Racist abuse ????

If someone did do it let's hope he's band of course thiers always someone who doesn't get what supporting celtic involves.if was a young lad who lost his head let's hope he's learned a valuable lesson racism is not welcome at celtic park .our players take the knee every match and all our fans vigorously aplaud this doesn't sound like a racist club to me far from it so this painting everyone with the same brush won't wash.I hope celtic apologise to the livingstone player and when he comes back to celtic park the fans give him a welcome.
In no way am I attempting to condone racist comments if true, but can I just throw in to the debate, there’s a west of Scotland saying that I’m pretty certain we hear all the time and most of us have used many times…I have used the throwaway line “ away ya feckin monkey” so many times in situations where someone has done something funny or stupid. As I say, not making light at all if there has been a direct racist slur aimed at a player, that’s reprehensible, but if this is just someone like me, having just watched someone miss a pen or feign injury or whatever, I’m maybe saying that out of my own frustration, I’ve used that phrase at my work countless times and I don’t have any people of colour as colleagues.
could something like that being heard by someone who doesn’t get the context be misinterpreted?
anyone else ever used that phrase? I’ll be astonished if there aren’t a few that have.
One clown does not define any team's fans. As bad as the statement I'm about to write will read it is still true - We have a very small number of idiots in our support who would stain the reputation of our club by uttering racist slurs at anyone.......and their numbers are getting ever smaller. I have no reason to doubt that Ayo Obileye was subjected to some disgusting racist comment (and whoever is responsible should receive an appropriate punishment), but why do so many call out a single Celtic fan while ignoring the regular racist chants from across the city? This is not a case of 'whataboutery' in an attempt to throw muck at theRangers, it is a genuine question about double standards. Clearly, our support is judged by a different set of rules.

I know this post will upset many, and perhaps it isn't the best time to highlight double standards, but I've had enough of one-sided reporting. I'm not excusing the idiot who racially abused Obileye, I am simply questioning the selective deafness of those doing the calling out. If you claim to be against all forms of discrimination and racism then your moral compass cannot take a day off and you cannot ignore other forms of discrimination by filing them under 'Banter'.
Doesn't upset me . Bullseye accurate, and very articulate. Kudos to you.
If so, send him back home via a stop off in Afghanistan.
Don’t trust a nation that calls there arse “there fanny”....if that abuse happened it would have been at the section of the main stand were the disabled fans and there escorts are seated!!somehow don’t think that would have passed without attention been drawn to it?maybe he translated a phrase we use daily that is deemed racist over there?
Guy was American and allegedly heard the word, 'monkey' used. But used how? This is Scotland, ffs, the term 'Ya monkey!' is banded about frequently - ask my kids - without racist connotation. We even refer to those Klan supremacists in the Mordor stands as 'Cheeky Hun monkeys'. It's a good bet he heard the word monkey used in its casual, daily abusive context without racist intent and froze in classic American woke misinterpretation.
Livingston have contacted Celtic after defender Ayo Obileye was allegedly subjected to racist abuse in their Premiership match on Saturday.

An Associated Press journalist has claimed that a Celtic fan shouted racist abuse at Obileye during Saturday's league match at Celtic Park

The abuse is alleged to have occurred when Obileye ran back onto the pitch following an injury check in the second half.

Obileye was later sent off for striking out at Celtic forward Kyogo Furuhashi in an off the ball incident in the box.

Livingston assistant manager Marvin Bartley, reacted to the allegations on Saturday night in a tweet, which read: "It's important that a football club isn't tarred because of one racist individual within the stadium today!

"When we took the knee at the start of the game we were applauded from all corners and that's the memory I will take away from the game.

"Now it's time to find the culprit."

Sky Sports News has contacted Celtic and Livingston for comment.
Did any other journalist hear it.I’m sure the Hun press would have gone to their Orange clubs to celebrate if they did. HH Mr L
Sevco scum(SS) have been trying to play the victim race card for a good while now, so trying to drag us down to there level is only a ploy to try and tag us with the same racist scum tag as far as I'm concerned and would be surprised if it was anything else imo.
If true, then this arsehole doesn't want to be around celtic Park ever again
We still have nutters in our support John but to be banned for life and be singled by the fans around him for that comment. Naw, it’s hard to believe. Maybe the journalist has to be checked out.
I’m reading huns celebrating this 🤷‍♂️
nobody should be subjected to those words.
If it happened then the bawbag should be locked up and a key thrown away
I find it strange though that we have a journalist at Celtic park for the first time and he calls out 1 supporter for racism and this has already had more copy than 50,000 singing about killing catholic’s before the Glasgow derby
Is it just me 🤔
Good comments as per Smelly.
Anyone else thinking the American heard the phrase "Manky hun b******". As the guy was being sent off for hitting Kyogo he wasn't exactly being applauded, and there was thousands upon thousands offering him advice as he left the field, if our American friend is positive in what he heard he must have been very close to this person, so identifying them should be easy enough. Why did his moral compass not let him inform a steward or PO. Was he sure??

"Fuck you ya Manky hun" is a common phrase among our supporters, more commonly used at refs granted.

However having said that if the guy is correct and the culprit is known then perhaps a ban and attending a course pointing out the hurt the comments cause the people they are aimed at is better, than hanging him/her out to dry with the clan hoards emailing his work till they get him sacked. Assuming it's a first offence of this type of course.
In no way am I attempting to condone racist comments if true, but can I just throw in to the debate, there’s a west of Scotland saying that I’m pretty certain we hear all the time and most of us have used many times…I have used the throwaway line “ away ya feckin monkey” so many times in situations where someone has done something funny or stupid. As I say, not making light at all if there has been a direct racist slur aimed at a player, that’s reprehensible, but if this is just someone like me, having just watched someone miss a pen or feign injury or whatever, I’m maybe saying that out of my own frustration, I’ve used that phrase at my work countless times and I don’t have any people of colour as colleagues.
could something like that being heard by someone who doesn’t get the context be misinterpreted?
anyone else ever used that phrase? I’ll be astonished if there aren’t a few that have.
I agree B4L but apparently is was said when the player ran back onto the field (without permission at that time) and ran to tackle from behind.
I’m reading huns celebrating this 🤷‍♂️
nobody should be subjected to those words.
If it happened then the bawbag should be locked up and a key thrown away
I find it strange though that we have a journalist at Celtic park for the first time and he calls out 1 supporter for racism and this has already had more copy than 50,000 singing about killing catholic’s before the Glasgow derby
Is it just me 🤔
Hi STG the guy in Question is an American and he works at the White House was raving on Twitter at Walk on how it was done and was everything he had heard and better also stated how poor the opposition were. turgid game and how one idiot was racist and was one too many. Don’t know if he’s a journalist but it’s in Lennono’s post.
But if correct the find him ban him forget him

HH 🍀
Hi STG the guy in Question is an American and he works at the White House was raving on Twitter at Walk on how it was done and was everything he had heard and better also stated how poor the opposition were. turgid game and how one idiot was racist and was one too many. Don’t know if he’s a journalist but it’s in Lennono’s post.
But if correct the find him ban him forget him

HH 🍀
Soz just Wikipedia the Guy he’s British and speaks a load of languages works for France 24 And he’s working at Cop 26
And he took in A Celtic game was reporting on the anniversary of George Floyds death when gunfire was heard.

HH 🍀

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