Serious news on NHS front


Well-known member

A member of medical staff at Crosshouse Hospital has reportedly been stabbed during a "serious" incident.

The medical centre, near Kilmarnock, has been locked down by armed police as dozens of emergency vehicles were called to the scene. There are unconfirmed reports that at least one person has died.

It is understood that a second nurse has also been injured.

It is not yet known whether anyone has been detained over the alleged attack.


A member of medical staff at Crosshouse Hospital has reportedly been stabbed during a "serious" incident.

The medical centre, near Kilmarnock, has been locked down by armed police as dozens of emergency vehicles were called to the scene. There are unconfirmed reports that at least one person has died.

It is understood that a second nurse has also been injured.

It is not yet known whether anyone has been detained over the alleged attack.

That's awful news. Sending love and best wishes to those affected by this.

A member of medical staff at Crosshouse Hospital has reportedly been stabbed during a "serious" incident.

The medical centre, near Kilmarnock, has been locked down by armed police as dozens of emergency vehicles were called to the scene. There are unconfirmed reports that at least one person has died.

It is understood that a second nurse has also been injured.

It is not yet known whether anyone has been detained over the alleged attack.

these workers deserve a medal and a massive pay rise
not that shit

history will judge and at the next pay negotiation they will have a country on their side

A member of medical staff at Crosshouse Hospital has reportedly been stabbed during a "serious" incident.

The medical centre, near Kilmarnock, has been locked down by armed police as dozens of emergency vehicles were called to the scene. There are unconfirmed reports that at least one person has died.

It is understood that a second nurse has also been injured.

It is not yet known whether anyone has been detained over the alleged attack.

Rumour is angry ex stabbed his ex burd nurse and another worker terrible it just shows that u never really no the person really wen it's just a wee relationship dont no wot kind of looney is gonny charm some young lassie them do this fuckin shame he will surely get a full natural lifer for this

A member of medical staff at Crosshouse Hospital has reportedly been stabbed during a "serious" incident.

The medical centre, near Kilmarnock, has been locked down by armed police as dozens of emergency vehicles were called to the scene. There are unconfirmed reports that at least one person has died.

It is understood that a second nurse has also been injured.

It is not yet known whether anyone has been detained over the alleged attack.

Beggars belief this, these folk are risking their lives and their families for the sake of ours. Lockdown is brutal on the mind but this is brutality that can never be allowed. Beyond derogatories.
these workers deserve a medal and a massive pay rise
not that shit

history will judge and at the next pay negotiation they will have a country on their side
They deserve a pay rise alright not the shitty 1or2% rise that comes every few years but a real upgrade in wages. We hear all the time how the NHS is a beacon to the world in social care and it is, a pity though that those who work in it arent cared for in the same way. Same goes for the kids( and adults) who are paid a pittance for exposing themselves to the population as they work in morrisons, co-op, sainsbury's etc.
They deserve a pay rise alright not the shitty 1or2% rise that comes every few years but a real upgrade in wages. We hear all the time how the NHS is a beacon to the world in social care and it is, a pity though that those who work in it arent cared for in the same way. Same goes for the kids( and adults) who are paid a pittance for exposing themselves to the population as they work in morrisons, co-op, sainsbury's etc.
Nowadays it annoys the life out of me when politicians seem to pre-fix every sentence with 'we are grateful to our NHS workers'.............except when their pay is discussed
Yeah apparently it was a guy who stabbed his bird for doing the dirty on him
Then another person in another part of town stabbed and an ongoing incident somewhere else... according to Facebook

Did any of yous see that online video of the shooting in Pennsylvania?
Over snow shoveling...3 deid
Apparently a mother and daughter were stabbed and killed and later a man died in a car accident, polis are saying the 3 incidents were linked.
From my ex's dad in Kilmarnock, the story is the guy that did it had driven up from England straight to Crosshouse Hospital and stabbed/killed his wife who was a nurse at the hospital, reasons are speculation. Then he got killed in a car crash following it. Not sure about the other that died although he did say that other people were injured.

From my ex's dad in Kilmarnock, the story is the guy that did it had driven up from England straight to Crosshouse Hospital and stabbed/killed his wife who was a nurse at the hospital, reasons are speculation. Then he got killed in a car crash following it. Not sure about the other that died although he did say that other people were injured.

The record is saying the 24 year old daughter of the nurse was stabbed and killed somewhere else in the town after the nurse was attacked.

Its bloody terrible!
Here in Kilmarnock where I stay, people are absolutely shocked by the deaths in our town last night. Condolences to the families of those who died. Won't comment on what we all know here on what truly happened, sad sad times when nurses are stabbed at their place of work. NHS staff do not deserve the attacks and abuse they suffer on a regular basis. They are all angels whom we rely on when we are ill. God bless and rest in peace. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Here in Kilmarnock where I stay, people are absolutely shocked by the deaths in our town last night. Condolences to the families of those who died. Won't comment on what we all know here on what truly happened, sad sad times when nurses are stabbed at their place of work. NHS staff do not deserve the attacks and abuse they suffer on a regular basis. They are all angels whom we rely on when we are ill. God bless and rest in peace. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ™
Apparently images are now on the mobiles and out there in cyber space. Sad.