Sutton the soup taker!

This new Rangers estd 2021 had to apply for a license tp participate in Scottish Football and, once granted began life in the lowest division only after been put in their place in their arrogance to be included at the top table and pretend that they were a previous club named Rangers estd 1872 who had that spot, alas a club that were liquidated.
I am sure the Daily Record know this

"THE curtain came down on 140 years of history yesterday as Oldco Rangers were formally liquidated at the Court of Session in Edinburgh."
This new Rangers estd 2021 had to apply for a license tp participate in Scottish Football and, once granted began life in the lowest division only after been put in their place in their arrogance to be included at the top table and pretend that they were a previous club named Rangers estd 1872 who had that spot, alas a club that were liquidated.
I am sure the Daily Record know this

"THE curtain came down on 140 years of history yesterday as Oldco Rangers were formally liquidated at the Court of Session in Edinburgh."
Oh come on boab, you make it sound like they are a new club whereas every true football fan knows the truth and accepts that they have a long and "distinguished" history, and that they were actually formed in 2012 and not 2021 as you state!!! 😉🤣
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guessing it would be the Record who added the sevco were sent down the divisions and now it’s pay back

would doubt sutton would have used the pay back line ,,,,,,if he did fk him ,he's getting it tight on twitter anyway
So now we have Chris Sutton joining the Survival lie mob in his column for the Daily Reptile he says”Rangers were sent down the divisions and now it’s pay back”
Embarrassing big man!
You’ve cherry picked one line out his article, he gets ripped right into the huns director’s calling them a totalitarian club, over their media stance, saying the slippy looks embarrassed giving interviews to follow, follow and the like, it’s a good read, tried to copy and paste it but couldn’t, here the link if you wish to read it
Sutton’s many things, but not a soup taker, yir talking shite 💩
Here's a copy , gonnae be funny if they get pumped by malmo and us at there ff press confrence ,the lunatics are running the asylum

Steven Gerrard is manager of one of the world’s biggest clubs.

Last weekend, he sat in front of mainly Rangers fan outlets to be quizzed about the win over Livingston.

That, frankly, is embarrassing and Gerrard must be mortified.

I’ve seen some of the clips and it looks awful.

I don’t know the ins and the outs, all I have heard is that Rangers want to charge the media to take part in their briefings.

Maybe Gerrard doesn’t even know about it. If he does, I’d like to know what he thinks.

That’s not what Gerrard was brought up on at Liverpool and he cannot be comfortable with all of this.

To be honest, Rangers can do what they like. If they want to take these steps, then that’s up to them.

But, when their actions are going to start damaging other clubs in this country, it’s time for people to wake up.

The media stance is embarrassing for the league and it puts some of the opposition managers into a silly situation.

I’m told Livingston boss David Martindale was being quizzed by those Rangers fan outlets after last week’s game at Ibrox.

What sort of situation is that? How on earth can people who have no concept about what’s going on at Livingston manage to get any sort of proper information and news from another team’s manager to get across to their fans?

Why will Ange Postecoglou, Jack Ross, or Stephen Glass or anyone else do post-match media at Ibrox in the coming weeks?

That starves fans of info and, more importantly, the lack of coverage is going to have an effect on other clubs potentially with advertising.

If, say, Motherwell score a last-minute winner at Ibrox and win and there are no photos of their players in shirts with sponsors’ logos, they’ll not be happy. What if their sponsors just decided to walk away from deals?

What if other clubs took the Rangers stance and there wasn’t a word of Scottish football in the papers?

The sponsors would be queuing up to walk away from our game and finances would collapse.

Rangers are alienating themselves from the rest of Scottish football and Sky should be kicking their backsides after Stewart Robertson ’s outburst last week.

Fair enough, Robertson made some valid points in the week about Scottish football selling itself short, but he and his club are doing exactly the same.

Surely there comes a time when we all have to look forward and do what’s best for the whole of Scottish football.

Rangers have been having arguments with a variety of organisations over the recent past with the latest one being around the league sponsorship deal with a car company. There will be small print and no doubt they will point to legitimate reasons for their stance.

It seems to me that they want Neil Doncaster’s head on a platter and that’s up to them.

But this sponsorship money is important to other clubs no matter how it was sourced and no matter whether you think it is a good deal or a bad deal, it’s the deal they got.

It might be a drop in the ocean to Rangers, but I’m sure it means a lot to the rest. If the sponsors walk away, it will blow a hole in the finances of some clubs who are only just recovering from the Covid situation.

Scottish football should be doing everything it can to promote itself.

There are some wonderful stories around right now, just look at St Johnstone.

The winners of two domestic cup competitions last season and this week they are heading into Galatasaray’s back yard and bagging a draw in Europe.

We should be crowing about this, not allowing situations where we are having it
blanked out.

Rangers’ anger probably still comes from being sent down the leagues all those years ago, but where does this end?

They can do what they like if it just affects them. When their battles and ideals start affecting others, then that’s a bad situation and fully deserves scrutiny.

Rangers won’t care. They’ll look at the way they felt they were treated when sent down the divisions and say it’s payback.

That’s small-minded and I’d certainly expect Steven Gerrard to be above all that.

Is this what he signed up for? If he goes to Liverpool as manager and turned up for the big unveiling, will he expect two fan bods to be there to interview him?

Does he want the quality of our league diluted and risked because other clubs have lost money from advertisers and they have to cut their budgets? It’s not there at this moment, but what’s the end game with all of this?

Rangers are actually doing their own fans a disservice but, as I said, that’s up to them.

I’m sure they’d like Gerrard to be grilled on why Alfredo Morelos wasn’t in Malmo, but there’s no-one to ask.
Here's a copy , gonnae be funny if they get pumped by malmo and us at there ff press confrence ,the lunatics are running the asylum

Steven Gerrard is manager of one of the world’s biggest clubs.

Last weekend, he sat in front of mainly Rangers fan outlets to be quizzed about the win over Livingston.

That, frankly, is embarrassing and Gerrard must be mortified.

I’ve seen some of the clips and it looks awful.

I don’t know the ins and the outs, all I have heard is that Rangers want to charge the media to take part in their briefings.

Maybe Gerrard doesn’t even know about it. If he does, I’d like to know what he thinks.

That’s not what Gerrard was brought up on at Liverpool and he cannot be comfortable with all of this.

To be honest, Rangers can do what they like. If they want to take these steps, then that’s up to them.

But, when their actions are going to start damaging other clubs in this country, it’s time for people to wake up.

The media stance is embarrassing for the league and it puts some of the opposition managers into a silly situation.

I’m told Livingston boss David Martindale was being quizzed by those Rangers fan outlets after last week’s game at Ibrox.

What sort of situation is that? How on earth can people who have no concept about what’s going on at Livingston manage to get any sort of proper information and news from another team’s manager to get across to their fans?

Why will Ange Postecoglou, Jack Ross, or Stephen Glass or anyone else do post-match media at Ibrox in the coming weeks?

That starves fans of info and, more importantly, the lack of coverage is going to have an effect on other clubs potentially with advertising.

If, say, Motherwell score a last-minute winner at Ibrox and win and there are no photos of their players in shirts with sponsors’ logos, they’ll not be happy. What if their sponsors just decided to walk away from deals?

What if other clubs took the Rangers stance and there wasn’t a word of Scottish football in the papers?

The sponsors would be queuing up to walk away from our game and finances would collapse.

Rangers are alienating themselves from the rest of Scottish football and Sky should be kicking their backsides after Stewart Robertson ’s outburst last week.

Fair enough, Robertson made some valid points in the week about Scottish football selling itself short, but he and his club are doing exactly the same.

Surely there comes a time when we all have to look forward and do what’s best for the whole of Scottish football.

Rangers have been having arguments with a variety of organisations over the recent past with the latest one being around the league sponsorship deal with a car company. There will be small print and no doubt they will point to legitimate reasons for their stance.

It seems to me that they want Neil Doncaster’s head on a platter and that’s up to them.

But this sponsorship money is important to other clubs no matter how it was sourced and no matter whether you think it is a good deal or a bad deal, it’s the deal they got.

It might be a drop in the ocean to Rangers, but I’m sure it means a lot to the rest. If the sponsors walk away, it will blow a hole in the finances of some clubs who are only just recovering from the Covid situation.

Scottish football should be doing everything it can to promote itself.

There are some wonderful stories around right now, just look at St Johnstone.

The winners of two domestic cup competitions last season and this week they are heading into Galatasaray’s back yard and bagging a draw in Europe.

We should be crowing about this, not allowing situations where we are having it
blanked out.

Rangers’ anger probably still comes from being sent down the leagues all those years ago, but where does this end?

They can do what they like if it just affects them. When their battles and ideals start affecting others, then that’s a bad situation and fully deserves scrutiny.

Rangers won’t care. They’ll look at the way they felt they were treated when sent down the divisions and say it’s payback.

That’s small-minded and I’d certainly expect Steven Gerrard to be above all that.

Is this what he signed up for? If he goes to Liverpool as manager and turned up for the big unveiling, will he expect two fan bods to be there to interview him?

Does he want the quality of our league diluted and risked because other clubs have lost money from advertisers and they have to cut their budgets? It’s not there at this moment, but what’s the end game with all of this?

Rangers are actually doing their own fans a disservice but, as I said, that’s up to them.

I’m sure they’d like Gerrard to be grilled on why Alfredo Morelos wasn’t in Malmo, but there’s no-one to ask.

Thanks for the C&P ma’s the only way I’d be reading it...
Here's a copy , gonnae be funny if they get pumped by malmo and us at there ff press confrence ,the lunatics are running the asylum

Steven Gerrard is manager of one of the world’s biggest clubs.

Last weekend, he sat in front of mainly Rangers fan outlets to be quizzed about the win over Livingston.

That, frankly, is embarrassing and Gerrard must be mortified.

I’ve seen some of the clips and it looks awful.

I don’t know the ins and the outs, all I have heard is that Rangers want to charge the media to take part in their briefings.

Maybe Gerrard doesn’t even know about it. If he does, I’d like to know what he thinks.

That’s not what Gerrard was brought up on at Liverpool and he cannot be comfortable with all of this.

To be honest, Rangers can do what they like. If they want to take these steps, then that’s up to them.

But, when their actions are going to start damaging other clubs in this country, it’s time for people to wake up.

The media stance is embarrassing for the league and it puts some of the opposition managers into a silly situation.

I’m told Livingston boss David Martindale was being quizzed by those Rangers fan outlets after last week’s game at Ibrox.

What sort of situation is that? How on earth can people who have no concept about what’s going on at Livingston manage to get any sort of proper information and news from another team’s manager to get across to their fans?

Why will Ange Postecoglou, Jack Ross, or Stephen Glass or anyone else do post-match media at Ibrox in the coming weeks?

That starves fans of info and, more importantly, the lack of coverage is going to have an effect on other clubs potentially with advertising.

If, say, Motherwell score a last-minute winner at Ibrox and win and there are no photos of their players in shirts with sponsors’ logos, they’ll not be happy. What if their sponsors just decided to walk away from deals?

What if other clubs took the Rangers stance and there wasn’t a word of Scottish football in the papers?

The sponsors would be queuing up to walk away from our game and finances would collapse.

Rangers are alienating themselves from the rest of Scottish football and Sky should be kicking their backsides after Stewart Robertson ’s outburst last week.

Fair enough, Robertson made some valid points in the week about Scottish football selling itself short, but he and his club are doing exactly the same.

Surely there comes a time when we all have to look forward and do what’s best for the whole of Scottish football.

Rangers have been having arguments with a variety of organisations over the recent past with the latest one being around the league sponsorship deal with a car company. There will be small print and no doubt they will point to legitimate reasons for their stance.

It seems to me that they want Neil Doncaster’s head on a platter and that’s up to them.

But this sponsorship money is important to other clubs no matter how it was sourced and no matter whether you think it is a good deal or a bad deal, it’s the deal they got.

It might be a drop in the ocean to Rangers, but I’m sure it means a lot to the rest. If the sponsors walk away, it will blow a hole in the finances of some clubs who are only just recovering from the Covid situation.

Scottish football should be doing everything it can to promote itself.

There are some wonderful stories around right now, just look at St Johnstone.

The winners of two domestic cup competitions last season and this week they are heading into Galatasaray’s back yard and bagging a draw in Europe.

We should be crowing about this, not allowing situations where we are having it
blanked out.

Rangers’ anger probably still comes from being sent down the leagues all those years ago, but where does this end?

They can do what they like if it just affects them. When their battles and ideals start affecting others, then that’s a bad situation and fully deserves scrutiny.

Rangers won’t care. They’ll look at the way they felt they were treated when sent down the divisions and say it’s payback.

That’s small-minded and I’d certainly expect Steven Gerrard to be above all that.

Is this what he signed up for? If he goes to Liverpool as manager and turned up for the big unveiling, will he expect two fan bods to be there to interview him?

Does he want the quality of our league diluted and risked because other clubs have lost money from advertisers and they have to cut their budgets? It’s not there at this moment, but what’s the end game with all of this?

Rangers are actually doing their own fans a disservice but, as I said, that’s up to them.

I’m sure they’d like Gerrard to be grilled on why Alfredo Morelos wasn’t in Malmo, but there’s no-one to ask.
Thanks Kelly.
Have nothing to do with Scottish media and glad not to be subjected to there bullshit.
That article rises the questions that should be asked about sevco scum (SS) so well done on Chris Sutton for doing so.
Here's a copy , gonnae be funny if they get pumped by malmo and us at there ff press confrence ,the lunatics are running the asylum

Steven Gerrard is manager of one of the world’s biggest clubs.

Last weekend, he sat in front of mainly Rangers fan outlets to be quizzed about the win over Livingston.

That, frankly, is embarrassing and Gerrard must be mortified.

I’ve seen some of the clips and it looks awful.

I don’t know the ins and the outs, all I have heard is that Rangers want to charge the media to take part in their briefings.

Maybe Gerrard doesn’t even know about it. If he does, I’d like to know what he thinks.

That’s not what Gerrard was brought up on at Liverpool and he cannot be comfortable with all of this.

To be honest, Rangers can do what they like. If they want to take these steps, then that’s up to them.

But, when their actions are going to start damaging other clubs in this country, it’s time for people to wake up.

The media stance is embarrassing for the league and it puts some of the opposition managers into a silly situation.

I’m told Livingston boss David Martindale was being quizzed by those Rangers fan outlets after last week’s game at Ibrox.

What sort of situation is that? How on earth can people who have no concept about what’s going on at Livingston manage to get any sort of proper information and news from another team’s manager to get across to their fans?

Why will Ange Postecoglou, Jack Ross, or Stephen Glass or anyone else do post-match media at Ibrox in the coming weeks?

That starves fans of info and, more importantly, the lack of coverage is going to have an effect on other clubs potentially with advertising.

If, say, Motherwell score a last-minute winner at Ibrox and win and there are no photos of their players in shirts with sponsors’ logos, they’ll not be happy. What if their sponsors just decided to walk away from deals?

What if other clubs took the Rangers stance and there wasn’t a word of Scottish football in the papers?

The sponsors would be queuing up to walk away from our game and finances would collapse.

Rangers are alienating themselves from the rest of Scottish football and Sky should be kicking their backsides after Stewart Robertson ’s outburst last week.

Fair enough, Robertson made some valid points in the week about Scottish football selling itself short, but he and his club are doing exactly the same.

Surely there comes a time when we all have to look forward and do what’s best for the whole of Scottish football.

Rangers have been having arguments with a variety of organisations over the recent past with the latest one being around the league sponsorship deal with a car company. There will be small print and no doubt they will point to legitimate reasons for their stance.

It seems to me that they want Neil Doncaster’s head on a platter and that’s up to them.

But this sponsorship money is important to other clubs no matter how it was sourced and no matter whether you think it is a good deal or a bad deal, it’s the deal they got.

It might be a drop in the ocean to Rangers, but I’m sure it means a lot to the rest. If the sponsors walk away, it will blow a hole in the finances of some clubs who are only just recovering from the Covid situation.

Scottish football should be doing everything it can to promote itself.

There are some wonderful stories around right now, just look at St Johnstone.

The winners of two domestic cup competitions last season and this week they are heading into Galatasaray’s back yard and bagging a draw in Europe.

We should be crowing about this, not allowing situations where we are having it
blanked out.

Rangers’ anger probably still comes from being sent down the leagues all those years ago, but where does this end?

They can do what they like if it just affects them. When their battles and ideals start affecting others, then that’s a bad situation and fully deserves scrutiny.

Rangers won’t care. They’ll look at the way they felt they were treated when sent down the divisions and say it’s payback.

That’s small-minded and I’d certainly expect Steven Gerrard to be above all that.

Is this what he signed up for? If he goes to Liverpool as manager and turned up for the big unveiling, will he expect two fan bods to be there to interview him?

Does he want the quality of our league diluted and risked because other clubs have lost money from advertisers and they have to cut their budgets? It’s not there at this moment, but what’s the end game with all of this?

Rangers are actually doing their own fans a disservice but, as I said, that’s up to them.

I’m sure they’d like Gerrard to be grilled on why Alfredo Morelos wasn’t in Malmo, but there’s no-one to ask.
Thanks kelly. I take that to mean that sevco's anger is because they were "sent down the leagues" and in this he is correct. They are totally deluded and are very angry as they have indeed began to really believe that they were sent down the leagues.

Whereas every one who knows what happened know that oldco died and sevco were shoehorned into the league against the league's own rules ahead of other more deserving established lower league clubs.
You’ve cherry picked one line out his article, he gets ripped right into the huns director’s calling them a totalitarian club, over their media stance, saying the slippy looks embarrassed giving interviews to follow, follow and the like, it’s a good read, tried to copy and paste it but couldn’t, here the link if you wish to read it
Sutton’s many things, but not a soup taker, yir talking shite 💩
Was gonny say the same I've just read the article he says they're fuckin embarrassing themselves and Scottish fitbaw was hardly pushing the survival lie and wit is it that makes u a soup taker?? If uve got a column in the paper ur meant to be impartial in ur writing is he a soup taker for doing his job correct??because he's not shouting up the ra fuck the huns at the end if his article ffs
So now we have Chris Sutton joining the Survival lie mob in his column for the Daily Reptile he says”Rangers were sent down the divisions and now it’s pay back”
Embarrassing big man!
Dont know if you actually had a read at the article, but what you infer is not what is actually said mate.

Would never class Sutty as a soup taker and having seen the c@p article on here he doesn't seem to have sold his soul.