Ryan Christie

Needs to be given a run of games to show he can do it consistently, not shunted about in 4-5 positions, give the guy a proper chance. I have no doubts about his quality just needs the chance not bit and pieces of games
Needs to start the next few games. If he does well in November a new deal and rebirth in the hoops begins. I think he is a positive player who can offer us a lot over the next few years.
Ryan’s the type of ball player loved at Celtic, attacking, skilful with goals in him. I agree he has still much to prove but the signs are good, he’s been prepared to go out on loan, benefit from game time, work hard on his physical weaknesses and appears to have come back a better player for it. I really don’t want to put Broony out to grass, he’s still much to offer and a maiinstay of the team, but when that time comes maybe we have the solution already at the club. McGregor is good enough to play anywhere and with big Tam and the potential in Ryan things are looking good potentially for years to come, precisely the succession planning approach Brendan is trying to implement ....develop youths or buy potential - develop it and get them in the first team. If we can get this right it reduces the number of marquee expensive signings we need and we get to watch players we identify with and who have developed a feeling for the club. Here’s hoping our young players continue to get better and better.