Team in crises

Aye, the manky mob are calling for his head, if some of the posts on follow follow are anything tae go by. Another problem for them is how do they make it tae the end of the season. They've already spent ST & Europa Lge money, they don't have anyway of borrowing money except from lenders of last resort like Lehmann Brothers, short term loans, with high interest rates if you don't pay on time. Add the problems with Ashley & Hummel etc, puts them in the fcuk position again could Sevco be in Admin before the season ends.
Aye, the manky mob are calling for his head, if some of the posts on follow follow are anything tae go by. Another problem for them is how do they make it tae the end of the season. They've already spent ST & Europa Lge money, they don't have anyway of borrowing money except from lenders of last resort like Lehmann Brothers, short term loans, with high interest rates if you don't pay on time. Add the problems with Ashley & Hummel etc, puts them in the fcuk position again could Sevco be in Admin before the season ends.
We live in hope Tim
Now who is in crises that was a big defeat for sevco . Their only slim chance of a trophy this season . Now we will see how slippy G copes with pressure it's all boiling over in given ???
It's nearly time for the sevconuts to sharpen their pitchforks and light their torches. Stevie G is on borrowed time.
This year sevco will have a new manager on their Xmas list, and another fourteen players. The more things change the more they stay the same.