Steven Gerrard - A star is Born

I just said I'm Basque. From the side under Spanish rule if you need me to be more specific. It doesn't matter, I could be a Scottish History Major for all you know though. Not saying I am :ROFLMAO:, just that that kind of presumption is just rude.
Cool i am from the Calton next door to me is bridgeton 10% bluenoses 85% staunch orange and 5% Catholic. But defo anti Csame old shite.jpgatholic 12th July.
Basque is that a place or a region or a people?

Seems vague. I think its a region and a people.

Do any of you rudebhoys know?
I just said I'm Basque. From the side under Spanish rule if you need me to be more specific. It doesn't matter, I could be a Scottish History Major for all you know though. Not saying I am :ROFLMAO:, just that that kind of presumption is just rude.

Hint: I'm fully aware that Celtic-Sevco is more than a football match... It's literally the reason I was drawn to the fixture in the first place. And I explained so when I introduced myself to the forum.
Been to the Basque region many times

San Sebastian Santander Bilbao
I love the Costa Verde but respect a local person's knowledge because they have more experience than me

A community in northern spain. Bilbao is basque.

Why not say the place its not as if your gonna door chap ffs

I live in coatbridge but despite common misconception its big.
Been to the Basque region many times

San Sebastian Santander Bilbao
I love the Costa Verde but respect a local person's knowledge because they have more experience than me


Did I say I didn't respect your knowledge? Does disagreeing with you equal disrespecting you? I hope not.

PS: Nice, but please don't get it wrong, Santander is not Basque, it's Spanish! Beautiful city, but Spain nonetheless :sneaky:
I must add this whole dismissive "you're not from here, so of course you wouldn't understand" attitude towards someone whose background and knowledge you don't know at all is very typical of us Basques, I wouldn't have expected Scots to share such a distasteful trait, but then again that's okay.
i would never be so presumptious to say i understood the nuances of basque culture,i'm aware of a desire for independence,eta, atletico bilbao playing only basque players, in scotland their is a blatant but covert anti irish catholic bias not as overt as northern ireland it's more insidious than that, don't take this as personal attacks,how did spain feel about the basque struggle for independence... yes quite,you we're terrorists, not defenders of your community the irish catholic community has been vilified since we arrived in this country thanks to british governments policy of starvation in it's colonies ireland being one,like the basques,civil rights in the usa,apartheid in south africa, the palestinians, we refused to accept our second class citizen status,this is why our struggles are fought, symbolically on a football field,conspiracy Uztai, no it's way more than that!!!
i would never be so presumptious to say i understood the nuances of basque culture,i'm aware of a desire for independence,eta, atletico bilbao playing only basque players, in scotland their is a blatant but covert anti irish catholic bias not as overt as northern ireland it's more insidious than that, don't take this as personal attacks,how did spain feel about the basque struggle for independence... yes quite,you we're terrorists, not defenders of your community the irish catholic community has been vilified since we arrived in this country thanks to british governments policy of starvation in it's colonies ireland being one,like the basques,civil rights in the usa,apartheid in south africa, the palestinians, we refused to accept our second class citizen status,this is why our struggles are fought, symbolically on a football field,conspiracy Uztai, no it's way more than that!!!

Despite the similarities if he was a true basque and celtic fan he would have to agree.

He’s not so watch him traipse round the houses to not agree
i would never be so presumptious to say i understood the nuances of basque culture

See, to me what would be presumptious would be to assume you didn't understand the nuances of Basque culture just by virtue of *not* being Basque. Because you might. Or might not. I don't know you.

The thing is you don't know anything about me either. You don't know how much I have read about Ireland or Scotland, or the history of Irish immigration to the West of Scotland, or the creation of Celtic FC, or its history, or how many Irish or Scottish people I have talked to about it. Not a clue. And in order to have an opinion and for my right to have an opinion to be respected, I owe absolutely zero explanations to you. Zilch. Nada.

But you have a few clues if needed: I have apparently been mistaken by some users for a native English speaker, I'm telling you I've been following Celtic for a long while now, and I'm definitely interested in all the subjects listed above - that's why I signed up at a Celtic forum.

You can keep dismissing what I have to say just because I'm not Scottish. I don't mind. Doesn't mean I will shut up.
i would never be so presumptious to say i understood the nuances of basque culture,i'm aware of a desire for independence,eta, atletico bilbao playing only basque players, in scotland their is a blatant but covert anti irish catholic bias not as overt as northern ireland it's more insidious than that, don't take this as personal attacks,how did spain feel about the basque struggle for independence... yes quite,you we're terrorists, not defenders of your community the irish catholic community has been vilified since we arrived in this country thanks to british governments policy of starvation in it's colonies ireland being one,like the basques,civil rights in the usa,apartheid in south africa, the palestinians, we refused to accept our second class citizen status,this is why our struggles are fought, symbolically on a football field,conspiracy Uztai, no it's way more than that!!!
Up the ra MD
Did I say I didn't respect your knowledge? Does disagreeing with you equal disrespecting you? I hope not.

PS: Nice, but please don't get it wrong, Santander is not Basque, it's Spanish! Beautiful city, but Spain nonetheless :sneaky:
Uztai, it might have appeared that a spirited defence was put up on your behalf yesterday.

But you're not a stupid man.

I believe you have experience in writing copy. I also believe that you may have a connection with a chap who calls himself Paul Thompson.

I believe that you are not really representative of any Scottish football team, Celtic or otherwise.

I think you're an ambitious junior in the press arena who has been put on an errand.

Good luck with that