The media start the get Scott Brown banned campaign.

Scotland is surely turning onto the laughing stock( I am not referring to
the national team) of the footballing world.
Everyone is out to get Celtic and SB who showed impeccable behaviour
throughout Sunday's match.
SG comments and a Media frenzy are now openly condoning
violent behaviour from Newco rangers and making them out
to be victims, why? because they lost the game.
Scotland's media are making a mockery of our Country.
Time for the beast to be put to be put to rest,only then can we acquire
respect as a footballing nation.
In the Daily Reptile this morning Michael Gannon says the SFA are lookin at Scott browns celebration at the end of the game.
No they’re not but you and your pals want them to look at it.
You’ve had your instructions from Jabba the Hut.

The question needs to be asked Why are you even reading that rag? Far be it from me to criticise anyone's preferred reading list but come on ..... I can't believe how many Celtic fans still read let alone buy that publication in the full knowledge that it is so anti Celtic and everything we stand for

Of course they have agendas against us Nothing new there but if we don't read them let alone report them then we can't be offended when they spew out their drivel

The question needs to be asked Why are you even reading that rag? Far be it from me to criticise anyone's preferred reading list but come on ..... I can't believe how many Celtic fans still read let alone buy that publication in the full knowledge that it is so anti Celtic and everything we stand for

Of course they have agendas against us Nothing new there but if we don't read them let alone report them then we can't be offended when they spew out their driv

Don’t read it or buy it so get off your high horse I was sent the link by someone and sorry but just ignoring it is not the answer they have to be called out on there constant attacks on Celtic.
Back in December when the mug called Morelos assaulted 3 Celtic players and the ref took no action even in defeat the Celtic team and thier supporters left that den of iniquity knowing thier team had been badly treated I do not recall the media calling for investigations then nor do I remember the then manager poor scorn on the opposing team,now we have the reverse situation where the defeated team team is screaming blue murder and blaming an individual and the ref for thier failure this is a team who had two player sent off with a third waiting a review,yet some in the media continue with the same old rant against Celtic and thier players ,What a difference a game makes HAIL HAIL TO THE CHAMPIONS.
Kent has been charged by SFA hearing Thursday 2 match ban for sure
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Don’t read it or buy it so get off your high horse I was sent the link by someone and sorry but just ignoring it is not the answer they have to be called out on there constant attacks on Celtic.

Don't possess a high horse fella not even a pony but if you don't read about it wherever you get the information from and are unaware of their attacks then it cannot offend you

You are correct They have been called out so many times for their attacks on Celtic but they obviously continue to do so and you quoting it wherever you get your info from won't stop them

Personally I couldn't give a rats arse what they write about us They position themselves in the camp of the HUN HOARDES so let them rejoice or whatever emotions the rag brings them

The question needs to be asked Why are you even reading that rag? Far be it from me to criticise anyone's preferred reading list but come on ..... I can't believe how many Celtic fans still read let alone buy that publication in the full knowledge that it is so anti Celtic and everything we stand for

Of course they have agendas against us Nothing new there but if we don't read them let alone report them then we can't be offended when they spew out their drivel

I know some huns call it The Daily Rhebel, unbelievable but true.
The Daily Rabble , the BBC , the SFA , all of the print media and the Man In the Moon ....

...all of the above and many not mentioned are often cited by the Klan as being anti-Rangers ( sic ) or having an agenda against them . It is so laughable that you just have to ...laugh !

The question needs to be asked Why are you even reading that rag? Far be it from me to criticise anyone's preferred reading list but come on ..... I can't believe how many Celtic fans still read let alone buy that publication in the full knowledge that it is so anti Celtic and everything we stand for

Of course they have agendas against us Nothing new there but if we don't read them let alone report them then we can't be offended when they spew out their drivel

Another fine spread Bill.I haven't bought or read a paper in many a year but how do we know what they are saying about us if nobody is reading the papers and I only heard about the garbage from TalkSport when reading comments on this site. I would like to add that after the Huns game an Irish pub was attacked and three people including a thirteen year old lad were stabbed and also the barmaid was slashed as she tried to close the doors.HH??
In the Daily Reptile this morning Michael Gannon says the SFA are lookin at Scott browns celebration at the end of the game.
No they’re not but you and your pals want them to look at it.
You’ve had your instructions from Jabba the Hut.

See the journo mentioned above there. He is a HUGE Celtic fan. Used to watch every game with us whilst working for my local daily as its sports journo.
Any piece he writes that smells of the influence of Jabba and his ilk will be exactly that. He'll have definitely been told to write that piece by Jabbas very own in house reptile jackson. MG is a top fella and assuredly one of the good ghuys.
See the journo mentioned above there. He is a HUGE Celtic fan. Used to watch every game with us whilst working for my local daily as its sports journo.
Any piece he writes that smells of the influence of Jabba and his ilk will be exactly that. He'll have definitely been told to write that piece by Jabbas very own in house reptile jackson. MG is a top fella and assuredly one of the good ghuys.

Morning Welshboy, I think we have to start off by questioning his integrity at the very least, people would have more respect for the guy if he wasn't only taking orders from the fat controller, but refusing to follow them.
I'm sure the pressure has been put on him from outside sources, but sorry mate, I'll never take the guy serious, and he's another reason Celtic fans should boycott the rags.