along with BR and his tinkering,sorry if I sound as if I am ranting and raving,but it is what I make of this situation,we should be out of sight of these morons,
The sevco fans will love it if they are on here seeing us slagging our own club. I just hate the thought that they are rubbing their hands in glee if we appear divided and looking inward and not knowing how to tackle their United cheating tactics.HH
It is better that they see this now than they see a league championship flag in May. They can rub their hands just now and wring their hands in May.
It is better that they see this now than they see a league championship flag in May. They can rub their hands just now and wring their hands in May.
Yes , they will wring their hands in may,they and the media think it is nearly over for us,we will see,hh