St Mirren squad in lockdown

Bellshill bhoy

Well-known member

Record reporting several of the St Mirren squad test positive for Covid-19, start of the season must be in doubt now, what are the rules? if they’ve been in contact with the infected players they must isolate for 2 weeks? Serious stuff, this historic 10IAR season might not even get off the ground 😱

Record reporting several of the St Mirren squad test positive for Covid-19, start of the season must be in doubt now, what are the rules? if they’ve been in contact with the infected players they must isolate for 2 weeks? Serious stuff, this historic 10IAR season might not even get off the ground 😱
There's no way that we will get to go to the football this year....I think its gonny be a TV job fur a while....

It is serious and it will only get worse... spike big style wen aw they come up here for holidays, instead of going abroad....The country will be movin again wi the virus...Islands the lot...Boris come up the day...ffs what was aw that aboot ...We need to get oot o this UK...It's holdin us back
I explained in March how by June, NZ would be covid free and that teams could play in front of fans in NZ after just a two week lockdown. We have a full rugby programme and netball. We have no community transmission. I was right.