The 4th Official proving the meltdown has begun


Well-known member
The meltdown has begun and its sweet , delicious and hilarious.
On a day when sevco struggled , though ultimately won the Aberdeen game you would think that those " supporters" would be doing just that, supporting.
No , wrong , we are talking about the tribute act known as theRangers after all so drawing level on points though still behind having played a game more is nothing to shout about.
What is though is how the recently announced co-tour of Australia has been recieved by the extras in world war Z.
This piece of " journalism " has all the hallmarks of a primary 3 school kids homework paper. Coupled with the contradictions and mistakes that you would expect, however this is what qualifies as genuine fan news.
The author of the piece , whose names irrelevant mentions how its completely unacceptable to be taking part in Ange's big homecoming party and they shouldnt be going.
He doesnt blame a certain director for going as the amount of cash to be earned in doing so will be equivalent to perhaps 2 seasons of cinch cash. He does blame the other directors for allowing the former to make the mistake in taking the money they so badly need.
Confused yet? Well it only gets better.
The 4th Official writer wants nothing to do with this Glasgow Derby down under as it's all about Ange and his homecoming and not really an old firm game.
Yes, he is referring to the game as the Glasgow derby and the old firm at the same time whilst choking on his bile.
The pure hatred for all things Celtic is only outdone by the writers contradictions of which there are many and hilariously so.
Also if you like bile and hatred they are only asking for £2.99 at the end.
The truth is there's no words I can use to describe this delicious article of pain.
You must read for yourself and contain your laughter at this blowhards agony.
Remembering that they have just pulled level on points makes it all the sweeter.

Someone Needs To Pay For This Decision Of Rangers Playing Second Fiddle To Celtic via @OneFootball. Read it here:

The meltdown has begun and its sweet , delicious and hilarious.
On a day when sevco struggled , though ultimately won the Aberdeen game you would think that those " supporters" would be doing just that, supporting.
No , wrong , we are talking about the tribute act known as theRangers after all so drawing level on points though still behind having played a game more is nothing to shout about.
What is though is how the recently announced co-tour of Australia has been recieved by the extras in world war Z.
This piece of " journalism " has all the hallmarks of a primary 3 school kids homework paper. Coupled with the contradictions and mistakes that you would expect, however this is what qualifies as genuine fan news.
The author of the piece , whose names irrelevant mentions how its completely unacceptable to be taking part in Ange's big homecoming party and they shouldnt be going.
He doesnt blame a certain director for going as the amount of cash to be earned in doing so will be equivalent to perhaps 2 seasons of cinch cash. He does blame the other directors for allowing the former to make the mistake in taking the money they so badly need.
Confused yet? Well it only gets better.
The 4th Official writer wants nothing to do with this Glasgow Derby down under as it's all about Ange and his homecoming and not really an old firm game.
Yes, he is referring to the game as the Glasgow derby and the old firm at the same time whilst choking on his bile.
The pure hatred for all things Celtic is only outdone by the writers contradictions of which there are many and hilariously so.
Also if you like bile and hatred they are only asking for £2.99 at the end.
The truth is there's no words I can use to describe this delicious article of pain.
You must read for yourself and contain your laughter at this blowhards agony.
Remembering that they have just pulled level on points makes it all the sweeter.

Someone Needs To Pay For This Decision Of Rangers Playing Second Fiddle To Celtic via @OneFootball. Read it here:

Its slanderous on so many levels

It would be nice if Celtic got him a day in court to air his bile.
As living, breathing sentient creatures - it remains difficult for any individual human being to share or empathise with other ideals, philosophies and experiences which are not uniquely our own.

As individuals - we see things through our own prism and react only to the way they these experiences tend to impact us personally.

The bottom line is, is that it is extremely difficult to accept the perspectives of others until we have been in that same scenario; however - intelligence alone will allow us to at least form some idea as to how others feel and perceive things.

Now imagine you are a shambling, mumbling wreck of a zombie who finds it difficult to cognitively function?

Try to imagine how difficult it must be for that unthinking, unintelligible, remarkably low IQ deadite to consider an actual world that hasn't been spoon-fed to them by the institutions of this country and a media which is dumb-friendly?

The ignorance oozes from their orifices by the bucketload and it's no wonder that articles as previously cited are given credence by a section of society which is largely irrelevant in the wider world.

Their sense of entitlement and their absolute lack of self awareness (along with basic survival skills) has already buried one club beneath the cold earth and it will absolutely do for this new club if they continue along this narrow ledge whilst being totally unaware of their surroundings.

Their very essence. Their relevance. Their very survival is based solely on the label of being part of an 'Old Firm'.

While I find that idea abhorrent, it amuses me to know that these demented fuckwits think that they can somehow survive without US.

Give them what they want. Deprive the fuckers of oxygen and let them keel over into an another shallow grave.

Don't need them. Don't want them. Don't fuckin care about them.
As living, breathing sentient creatures - it remains difficult for any individual human being to share or empathise with other ideals, philosophies and experiences which are not uniquely our own.

As individuals - we see things through our own prism and react only to the way they these experiences tend to impact us personally.

The bottom line is, is that it is extremely difficult to accept the perspectives of others until we have been in that same scenario; however - intelligence alone will allow us to at least form some idea as to how others feel and perceive things.

Now imagine you are a shambling, mumbling wreck of a zombie who finds it difficult to cognitively function?

Try to imagine how difficult it must be for that unthinking, unintelligible, remarkably low IQ deadite to consider an actual world that hasn't been spoon-fed to them by the institutions of this country and a media which is dumb-friendly?

The ignorance oozes from their orifices by the bucketload and it's no wonder that articles as previously cited are given credence by a section of society which is largely irrelevant in the wider world.

Their sense of entitlement and their absolute lack of self awareness (along with basic survival skills) has already buried one club beneath the cold earth and it will absolutely do for this new club if they continue along this narrow ledge whilst being totally unaware of their surroundings.

Their very essence. Their relevance. Their very survival is based solely on the label of being part of an 'Old Firm'.

While I find that idea abhorrent, it amuses me to know that these demented fuckwits think that they can somehow survive without US.

Give them what they want. Deprive the fuckers of oxygen and let them keel over into an another shallow grave.

Don't need them. Don't want them. Don't fuckin care about them.
Very eloquently put 50 and well said 👏👏
This guy is a fool of the highest order and cant get his list of hates in order either.
One thing hes correct about is this will be a homecoming for Ange the Aussie came good and they are definitely playing second fiddle to us in that respect.
He fails to grasp so many realities and perhaps one of his £2.99 punters ( seems the 4th official needs dosh just as much as sevco) could point out to him that reaching the last 16 of the Europa, beating Dortmund is great but it's still not enough to pay the Bill's after all it is the second tier of European football .
They are doing well in it but for all of that it comes to roughly €6-7 million plus tv money and they need more than that.
Theres a reason why it was Celtic who announced this because its Celtic's show , Anges show.
They should be grateful for their invite.
I'm not exactly enthralled by this idea either but Scottish clubs have to think outside the box when it comes to earning money and this is a giveaway.
Perhaps I'll see it differently come the time.
"I expect it from the East End mob; they’ll do anything for money. I did not expect this from the club I support."

This statement made me laugh out loud. In this one paragraph, you see how far removed from reality the sevco fans are. A club that has a share issue every other week. A club that actively promotes racism to make a few quid. Utterly deluded!! 🤣
"I expect it from the East End mob; they’ll do anything for money. I did not expect this from the club I support."

This statement made me laugh out loud. In this one paragraph, you see how far removed from reality the sevco fans are. A club that has a share issue every other week. A club that actively promotes racism to make a few quid. Utterly deluded!! 🤣
Aye, a club that has to have share issues just to pay ONE particular bill? We're meant to fear that? Do fuck off.
Telt yae takes a certain kind a gutter rat Tae fling mud at others knowin full well that their Ain club Wiz up Tae it's neck in the shit...n let's no be kidded...they fuckin know...fuckin scum rat cunts....a actually enjoy when they stert this shit ...coz yae ken their hurtin like fuck...imagine that's the first thing that comes intae yar heed when yae canni handle the famous Glasgow Celtic bein yar superior...fuck off Hun cunts n pay your victims instead a sendin them Tae liquidators ya mingin kiddi oan rangers sevco bastard's
..they hope that this would put us oot the game..victims of child abuse is what they cling to Tae try n bridge the financial gap..whit a sad world they live in lol...when the actual facts o the matter is...if they didny send victims Tae liquidators n actually paid oot wid pit they beggin manky bastard's oot the game
"I expect it from the East End mob; they’ll do anything for money. I did not expect this from the club I support."

This statement made me laugh out loud. In this one paragraph, you see how far removed from reality the sevco fans are. A club that has a share issue every other week. A club that actively promotes racism to make a few quid. Utterly deluded!! 🤣
Keepin charity money anaw mate...fuck they were even rippin aff help for heroes lol
Telt yae takes a certain kind a gutter rat Tae fling mud at others knowin full well that their Ain club Wiz up Tae it's neck in the shit...n let's no be kidded...they fuckin know...fuckin scum rat cunts....a actually enjoy when they stert this shit ...coz yae ken their hurtin like fuck...imagine that's the first thing that comes intae yar heed when yae canni handle the famous Glasgow Celtic bein yar superior...fuck off Hun cunts n pay your victims instead a sendin them Tae liquidators ya mingin kiddi oan rangers sevco bastard's
Southampton FC had staff found guilty of abuse over an extended period, around 45 cases I think. These unfortunate individuals were offered 10k each as recompense.
If this is used as a guide for any compensation awarded against Celtic, Im afraid the huns won’t be celebrating us going bust any time soon.
I am in no way making light of these poor victims by stating this, only using it as a yardstick.
"I expect it from the East End mob; they’ll do anything for money. I did not expect this from the club I support."

This statement made me laugh out loud. In this one paragraph, you see how far removed from reality the sevco fans are. A club that has a share issue every other week. A club that actively promotes racism to make a few quid. Utterly deluded!! 🤣
As I said at the start lubo my words cannot do this clown justice you must read for yourself to believe it and get a good laugh at the same time 😂
He moans about the club needing money and how they shouldnt take it but they've not exactly got much of a choice given Goldson kent and aribo look to be running their contracts down.
Then he has the neck to ask for £2.99 a month for his pish, fs I could get that nonsense for free from any tribute fan 😂
Southampton FC had staff found guilty of abuse over an extended period, around 45 cases I think. These unfortunate individuals were offered 10k each as recompense.
If this is used as a guide for any compensation awarded against Celtic, Im afraid the huns won’t be celebrating us going bust any time soon.
I am in no way making light of these poor victims by stating this, only using it as a yardstick.
It's capped mate...but you wid be wastin your energy explainin that Tae a mutant....but even cap money wid pit them in a perilous position
Whoever these scum are that managed to use our club as a cover , I hope they rot in Hell for eternity.
Also if it comes to light that anyone at the club had even the slightest suspicions I hope that they are also held accountable for their inaction.
Lastly I'd hope that should the courts find Celtic liable in any way shape or form that Celtic do the right thing and pay up, they must, nothing else is acceptable.
I'll put my hard hat on here and say I find it very distasteful to put it as mildly as possible that our club have tried to distance themselves from the Celtic bhoys club.
Yes they may be a separate entity legally but we all know that Celtic have benefited many times from young players coming through from Celtic bhoys club to Celtic fc .
Man city paid out instantly on learning that they too like many many other clubs up and down the land including the ibrox club ( something they are quite happy to write off to " was a different club" whilst claiming they are one and the same were used as cover by these filthy disgusting excuses for human beings.
If the courts find Celtic are liable and the club decide to appeal the decision that will also be not good enough and embarrassing in the extreme not least for the victims of these unspeakable crimes.
These animals have to be eliminated somehow from society at large and the sheer scale of it is jawdroppingly unbelievable how many clubs have been found to have been used as cover.
No one is suggesting ( bar one clubs supporters who forget that their own club is also one of those who unwittingly harboured these scum on the books themselves) that Celtic f.c are guilty of anything more than not done their homework properly on certain individuals though it has to be remembered that they were different times and things were done differently then compared to now.
Even in the 90s and 00s such things as health and safety should you happen to mention it in most workplaces, you were laughed at as being a pussy.
It's got to be acknowledged by all that this is not a footballing matter but a disease of society and those who have been caught within the realms of football, well they are but the tip of the iceberg and it goes much much deeper into society in general on the whole .
Its equally abhorrent that a certain club well known for it's disgusting fans and how they carry themselves try to use this as some kind of point scoring tactic just to try and get one over on their rivals.
That is completely unacceptable, ignorant , disgusting and not unexpected from them to behave in such a manner.
That type of behaviour demeans the poor victims of such a horrible crime that has scarred the victims for life yet read the comments section of almost any Celtic YouTube video and you will 9 times from 10 find these fools ( not a strong enough word) constantly and consistently calling Celtic out on this as though its limited to Celtic or scotland or the UK or football its endemic in all walks of life.
The appalling way sevco fans use it to try and get at Celtic is nothing short of pathetic and deflects from the real issue which is these sick bastards are everywhere and power to the vigilante group who do the police's work for them .
They have successfully delivered countless scum now to police Scotland and are at times disgracefully even threatened by the police for interfering with their fuking lunch break.
Whatever happens this is not going away they are obviously embedded into every corner of society and the police should be thanking and funding the vigilante group for their own hard work and time and effort they put into catching these fuking scum filth.
They are better at catching them than any police force in the UK and that I have no doubt is because the police are themselves infiltrated and covering up things.
How else could a group of vigilantes ( ordinary people like you and I catch them often easily ) with nothing more than a phone, fake Facebook account , set up a meet at groom central, the 4 corners at argyle st and catch these cunts right away though sometimes they have worked cases for months and the police will not condone their actions? Well I for one believe that the police know much more than they are letting on , protecting them even because there are many in the police, has to be , must be.
The polices record on this stinks of cover up after cover up.
Apologies for the rant but this boils the blood as anyone who is a parent, auntie or uncle will identify with. So I'll leave it there and hope not to be embarrassed by club lawyers should the courts say Celtic must pay x or xxx amount .
Whoever these scum are that managed to use our club as a cover , I hope they rot in Hell for eternity.
Also if it comes to light that anyone at the club had even the slightest suspicions I hope that they are also held accountable for their inaction.
Lastly I'd hope that should the courts find Celtic liable in any way shape or form that Celtic do the right thing and pay up, they must, nothing else is acceptable.
I'll put my hard hat on here and say I find it very distasteful to put it as mildly as possible that our club have tried to distance themselves from the Celtic bhoys club.
Yes they may be a separate entity legally but we all know that Celtic have benefited many times from young players coming through from Celtic bhoys club to Celtic fc .
Man city paid out instantly on learning that they too like many many other clubs up and down the land including the ibrox club ( something they are quite happy to write off to " was a different club" whilst claiming they are one and the same were used as cover by these filthy disgusting excuses for human beings.
If the courts find Celtic are liable and the club decide to appeal the decision that will also be not good enough and embarrassing in the extreme not least for the victims of these unspeakable crimes.
These animals have to be eliminated somehow from society at large and the sheer scale of it is jawdroppingly unbelievable how many clubs have been found to have been used as cover.
No one is suggesting ( bar one clubs supporters who forget that their own club is also one of those who unwittingly harboured these scum on the books themselves) that Celtic f.c are guilty of anything more than not done their homework properly on certain individuals though it has to be remembered that they were different times and things were done differently then compared to now.
Even in the 90s and 00s such things as health and safety should you happen to mention it in most workplaces, you were laughed at as being a pussy.
It's got to be acknowledged by all that this is not a footballing matter but a disease of society and those who have been caught within the realms of football, well they are but the tip of the iceberg and it goes much much deeper into society in general on the whole .
Its equally abhorrent that a certain club well known for it's disgusting fans and how they carry themselves try to use this as some kind of point scoring tactic just to try and get one over on their rivals.
That is completely unacceptable, ignorant , disgusting and not unexpected from them to behave in such a manner.
That type of behaviour demeans the poor victims of such a horrible crime that has scarred the victims for life yet read the comments section of almost any Celtic YouTube video and you will 9 times from 10 find these fools ( not a strong enough word) constantly and consistently calling Celtic out on this as though its limited to Celtic or scotland or the UK or football its endemic in all walks of life.
The appalling way sevco fans use it to try and get at Celtic is nothing short of pathetic and deflects from the real issue which is these sick bastards are everywhere and power to the vigilante group who do the police's work for them .
They have successfully delivered countless scum now to police Scotland and are at times disgracefully even threatened by the police for interfering with their fuking lunch break.
Whatever happens this is not going away they are obviously embedded into every corner of society and the police should be thanking and funding the vigilante group for their own hard work and time and effort they put into catching these fuking scum filth.
They are better at catching them than any police force in the UK and that I have no doubt is because the police are themselves infiltrated and covering up things.
How else could a group of vigilantes ( ordinary people like you and I catch them often easily ) with nothing more than a phone, fake Facebook account , set up a meet at groom central, the 4 corners at argyle st and catch these cunts right away though sometimes they have worked cases for months and the police will not condone their actions? Well I for one believe that the police know much more than they are letting on , protecting them even because there are many in the police, has to be , must be.
The polices record on this stinks of cover up after cover up.
Apologies for the rant but this boils the blood as anyone who is a parent, auntie or uncle will identify with. So I'll leave it there and hope not to be embarrassed by club lawyers should the courts say Celtic must pay x or xxx amount .
Did city pay out even though they won in court?

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