Well-known member
I was messaged last night about the HUNS going mental on RADIO SNIDE OPEN LINE so I tuned in which isn't something that I normally do

A wee prick called Jamie from Renfrew was ranting on about SPORTING INTEGRITY of calling the Leagues if they cannot be played out to a conclusion

SPORTING INTEGRITY? You couldn't make these arseholes up
After all the cheating skullduggery and wanton rule breaking of the original HUNS these PEEPUL bleat about their felt injustices during a world pandemic where lives are being snuffed out every few seconds

I'd personally LOVE to see our league played out to a conclusion as well as the Scottish Cup so that our Quadruple Treble will be registered in the history books without an asterisk or inferred impropriety connected to it

I'm of the opinion that the season is finished , unless they want to play it when next season finally starts its over imho, if they wait till then it will be 2 late to enter teams for European competitions. Now reconstruction I could get behind if it means binning this stupid system we have now, 2 more teams play everyone home and away then split the league into a top six and bottom 8 play each other twice again and no one has a disadvantage in home games played versus away.

We are Champions again and going for 10 .

If it upsets the Zombies then thats a bonus in my eyes, and if they want to stick stupid wee signs beside 2019/2020 so what we all know the truth.

And thats me being nice about it, I could mention that more than one league winner🤮 would need an asterisk, but I'm above that sort of thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm of the opinion that the season is finished , unless they want to play it when next season finally starts its over imho, if they wait till then it will be 2 late to enter teams for European competitions. Now reconstruction I could get behind if it means binning this stupid system we have now, 2 more teams play everyone home and away then split the league into a top six and bottom 8 play each other twice again and no one has a disadvantage in home games played versus away.

We are Champions again and going for 10 .

If it upsets the Zombies then thats a bonus in my eyes, and if they want to stick stupid wee signs beside 2019/2020 so what we all know the truth.

And thats me being nice about it, I could mention that more than one league winner🤮 would need an asterisk, but I'm above that sort of thing 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Devil's Advocate.
Would it be in order for Celtic as a club to propose an asterix ( thistle) with the title. As a permanent memory to all those people world wide who unfortunately lost their lives to Coronavirus, and as a tribute to the selfless people who are engaging in the fight to combat the virus. Particularly those in the frontline services

The World
- We need to do everything we can to save as many lives as possible and get through this pandemic!

The Huns - We need to stop Celtic making it 9 in a row at all costs!

Sporting Integrity? Integrity requires morals 👆 while this is their priority the huns have no integrity sporting or otherwise!

The World
- We need to do everything we can to save as many lives as possible and get through this pandemic!

The Huns - We need to stop Celtic making it 9 in a row at all costs!

Sporting Integrity? Integrity requires morals 👆 while this is their priority the huns have no integrity sporting or otherwise!
No fuckin trophies either! Desperate fecks, thought the league was won on the 29th Dec
How did that work out?
Couldn't beat the shite at the bottom of the league FFS! Another season potless. Would love to see this in court, fuckin hilarious.
Pit up the "Evidence" or shut the fuck up!
Great relief I'm sure for Dundee and Hearts who were in the deluded's sights last night ! Today having just released a statement, it is Thistle's turn in the crosshairs. They'll soon run out of compadres to shoot.
HH to the Champions.
Partick Thistles letter from the legal rep was nothing more than a citizen advice test the water, the fact that the vote went ahead showed how serious the SPFL legal team were satified in their own documents, instructions and actions that they confidentaly dimissed it out of hand and proceede on with their business.

This leaves the last man standing theRagers, so what are they going to do with the SPFL and on what accusations without proof and asking for an independent inquiry into what and, at whos expense, and with evidence asked and witheld as claimed,
Their is no going back for all other clubs who voted yes and digging up we did not want to vote statements, the clubs were treated like adults, the SPFL made it clear they would like to have a resoloution if acceptable and they will have it by such date and time and which is final in this request only.,
Clubs are under no obligation to the request and a date of 28 days has been set for the SPFL ( should this proposal not be acceptable ) the 28 days time will enable the SPFL to come up with a decision regards football and covid19 impact. Clubs may opt out and wait the 28 days to see what plan action can be made to take the season forward and if unable bring to a conclusion the ending and sorting of the finances held by the SPFL,prize money.
Stewart Robertson SPFL and of the theragers knew of this, in fact he attempted to shoe horn in a wee resoloution of his clubs making. This was rejected after consideration and help was offered to restructure it, they refused the help and were happy in the time given to exam the details they proposed.
Therefore based on the later made accusations the SPFL have demanded as is their right to either evidence and proof in written or at least corrabitive verbal of corruption. coercision or both and not simply hearsay, evidence to be forthcoming and submitted to the defenders or there will be no inquiry.

On the second issue Park has with the statement from a member of the SPFL which had surfaced in a magazine years ago,stating the member made slannderous comments aimed toward Rangers 1872 the club/company PLC, this incident as related to Rangers 1872 and not RIFC which is a company of new and of which is part of the new club and company that was created when Rangers 2012 (former known as Rangers 1872 PLC was liquidated, Mr Park was not a chairman of the defunct club, and also the club that was liquidated has nothing remaining for which to bring an action. All directors were relieved of their duties in liquidation and the club bearing the name Rangers 1872 PLC became defunct .
Rangers 1872 was liquidated legally when a CVA was rejected by HMRC, should they wish to contest the SPFL then they would be contesting the liquidation, this then would allow the the creditors to be paid, unfortunaetly you cannot turn back time.

Partick Thistles letter from the legal rep was nothing more than a citizen advice test the water, the fact that the vote went ahead showed how serious the SPFL legal team were satified in their own documents, instructions and actions that they confidentaly dimissed it out of hand and proceede on with their business.

This leaves the last man standing theRagers, so what are they going to do with the SPFL and on what accusations without proof and asking for an independent inquiry into what and, at whos expense, and with evidence asked and witheld as claimed,
Their is no going back for all other clubs who voted yes and digging up we did not want to vote statements, the clubs were treated like adults, the SPFL made it clear they would like to have a resoloution if acceptable and they will have it by such date and time and which is final in this request only.,
Clubs are under no obligation to the request and a date of 28 days has been set for the SPFL ( should this proposal not be acceptable ) the 28 days time will enable the SPFL to come up with a decision regards football and covid19 impact. Clubs may opt out and wait the 28 days to see what plan action can be made to take the season forward and if unable bring to a conclusion the ending and sorting of the finances held by the SPFL,prize money.
Stewart Robertson SPFL and of the theragers knew of this, in fact he attempted to shoe horn in a wee resoloution of his clubs making. This was rejected after consideration and help was offered to restructure it, they refused the help and were happy in the time given to exam the details they proposed.
Therefore based on the later made accusations the SPFL have demanded as is their right to either evidence and proof in written or at least corrabitive verbal of corruption. coercision or both and not simply hearsay, evidence to be forthcoming and submitted to the defenders or there will be no inquiry.

On the second issue Park has with the statement from a member of the SPFL which had surfaced in a magazine years ago,stating the member made slannderous comments aimed toward Rangers 1872 the club/company PLC, this incident as related to Rangers 1872 and not RIFC which is a company of new and of which is part of the new club and company that was created when Rangers 2012 (former known as Rangers 1872 PLC was liquidated, Mr Park was not a chairman of the defunct club, and also the club that was liquidated has nothing remaining for which to bring an action. All directors were relieved of their duties in liquidation and the club bearing the name Rangers 1872 PLC became defunct .
Rangers 1872 was liquidated legally when a CVA was rejected by HMRC, should they wish to contest the SPFL then they would be contesting the liquidation, this then would allow the the creditors to be paid, unfortunaetly you cannot turn back time.

View attachment 8652
Telt! 🍺 🥳
THE HUNS & SPORTING INTEGRITY is that an oxymoron or what. Huns cheated their way tae League titles & Cups, that was done by the oldco is their cry we're sevco.

Well sit doon & shut yer fuckin moaning gubs, ffs. Maybe awe these football experts need tae spend a wee bit of their lockdoon time refreshing the ?? brains?? On the rules & regulations of Association Football & read what UEFA are all about & what sanctions they have at their disposal to punish FAs that are found tae be in breach.



** YOU'RE RANGERS 1872-2012 DIED


The World
- We need to do everything we can to save as many lives as possible and get through this pandemic!

The Huns - We need to stop Celtic making it 9 in a row at all costs!

Sporting Integrity? Integrity requires morals 👆 while this is their priority the huns have no integrity sporting or otherwise!
100% Shadow2,how much integrity did they show when they cheated the NHS out of new beds,new equipment for our hospitals when they failed to pay their taxes..
How much integrity did they show towards the 276 creditors they left in the shit without giving them a thought.
These PEEPUL dont know the meaning of the word integrity,,but they definitely know how to look after themselves.

Devil's Advocate.
Would it be in order for Celtic as a club to propose an asterix ( thistle) with the title. As a permanent memory to all those people world wide who unfortunately lost their lives to Coronavirus, and as a tribute to the selfless people who are engaging in the fight to combat the virus. Particularly those in the frontline services

Probably not !

THE HUNS being the philanthropic and caring Club that they are and being concerned about all other Scottish Clubs would claim that we're just having a dig at the Harry Wraggs

After all Thistle might possibly be relegated due to the season being called early🤔 😂😂😂

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