Remembering John Thomson


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I came across this recently. Very poignant ahead of this Sunday’s John Thomson Tournament in Cardenden.

“The Bowhill Bhoy” My old dad avowed, so, it must be true that a Bowhill bhoy, hale at twenty-two …

who laid down his life in a daring save that propelled the lad
to an early grave …

was the best he ever saw. In the pomp of youth, strapping – in his prime, he had talent raw, in a gift sublime …

a courageous heart with a reckless edge - focus, power and grace to the jersey pledged …

ne’er before or since surpassed. Meteoric rise, cruelly brief career - tragic his demise, swathed in grief sincere …

lasting legacy to both kith and kin, as a treasured son and a Hoops’ linchpin…now, forever, Celtic’s John.

On the fateful day, in a sick’ning crunch, consummation sore of a mother’s hunch …

terrors harboured deep in a mammy’s heart, lockfast tight in dread of his headstrong art all unleashed that awful night.

Derby debut cursed for a young, blond ‘bear’ - Sam’s marauding power, Johnny’s peerless flair …

thitherto unmatched, thenceforth intertwined
in a dance of death - to their fates consigned …

one to lore; one, living hell. As the action froze in a young mind’s eye, one sharp, piercing scream
rent the Govan sky …

in a grisly trice two young worlds caved in - Celtic’s prince of gloves and his ‘Micky Finn’ …

nascent destiny undone.

If you value life, as you’ll surely do, then, lament the loss of a genius true…

humble son of Fife noble, proud athlete Johnny Thomson, dear -Scotland’s gem forfeit …

Celtic’s ‘Bowhill Bhoy’ supreme.
HH Hamsterstock!, My old man, said the exact same thing. Johnny Thompson was one of the best he had ever seen. The Celtic fans loved him. Ghod rest his soul! HH

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